Unichem Laboratories Limited

Unichem Laboratories Limited is a Pharma based company and has headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Unichem Laboratories Limited has 3916 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 1944. Unichem Laboratories Limited specialises in Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing & Marketing Get Unichem Laboratories Limited company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Unichem Laboratories Limited contact number is 91 2266888333

Unichem Laboratories Limited - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Unichem Laboratories Limited & the products & services offered by Unichem Laboratories Limited. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Unichem Laboratories Limited currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not an ecommerce company.
B2B Yes, Unichem Laboratories Limited is a B2B company.
B2C Yes, Unichem Laboratories Limited is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Unichem Laboratories Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Unichem Laboratories Limited founded?

Unichem Laboratories Limited was founded in 1944.

Who is the Founder of Unichem Laboratories Limited?

Amrut Mody is the founder of Unichem Laboratories Limited.

How much revenue does Unichem Laboratories Limited generate?

Unichem Laboratories Limited generates $102M in revenue.

Where are Unichem Laboratories Limited headquarters?

Unichem Laboratories Limited headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Unichem Laboratories Limited have?

Unichem Laboratories Limited has 3916 employees.

What sector does Unichem Laboratories Limited operate in?

Unichem Laboratories Limited is in pharma sector.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited a public company?

Yes, Unichem Laboratories Limited is a public company.

What does Unichem Laboratories Limited Do ?

Promoted by the late mr. amrut mody, a pioneer of the indian pharmaceuticals business, unichem laboratories has grown to become one of india's most respected pharmaceutical companies. it is committed to deliver better health through superior products. by combining strategic research and in-depth industry knowledge, unichem aims to transform itself into a global pharmaceutical drug company with an increasing focus on cutting-edge research and developed markets. with formulations constituting the core of the company’s business, unichem is backward integrated to api manufacturing, which adds value to the customer in terms of quality and sustainability. inspired by an ambition to drive path-breaking innovative research, unichem aims to enhance people’s health by consistently providing better, more effective and safer products.

What does Unichem Laboratories Limited specialize into ?

Unichem Laboratories Limited specialises into Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing & Marketing

What is the Legal Name of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The legal name of Unichem Laboratories Limited is Unichem Laboratories Limited

What is the CIN number of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The CIN number of Unichem Laboratories Limited is L99999MH1962PLC012451

What is GST number of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The GST number of Unichem Laboratories Limited is 02AAACU0551B2Z7  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Unichem Laboratories Limited owns any trademarks ?

