Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd founded?

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd was founded in 2018.

Where are Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd headquarters?

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd headquarters are in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

How many employees does Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd have?

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd has 2 employees.

What sector does Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd operate in?

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd is in real estate sector.

Is Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd a public company?

Yes, Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd is a public company.

What does Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd Do ?

Presenting commercial & residential real estate - need property, and we've got one, why don't you visit it and see it for yourself! ongoing projects - #alphathum, #cyberthum presented by #bhutanigroup. #fusionhomes is on the go, visit and consult with us. book your visiting now!

What does Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd specialize into ?

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd specialises into Real Estate, Real Estate Investment

Who is the CEO of Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Exedra Buildwealth (p) Ltd- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Manjeet Dhaka


Seema Dhaka



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