Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership Frequently Asked Questions

When was Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership founded?

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership was founded in 2015.

Who is the Founder of Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership?

Mike Otworth is the founder of Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership.

Where are Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership headquarters?

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership headquarters are in Orlando, Florida, United States.

How many employees does Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership have?

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership has 44 employees.

What sector does Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership operate in?

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership is in business consulting and services sector.

Is Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership a private company?

Yes, Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership is a private company.

What does Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership Do ?

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership is in to business consulting and services and related business category.

What does Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership at the moment.

Who is the CEO of Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership ?

Mike Otworth

Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Cedric Dsouza

Chief Technology Officer at Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership

Mason, Ohio, United States
Mike Otworth

Founder & Ceo at Innventure - A Wasson Enterprise Partnership

Ashland, Kentucky, United States

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