Nested Ny - Email & Phone of top management contacts

Nested Ny

Nested Ny is a Furniture company and has headquarters in Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States. Nested Ny has 1 employees. It was founded in 2015. Nested Ny specialises in furniture. Nested Ny is a private company. You can view Nested Ny top decision makers contact numbers by clicking on below link.

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Nested Ny top contacts

Name Job Title/Designation Company Email Contact Number View Number
Laura Bird Co-founder / Curator
Nested Ny ****798*** View Number

Nested Ny technology stack

Nested Ny key technologies used on the website. Check the section to learn more about which tools and technologies are used by Nested Ny and how much is Nested Ny oriented towards technology.

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Nested Ny Frequently Asked Questions

When was Nested Ny founded?

Nested Ny was founded in 2015.

Who is the Founder of Nested Ny?

Laura Bird is the founder of Nested Ny.

Where is Nested Ny headquarters?

Nested Ny headquarters is in Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States.

How many employees does Nested Ny have?

Nested Ny has 1 employees.

What sector does Nested Ny operate in?

Nested Ny is in furniture sector.