Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd founded?

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd was founded in 2011.

Where are Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd headquarters?

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd headquarters are in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

How many employees does Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd have?

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd has 73 employees.

What sector does Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd operate in?

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd is in real estate sector.

Is Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd a private company?

Yes, Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd is a private company.

What does Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd Do ?

Established in the year 2011, icons has successfully carved a niche for itself within the industry by offering a complete range of real estate solutions to its customers from various business verticals. services offered by us include:- brokerage in sale purchase and lease of residential, commercial and land properties (delhi,noida,gurgaon & lucknow region). hence we deal in a wide range of real estate services including- luxurious apartments, houses, villas, land properties, commercial offices, commercial shops, farm houses, malls space, restaurants, industrial plots, it parks, special economic zones and many more.

What does Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd at the moment.

Who is the CEO of Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Icons Realprop Pvt Ltd- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Anchal Singh


Rupesh Kumar Singh


Durgesh Kumar Srivastava



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