Kurlon Enterprise Limited - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Kurlon Enterprise Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Kurlon Enterprise Limited founded?

Kurlon Enterprise Limited was founded in 1962.

Who is the Founder of Kurlon Enterprise Limited?

Ramesh Pai is the founder of Kurlon Enterprise Limited.

How much revenue does Kurlon Enterprise Limited generate?

Kurlon Enterprise Limited generates $140.5M in revenue.

Where are Kurlon Enterprise Limited headquarters?

Kurlon Enterprise Limited headquarters are in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

How many employees does Kurlon Enterprise Limited have?

Kurlon Enterprise Limited has 1377 employees.

What sector does Kurlon Enterprise Limited operate in?

Kurlon Enterprise Limited is in mattress and blinds manufacturing sector.

Is Kurlon Enterprise Limited a private company?

Yes, Kurlon Enterprise Limited is a private company.

What does Kurlon Enterprise Limited Do ?

Established in 1962, kurlon is one of the oldest mattress companies in india. it offers a wide range of home comfort solutions ranging from mattresses (rc mattress, spring mattress & foam mattress), polyurethane foam, home furniture & furnishing products under the brand name kurlon.

What does Kurlon Enterprise Limited specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Kurlon Enterprise Limited at the moment.

Who is the CEO of Kurlon Enterprise Limited ?

Ramesh Pai

Kurlon Enterprise Limited- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Jaya Sudhakar Pai


Tonse Sudhakar Pai

Managing Director

Vishal Tulsyan

Nominee Director

Nagarajan Sivaramakrishnan

Casual Vacancy Director

Holebasavanahalli Nagaraj Shrinivas

Casual Vacancy Director


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