Teicotuf, Albuful, Tolol-xr, Unirox, Chemclox, Unihep-b, Pasugen, Unibiline, Defat, Immustav, Diazemore, Uceprol, H.o.p.e. - M Hope Of Profertility Enhancement - For Males, Zipsid, Emscab, Sedyn, Uniaz, Trishield, Koldnock, Xpdite, Unikwin, Moxcent, Uniamp, Posmeal-met, Univel, Roff Plus, Flospar, Rosttar, Rostar, Nordrin, Unichem Cardioworld, Lumamet, Ofloxorni, Uniprogestin M, Lycolink, Boroclean, Acnoend, Unichem, Five D, Lexorus, Triposmeal, Cipram, Acibay, Dyloprin, Sostase, Zelon, Sefdin, Floxibact, Bi Telsar, Calcosure, Kamclox, Tizigesic, Satin, Candilac, Sulprim, Telsar, Uniscab, Kreamvin, Dalcap, Zulu 4, Almecol - B, Camene, Clindapene, Unikin, Bizlo, Methysolone, Hidrate, Ilaprax, Prosist, C L I S T I C, Lofection, Sporikem, Ketomor, Mycomezol, Ziglu, Magtheta, Terbinol, Decaswit, Estoral, Platloc, Stretchrid, Lorhistin, Clinobact, Trika, Amol, Teram, Unizem, Clodrel Forte, Agotine, "tizanim", Nutreva, Zypine, Telmirol, Unisearch Integra, Zulu Aqua, Univital, Utfix, Zulu (device), Lipdur, Pregvent Kit, Biolsar, Tapentrol, Maxispas, Unicobal D3, Neurovision An Academic Initiative From Unichem Labs Ltd., Lemla, Rabimol, 10 Unienzyme, Gidino, Xenicid, Prefrac, Lozar, Cofcur, Ampoxin+, Pyroxy-la, Odokick, Unical-d B12, Eveglow, Estrogynova, Ubidip, Zitase, Avodrel, Unicarbazan, Norphin, Omp, Foreev, Leflon, Wormfix, Acrilin, Wahcal, Ampo-cv, Pipbest T, M Y C L A V, Unidip, Quadrisure, Ethacox, Evendew, Spinecal, Trinergic Life, Carace, Trimelat, Koldnok, Nevol, Asthesia, Maxispec, Proboost, Carox, Xtratus, Bodygrow, Vector A Division Of Unichem, Fixx Forte Syrup, Tigetuf, Feroluv, Nigrain Lite, Uva A Division Of Unichem, Prostagen Sr, Nigrain Forte, Loram, Arkamin, Oxcazo Od, Annual Summit On Hypertension Ash, Stretch Rid, Vizylac +, Nhu-national Headache Update, Pregaba, Stropin, Diproex, Uva Total, Citilin P, Almecol, Napacinod, Corduo, Secmax, Unienzyme Gold, Tufam, Unalgesic, U-zyme, Unither, Tg-tat, Melora, Diasten, S A L I N O C O X, Blokacal, Ulosar, Oxcazo, Loprazine, Betim, Uniprogestin, Bronstisol, Podomax, Flucobig, Ethamsimax, Klocet, Ministerone, Uzyme, Trinergic, Unilevo, Euroheal, Nocktum, Renibit, Telsar Ctd, Zulu P, Azilow, Unimyxin, Nigrain - Tr, Unical-mom, U.v.a. Cef Ultimate Victory Assured, Triolsar, Femikare, Melokalm, Uni-zm, Uni-mz, Uridrop, Fertisist, Sunkare, Emtocin, Pro-maxigan, Skargon, Ulciful, Imperacin, Idrobis, Utalka, Unicain, Sebofree, Tifquin, Gaquin, Avishai, Tetrachem, Renicard, Acyclosure, Esotrol, Udicort, Tonisol, Artetop, Tinibact - N, Zator, Trovacor, Silverclo, B I C L A R, Unazor, Iburin Plus, Glutis, Diprobeta, Isoloprin, Zidolix, Cosa-7, Nevilix, Flomore, Maxizone, Zulu, Yeazyme, Duxet, C-pram, Glimcard, Innar, Metride, Vith, Gabacobal, Unisearch, Myoglim, Allerfex, Cefimezole, Ossifem, Xevex, Hikin, Nocrab, Topuret, Sizoquel, A N G I T R I T, Femilar, Clintop, A Citam, Azilo, C-pram S Plus, Felbisoft, Calldizim, Trinergic Gold, I N C L I N, Gatif, Dipro-ex, Acistal, Bislo, Unichem (label)laboratories Ltd., Uniloric, Livoferol-tx, Cipbact, Quetia Sr, Thaioquik-ace, Sulbaci, Renacept, Valcox, Sugitrol, Uniestro, Unipod Cv, Ultiblast, Zulpride, Unichem Wellness, Kefir, Doxfree, Lactamase, Roff-ace, Iburin, Formide, U.v.a. Cef-az Ultimate Victory Assured, Unispeed, Glyrid, Unidine, Cypravate, Unilosar, Zokast, Eventol, Anarofungin, Glitase, Zosim, F E B Z A C, Fearlez, Pryzm, Aceclopure, Audoclear, Fero-b-cal, Forcalm, F E B E Z, Linox Fx, Domadol - Plus, Ulciprazole, X Prazole, Linox, Foreva, Bilosar, Powercal, Maincain, Pyracox, Losar-h, Artaz, Tripam, M O M E T, S I G E C A P S - D, Coxnil, Candizole-t, Proception, Mupoxin, Indir, