
Mamaearth is a private company and Mamaearth is classified as a Non Government company. Mamaearth is a Health, Wellness & Fitness based company and has headquarters in Gurugram, Haryana, India. Mamaearth has 669 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 2016. Get Mamaearth company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Mamaearth contact number is +918303066123 Mamaearth contact email id is

Mamaearth - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Mamaearth & the products & services offered by Mamaearth. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Mamaearth currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Mamaearth is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce Yes, Mamaearth is an ecommerce company.
B2B No, Mamaearth is not a B2B company.
B2C No, Mamaearth is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Mamaearth is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Mamaearth Frequently Asked Questions

When was Mamaearth founded?

Mamaearth was founded in 2016.

Who is the Founder of Mamaearth?

Varun Alagh is the founder of Mamaearth.

How much funding does Mamaearth have?

Mamaearth has raised $₹1.3B in funding.

Where are Mamaearth headquarters?

Mamaearth headquarters are in Gurugram, Haryana, India.

How many employees does Mamaearth have?

Mamaearth has 669 employees.

What sector does Mamaearth operate in?

Mamaearth is in health, wellness & fitness sector.

Is Mamaearth a private company?

Yes, Mamaearth is a private company.

What does Mamaearth Do ?

We are parents just like you. our journey began when we, ghazal and varun, were expecting our first child. that’s the time we turned from a bungee jumping, pub hopping, carefree couple to basically a couple of safety wardens. everything had to be safe, kosher & googled. when the morning sickness became a routine, we were shocked to find that there were no safer alternatives to pills and ended up having to struggle a lot. after 9 rigorous months, we were finally blessed with our tiny little bundle of joy and just like you and every other parent in the world; we too wanted the best for our cute bambino. so we wore our spyglasses & did all the possible research available. whoa, we were shocked to see how most baby products, be it lotion or shampoo contained toxins which have proven to be harmful to the little ones. we were worried sick and it wasn’t just our baby we were worried about but also for all the little ones we knew in our friend circle. that’s when we decided to do something about it & create products which were completely safe & certified toxin free. a brand, by a parent, for the parent. a brand which develops products from world-class research and attempts to solve every little problem that we as parents face. with the aim of making products which are mum-baby friendly, toxin-free, meet stringent international standards & are basically ultra awesome, mamaearth was born.

What does Mamaearth specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Mamaearth at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Mamaearth ?

The legal name of Mamaearth is Mamaearth

What is the CIN number of Mamaearth ?

We are unable to find the CIN number of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is GST number of Mamaearth ?

We are unable to find the GST number of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does Mamaearth owns any trademarks ?

We are unable to find any trademarks related to Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does Mamaearth owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Mamaearth ?

Mamaearth does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Mamaearth an ecommerce company ?

Yes, Mamaearth is an online store & an ecommerce company.

Is Mamaearth a SAAS company ?

No, Mamaearth is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Mamaearth ?

Not available.

Is Mamaearth a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Mamaearth is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Mamaearth a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Mamaearth is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Mamaearth an exporter ?

No, Mamaearth is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Mamaearth ?

Varun Alagh

Who are the directors of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Directors of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Which Products are sold by Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Mamaearth provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Mamaearth listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Mamaearth an Indian Company ?

Yes, Mamaearth is an Indian Company.

Is Mamaearth an MNC ?

No, Mamaearth is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Mamaearth incorporated ?

Mamaearth was incorporate on 2016

What is the authorized capital of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the Authorized Capital of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the paid up capital of Mamaearth ?

We do not have the information about the paid up capital of Mamaearth. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the registered address of Mamaearth ?

The registered address of Mamaearth is Gurugram, Haryana, India

Mamaearth - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Varun Alagh

Founder, Chief Dad And Get Stuff Done Officer at Mamaearth

Gurgaon, India
Abhishek Raj Pandey

Coo - Private Brands at Mamaearth

Ghazal Alagh

Chief Mama, Director at Mamaearth

Mihir Choudhary

Head Of Operations- Mamaearth at Mamaearth

New Delhi Area, India
Varun Alagh

Founder, Chief Dad And Get Stuff Done Officer at Mamaearth

Varun Soni

Senior Marketing Manager at Mamaearth

East Delhi, Delhi, India
Kunwarjeet Grover

Vice President - Online Sales at Mamaearth

Gurgaon, Haryana, India