Puranik Builders Ltd - Overview, CEO, Products, Business

Puranik Builders Ltd

Puranik Builders Ltd is a private company and Puranik Builders Ltd is classified as a Non Government company. Puranik Builders Ltd is a Real Estate based company and has headquarters in Thane, Maharashtra, India. Puranik Builders Ltd has 436 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 1968. Get Puranik Builders Ltd company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Puranik Builders Ltd contact number is 022 2598 8888 Puranik Builders Ltd contact email id is sales@puraniks.in

View Puranik Builders Ltd's Top Management Contact Numbers

Puranik Builders Ltd - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Puranik Builders Ltd & the products & services offered by Puranik Builders Ltd. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Puranik Builders Ltd currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not an ecommerce company.
B2B No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a B2B company.
B2C No, Puranik Builders Ltd is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Puranik Builders Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Puranik Builders Ltd founded?

Puranik Builders Ltd was founded in 1968.

Who is the Founder of Puranik Builders Ltd?

Ravindra Puranik is the founder of Puranik Builders Ltd.

How much revenue does Puranik Builders Ltd generate?

Puranik Builders Ltd generates $83.1M in revenue.

Where are Puranik Builders Ltd headquarters?

Puranik Builders Ltd headquarters are in Thane, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Puranik Builders Ltd have?

Puranik Builders Ltd has 436 employees.

What sector does Puranik Builders Ltd operate in?

Puranik Builders Ltd is in real estate sector.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd a private company?

Yes, Puranik Builders Ltd is a private company.

What does Puranik Builders Ltd Do ?

Why we do what we do?at puraniks, we firmly believe in exploring individual potential to the fullest. today as we undergo a cultural transformation across our organization, the idea is to create an evolutionary system which is both - a differentiator (work culture) and a multiplier (growth). there are 4 major human resource deliverables:1. create an environment for continuous learning for hi-pots (high potentials)2. building a deeper & lasting employee engagement to realize full potential3. timely setting and review of key performance parameters4. recognizing high performance with the above in mind, the team hr @ puraniks is leaving no stone unturned to ensure the following:1. building a strong competency matrix for current scenario2. hiring quality (technically and behaviourally sound) talent across organization3. rigorous background verification to filter out imposters4. detailed induction & orientation to smoothly absorb new joiner in the system5. early identification of hi-pots as a part of core team6. creating an idp (individual development plan); a 2 year roadmap with stretched goals7. utilizing various l&d (learning & development)tools to address the learning needs of hi-pots8. rigorous measurement of hi-pot performance to remove inconsistency9. rewarding excellence instantlycreating brand ambassadors for puraniks is our ultimate aim. in fact that is our sole purpose.

What does Puranik Builders Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Puranik Builders Ltd at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The legal name of Puranik Builders Ltd is Puranik Builders Limited

What is the CIN number of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The CIN number of Puranik Builders Ltd is U99999MH1990PLC056451

What is GST number of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The GST number of Puranik Builders Ltd is 27AABCP0109R1Z9  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Puranik Builders Ltd owns any trademarks ?

Ideas That Stay With You, Puraniks Ideas That Stay With You, Puraniks (label), Puraniks Ikigai Gb Road, Thane, Sayama, Lonavillas, Puraniks, City Reserva, Puranik City Neral, Puranik City

Does Puranik Builders Ltd owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Puranik Builders Ltd ?

Puranik Builders Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd an ecommerce company ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd a SAAS company ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Puranik Builders Ltd ?

Not available.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd an exporter ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

Ravindra Puranik

Who are the directors of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The directors of Puranik Builders Ltd are Shailesh Gopal Puranik, Shrikant Govind Puranik, Yogesh Govind Puranik, Nilesh Ravindra Puranik, Amol Sudam Shimpi, Satyendra Jaganath Sonar, Sneha Vidyadhar Khandekar, Manikandan Ramasamy

Which Products are sold by Puranik Builders Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Puranik Builders Ltd provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd an Indian Company ?

Yes, Puranik Builders Ltd is an Indian Company.

Is Puranik Builders Ltd an MNC ?

No, Puranik Builders Ltd is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Puranik Builders Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Puranik Builders Ltd incorporated ?

Puranik Builders Ltd was incorporate on 1990-05-08

What is the authorized capital of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The authorized capital of Puranik Builders Ltd is INR 1150000000

What is the paid up capital of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The paid up capital Puranik Builders Ltd is INR 666482070

What is the registered address of Puranik Builders Ltd ?

The registered address of Puranik Builders Ltd is puranik one; near kanchanpushpa complex; opp suraj; water park; kavesar; ghodbunder road; th ane west; thane; thane; maharashtra; 400615; india