The Bombay Cutting - Overview, CEO, Products, Business

The Bombay Cutting

The Bombay Cutting is a Arts And Crafts based company and has headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It was founded in 2017. The Bombay Cutting specialises in Art, Painting, Expressionism, Impact, Social Change, Crafts Get The Bombay Cutting company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz.

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The Bombay Cutting - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of The Bombay Cutting & the products & services offered by The Bombay Cutting. It also includes who are the ideal customers that The Bombay Cutting currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, The Bombay Cutting is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, The Bombay Cutting is not an ecommerce company.
B2B No, The Bombay Cutting is not a B2B company.
B2C No, The Bombay Cutting is a B2C company.
Exporter No, The Bombay Cutting is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

The Bombay Cutting Frequently Asked Questions

When was The Bombay Cutting founded?

The Bombay Cutting was founded in 2017.

Where are The Bombay Cutting headquarters?

The Bombay Cutting headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

What sector does The Bombay Cutting operate in?

The Bombay Cutting is in arts and crafts sector.

What does The Bombay Cutting Do ?

'the bombay cutting' is a movement to drive change by amalgamating 'artistic expression' with 'social & cultural impact'. it has been brought to life by artists, who live & love bombay in india, and who are lovers of cutting chai, a local indulgence of sweet, incredibly strong tea. it aims to empower artists with the creative freedom to boundlessly express themselves through the creation and interpretation of art with no existence of judgement. the artists portray collections of passionately crafted art pieces on topics, issues & concepts that they gravitate towards with either a deep adoration or a substantial revulsion. this is a product of restlessness, instigated by events, existent in the present setting, that the artists find hard to comprehend, coupled with the wonder of how beauty projects from the hackneyed. the artists look to make their art tell a story, a story only unravelled post deep immersion into the paintings, which have been crafted to speak with their own unique aura and significance.

What does The Bombay Cutting specialize into ?

The Bombay Cutting specialises into Art, Painting, Expressionism, Impact, Social Change, Crafts

What is the Legal Name of The Bombay Cutting ?

The legal name of The Bombay Cutting is The Bombay Cutting

What is the CIN number of The Bombay Cutting ?

We are unable to find the CIN number of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is GST number of The Bombay Cutting ?

We are unable to find the GST number of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does The Bombay Cutting owns any trademarks ?

We are unable to find any trademarks related to The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Does The Bombay Cutting owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in The Bombay Cutting ?

The Bombay Cutting does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is The Bombay Cutting an ecommerce company ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is The Bombay Cutting a SAAS company ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company The Bombay Cutting ?

Not available.

Is The Bombay Cutting a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is The Bombay Cutting a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is The Bombay Cutting an exporter ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the directors of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Directors of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Which Products are sold by The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Products of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services The Bombay Cutting provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is The Bombay Cutting listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is The Bombay Cutting an Indian Company ?

Yes, The Bombay Cutting is an Indian Company.

Is The Bombay Cutting an MNC ?

No, The Bombay Cutting is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was The Bombay Cutting incorporated ?

The Bombay Cutting was incorporate on 2017

What is the authorized capital of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the Authorized Capital of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the paid up capital of The Bombay Cutting ?

We do not have the information about the paid up capital of The Bombay Cutting. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the registered address of The Bombay Cutting ?

The registered address of The Bombay Cutting is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India