Uttam Fulcot, Uttam Molapot, Uttam Butaveer Gr, Uttam Act, Stembo, Uttam Pdm, Uttam Zinc E D Ta, Endoveer, Veertap Power With Label, Tejveer, Uttam Sanjeevani (label), Uttam Recharge (device), Uttam Utpaad Poulibor (device), Imida Wdg, Uttam Imida Strong (label), Calrich (device), Uttam Super Gold (device), Uttam Koksil, Uttam Lambda Strong Insecticide (label), Veerkill-80, Uttam Aps, Veermite, Uttam Super (device), Dingo Insecticide, Attract Herbicide, Novel (label), Pinoxa 51, Uttam Pifro Insectide (label), Uttam Weedkil 508, Uttam Painveer, Uttam Dingo Fungicide (label), Uttam Metaveer, Zoro With Label, Uttam Prido (label), Uttam Lexon, Uttam Ema Label, Uttam Lambda Double, Uttam S.s.p. (device), Imexo, Uttam Salton Uttam Utpad (device), Uttam N.p.k. (device), Uttam Dinto, Uttam Imacombi 3535 (label), Fanveer D P, Uttam Donali Fungicide (label), Manzim With Lable, Uttam Isopro, Uttam Reon, Uttam Potaben, Uttam Potabento, Label In Hindi, Uttam Coksil Plus, Chlorveer Strong, Uttam Blue Moon Fungicide (label), Uttam Sampuran (device), Uttam Superrhiza, Uttam Flufo, Uttam Zenga, Uttam Utpaad Urwarak Zn (device), Veertap, Uttam Totto(label), Bruno, Uttam Filip (device), Uttam Veersulp Dp (label), Uttam Veercombi-44 (device), Sulfino (label), With Hindi Device, Dhoomketu (label), Device With Logo, Uttam Febkol Fungicide (device), Veercon, Uttam Kleeno (label), Uttam Imexo Plus, Aceveer, Ever Fresh With Device, Karbo With Label, Wheto With Label, Moto With Label, Veer M - 45, Uttam Mozo Herbicide (label), Uttam Metroz, Corporate One, First Floor, 5, Commercial Centre, Jasola, New Delhi-110 025