Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is a private company and Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is classified as a Non Government company. Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is a Consumer Services based company and has headquarters in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited has 1053 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 1971. Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited specialises in Injectables, Novel Drug Delivery, R&d, Biologicals, Clinical Research, Biotech Get Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited contact number is 91 2266560900

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited & the products & services offered by Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not an ecommerce company.
B2B No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a B2B company.
B2C No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited founded?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited was founded in 1971.

Who is the Founder of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited?

Bharat Daftary is the founder of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited.

How much revenue does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited generate?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited generates $669M in revenue.

Where are Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited headquarters?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited headquarters are in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited have?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited has 1053 employees.

What sector does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited operate in?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is in consumer services sector.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited a private company?

Yes, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is a private company.

What does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited Do ?

Bharat serums and vaccines limited is one of the fastest growing bio pharmaceutical companies in india. bsv established in 1971 by the late dr. vinod daftary researches, develops, manufactures, and markets injectable biological, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology products.  bsv's products portfolio includes plasma derivatives, monoclonals, fertility hormones, antifungals, anaesthetics, cardiovascular drugs, and equine immunoglobulin /antitoxins. the r&d of drug delivery systems, biotechnology/recombinant therapeutics, and biological/equine products; in addition, bsv offers products in the areas of gynaecology, assisted reproductive technology, critical care, emergency medicine, neurology, nephrology, haematology, and urology. the company provides its products to retail outlets and hospitals through distributors primarily in india, as well as in the asia pacific, the russian federation, cis countries, latin america, africa, and internationally.  bsv is amongst the top 10 biotech companies in india. the company has in its portfolio over 25 brands. the company has over 750 employees selling its products across the country. our brands are marketed all over india and exported to over 45 countries across the world we have an open and entrepreneurial culture, with each of our employees taking on significant responsibility in each activity of our value chain, be it in terms of research & development, manufacturing, quality, sales & marketing, distribution, business development or organisation building. so if you are someone who is looking for a robust learning curve and enjoys taking responsibilities, you have landed on the right company page.

What does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited specialize into ?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited specialises into Injectables, Novel Drug Delivery, R&d, Biologicals, Clinical Research, Biotech

What is the Legal Name of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The legal name of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

What is the CIN number of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The CIN number of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is U24230MH1971PLC015134

What is GST number of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The GST number of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is 09AAACB2431M1ZR  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited owns any trademarks ?

