Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is a private company and Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is classified as a Non Government company. Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is a Retail Luxury Goods And Jewelry based company and has headquarters in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd has 274 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 1827. Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd specialises in Jewellery, Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Gemstones, Pearl, Pendants, Earrings, Necklaces, Nose Pins, Bracelets, Rings, Chains, Mangalsutras, Bangles, Coloured Stones, Traditional Jewellery, Fashionable Jewellery, Online Jewellery Shopping Get Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd contact number is 1800 267 0999 Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd contact email id is
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd - Overview, Employees, Industry, Products & Business Model
Below Table Gives all details of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd, including but not limited to its Industry, Headquarters, Founder, CEO, Founded Year & Ownership of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd.
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd - Business Model, Products & Services Offered
Below Table Gives information on the business model of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd & the products & services offered by Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd currently sells its products & services to.
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a SAAS Company.
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not an ecommerce company.
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a B2B company.
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is a B2C company.
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not an exporter.
Not available
Not available
Ideal Customers
Not available
Company Spends Money on
Not available
Explore all other companies that are located in Pune
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd Frequently Asked Questions
When was Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd founded?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd was founded in 1827.
Who is the Founder of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd?
Kishorkumar Shah is the founder of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd.
How much revenue does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd generate?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd generates $7M in revenue.
Where are Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd headquarters?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd headquarters are in Pune, Maharashtra, India.
How many employees does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd have?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd has 274 employees.
What sector does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd operate in?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is in retail luxury goods and jewelry sector.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd a private company?
Yes, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is a private company.
What does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd Do ?
Chandukaka saraf & sons pvt. ltd is one of the leading jewellers in western india carrying the fervours of crafting pieces of jewellery for more than 191 years. as an organization, we have been imparting trust among customers with a legacy of ethical business since 1827. our foundation was laid by honourable shri chandulal shah in the prestigious city of baramati in the 19th century whose unsullied dedication was instrumental in attaining the initial reputation. today our brand cs jewellers is a household name across maharashtra. cs jewellers has established 18 stores across maharashtra as of now. a fast-growing, loyal clientele can be attributed to our consistent delivery of high quality and purity through our ideal, contemporary & unique jewellery that caters to the comprehensive tastes of our customers. serving over 7,00,000 customers in maharashtra we provide an exquisite craftsmanship of stunning jewellery designs. online shopping at we strongly believe in progressing as per the customers penchant & preference and always try to breach the walls of limitations, so in this pace we have spread our wings towards a new sky of online world to reach out to people with a vision of focusing on resolution of purity, where we have a vast range of jewellery products offering reliable quality through providing free, secure & insured home delivery all over india, while expertise of serving offline has already brought us an award of 'most trusted jeweller of maharashtra'. keeping security as the top priority, cs jewellers guarantees that every transaction made on the website or app is safe and smooth. to achieve this, the company has followed a strict policy of transparency & straightforwardness throughout the entire customer buying journey. further, our online shopping app is intended to connect the big gap between the virtual & physical world. with 10,000+ downloads, cs jewellers app has become a standout amongst most loved app in the ornamental circle.
What does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd specialize into ?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd specialises into Jewellery, Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Gemstones, Pearl, Pendants, Earrings, Necklaces, Nose Pins, Bracelets, Rings, Chains, Mangalsutras, Bangles, Coloured Stones, Traditional Jewellery, Fashionable Jewellery, Online Jewellery Shopping
What is the Legal Name of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The legal name of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is Chandukaka Saraf And Sons Private Limited
What is the CIN number of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The CIN number of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is U27205PN2006PTC128578
What is GST number of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
Does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd owns any trademarks ?
Cs Jewellers
Does Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd owns any patents ?
We are unable to find any patents related to Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
Who are the key investors in Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd an ecommerce company ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd a SAAS company ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a SAAS Company.
Who owns the company Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
Not available.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a business to business i.e B2B company.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd an exporter ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.
Who is the CEO of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
Kishorkumar Shah
Who are the directors of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The directors of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd are Atul Jinadatta Shah, Kishorkumar Jindatta Shah, Siddharth Atul Shah, Samyak Kishorkumar Shah, Aditya Atul Shah
Which Products are sold by Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
We do not have the information about the Products of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
What services Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd provides ?
We do not have the information about the Services of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
What is the stock symbol of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd listed on stock exchange ?
We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
Who is the brand ambassador of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd an Indian Company ?
Yes, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is an Indian Company.
Is Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd an MNC ?
No, Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is not a Multinational Company.
Who are the top competitors of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
We do not have the information about the Competitors of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.
When was Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd incorporated ?
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd was incorporate on 2006-06-12
What is the authorized capital of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The authorized capital of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is INR 10000000
What is the paid up capital of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The paid up capital Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is INR 9900000
What is the registered address of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd ?
The registered address of Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd is survey no. 32/1/b/5; gunawadi road; baramati; pune; maharashtra; 413102; india
Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees
Vishal Paratwar
Consulting Chief Financial Officer at Chandukaka Saraf & Sons Pvt. Ltd