
Bacancy is a private company and Bacancy is classified as a Non Government company. Bacancy is a Software Development based company and has headquarters in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Bacancy has 1217 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 2011. Get Bacancy company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Bacancy contact number is 91 7940037674 Bacancy contact email id is

Bacancy - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Bacancy & the products & services offered by Bacancy. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Bacancy currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Bacancy is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, Bacancy is not an ecommerce company.
B2B No, Bacancy is not a B2B company.
B2C No, Bacancy is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Bacancy is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Bacancy Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bacancy founded?

Bacancy was founded in 2011.

Where are Bacancy headquarters?

Bacancy headquarters are in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

How many employees does Bacancy have?

Bacancy has 1217 employees.

What sector does Bacancy operate in?

Bacancy is in software development sector.

Is Bacancy a private company?

Yes, Bacancy is a private company.

What does Bacancy Do ?

Excelling innovation on the front, bacancy technology is consistently delivering excellence to empower your business with next-generation digital transformation. over the past decade, agile at scale we are rendering comprehensive support to deliver digitally-enabled intelligent solutions and customer satisfaction. bacancy technology has successfully proved it's worth delivering thousands of successful products, and we have been privileged enough to work with fortune 500 clients like mercedes-benz, red bull, disney, warner bros., 3m, volkswagen and many more. from ahmedabad to new york, we have our prominent presence in more than 30 countries around the world. we have successfully helped all the shape and size of organizations in making their digital transformation real, connecting the dots, applying the culture, practices, processes, and technologies. your trusted software development partner: bacancy technology has grown from a few young and growth-minded small teams in india to a leading agile software development company around the world with more than 450 skilled software developers, coders, certified scrum masters, and solution architects. our team is backed by top-tier specialists and can help you accelerate your digital transformation with result-oriented solutions ensuring high returns on your investment. our value proposition: ➔ customer satisfaction is our highest priority➔ change is necessary - we strongly welcome it➔ face-to-face communication matters a lot in today's digital workplace➔ self-organizing teams are not put together randomly➔ our agile teams are self-organizing ➔ fail fast, learn quickly and make sure not to repeat the same mistake

What does Bacancy specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Bacancy at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Bacancy ?

The legal name of Bacancy is Bacancy

What is the CIN number of Bacancy ?

We are unable to find the CIN number of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is GST number of Bacancy ?

We are unable to find the GST number of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does Bacancy owns any trademarks ?

We are unable to find any trademarks related to Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does Bacancy owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Bacancy ?

Bacancy does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Bacancy an ecommerce company ?

No, Bacancy is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Bacancy a SAAS company ?

No, Bacancy is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Bacancy ?

Not available.

Is Bacancy a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Bacancy is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Bacancy a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Bacancy is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Bacancy an exporter ?

No, Bacancy is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the directors of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Directors of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Which Products are sold by Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Bacancy provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bacancy listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bacancy an Indian Company ?

Yes, Bacancy is an Indian Company.

Is Bacancy an MNC ?

No, Bacancy is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Bacancy incorporated ?

Bacancy was incorporate on 2011

What is the authorized capital of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the Authorized Capital of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the paid up capital of Bacancy ?

We do not have the information about the paid up capital of Bacancy. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the registered address of Bacancy ?

The registered address of Bacancy is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Bacancy - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Bhavin Anavadiya

Senior Business Development Executive at Bacancy

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Ankit Patel

Business Development Manager at Bacancy

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Kapil Joshi

Hr Manager at Bacancy

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Hr Disha

Hr Manager at Bacancy

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, , India