Goselin, Snake Venom, Tranqinyl, Citrafenn, Bsv4life, Recoclone, Evafact, Golden Birthright, Bleoulp, R-hucog Bsv, Luprodex Bsv, Bsv Artlife, Folliculin-hp, V-pressin, Ovipure Hp, Vinoclone, R-antid, Aksicarbo, Bsv, Albuhigh, Bs-folcanate, Cefobsv, Minipenem, Cmvcyte, Nadropar, Foligraf, Poly-mxb, Ulitryp Bsv, Bsvmegabin, Paclitel, Antid, Gluferrin Iv, Alfutrol, Foligraf Alpha, Enrifol, Pro-aqueous, All-ginase, Dralgeen-a, Bsv-art, Ulitryp, Sisdress, Pantobsv, A.s.v.s., Plaqctilase, Humog - Xp, Bsvplatinox, Bsvtacibin, Bsvwithu, Bsvclomifen, Nanopacli, Liphotera, Bsvterenox, Miso-gyn, T-pres, Bsv Logo Bringing Life To Life, Citrafen-tz, Foliculin - X, Bsvplatix, Farmakinase., Rfsh- Gmbh, Propovan, Lidobsv, Aggriplat, Hucog - Nx, Lonopin Pen, Ketavan, Lonocart, Primigyn, Vinofert, Gynact, Minibactum- P, Pregstop, Sildress, Merstat, Ovatrate, Posanex, Vorinova, Tige-bsv, Rheumocept, Support Hepatic, Oxybsv, Artinase, Gamma I.v. 0.5 Gm, Ampholip, Rhythm Study India, Humog Hp Bsv, Combibactur, Bsverbot, Dresswound, S V, Dralaz-a, Polymx, Polybsv, Gutview, Humog - Nx, Vinobulin, Miprogen Aqua, Device Of Bsv With Bringing Life To Life, Bsvoct, Carbitex, Mygris, Enoxabsv, Foligraf A, Hcg- Hp Gmbh, Tecobsv, Hucog - F, Histoglob Bsv, Emacare, Biviz-m, Bharat Serums And Vaccines, Acmone, Akcnaokco (label), Gamma-i.v. 5.0, A M P H O L I P, Amphotret, Bsvalipox, Zilargyn, Pseudocure, Ulinase, Alfutrol-d, Meditec (lable), Myprogen, Urotrosp, Flolite-t, Hucog-hp, Platinum Birthright, Equirab-r, Diva-fsh, Dralgeen, Cephembsv, Bsvglob, Bsv- Fos, Bsv- Id, Luprodex I, Colovac, Galflour, Humog Hd, Doxebet, Bcg Mamo, Paclimul, Lactare Total, Logo, Levobsv, Metrobsv, Naturo-m, Bsvtixel, Indiralgyn, Respisurf, Merosta, Surfedge, Dapnex, Ovuspark, Paclixel, Luprodex-g, Luprodex 3m, Hemorid, Hepabsv, Endoprost, Folease, Humog Bsv, Myelotex, Gamma Bsv, Evart Hucog, Acticobal, Thiovan, Miprogen, Quittobak, Ubetocin, Ulinace, Tetclone, Rabglob 2ml, Silver Birthright, Svas, Zenam, Eptaz, Amphomul, Durosteo, Casponex, Evort Humog, Testoject, Humog - X, Diva-hmg, Fludafos, Lonopin- D, Bactofuran, Galflucil, Galflouro, Iv-fcm, Midydrogen, Rabiepur, Volum-ex, Ormidiva, Foliculin - Nx, Dienofem, Zemilast, Miprogen - Nx, Caffycapnea, U-frag, Ironjet, Fludabin, Allervac, Anuvin, Hartinase, Rhoclone, Touch And Feel, A.g.g.s., Bactovan, Gonarec, Foliculin Bsv, Humog Hd Bsv, Cefulbac, Moxytilan, Tenactbsv, Zoecare, Asporelix Bsv, Thioz, Lonopin-md, Thromboflux, Ironject, Dialpro Plus, Epicurus, Abortab, Botrobest, R Rhoclone, Luprodex Kit, U-fragbsv, Dydrofert, Gonarec Bsv, Foliculin Hp Bsv, Crisavoc, Mero-bsv, Levebsv, Dydrotab, Scorpinom, Rubiepure, Cabercet, Lanmos, Hmg-hp Gmbh, Rhorec, Clearprep, Degadex, Levodiva, Citrafen, Bomastren, Caff-aop, Pjellori, Plodnost, Gamma I.v 2.5 Gm, Ivhepa, Ciprobsv, Dvtparin, Mamofeel, Axiplat, Gammaig, P-allginase, R-hucog, Tibafo, Aaltrogam, Revugam, Bsv-fcm, Relusmart, Relucomb, Sprimeo, Hucog, Humog, Asporex, Amphonex, Zoonovac

Does Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

Not available.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited an exporter ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

Bharat Daftary

Who are the directors of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The directors of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited are Gautam Vinod Daftary, Bharat Vinod Daftary, Shweta Jalan, Bhaskar Vemban Iyer, Jayesh Tulsidas Merchant, Sanjiv Hari Navangul, Pankaj Patwari, Abhijit Mangalmoy Mukherjee

Which Products are sold by Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited an MNC ?

No, Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited incorporated ?

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited was incorporate on 1971-04-29

What is the authorized capital of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The authorized capital of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is INR 219500000

What is the paid up capital of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The paid up capital Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is INR 90110185

What is the registered address of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited ?

The registered address of Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited is 17th floor; hoechst house; nariman point; mumbai; maharashtra; 400021; india

Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Bharat Daftary

Owner at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Rakesh Dave

Vice President at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sandeep Kaul

Business Unit Head Institution Sales And Market Access at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Aditya Vadlamani

Brand Manager at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Rangareddy, Andhra Pradesh, India
Lakhiram Petwal

Vice President Operations / Ppi at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Thane, Maharashtra, India
Akhil Kapoor

Human Resources Manager Talent Management at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Mumbai Area, India
Shashi Phatak

Manager-h.r at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Mumbai Area, India
Manoj Deshmukh

Senior Manager - Hr, Ir And Admin. at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Mumbai Area, India
Anil Damle

Finance Controller at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Seenuvasan S

Vice President Information Technology at Bharat Serums And Vaccines Limited

Maharashtra, India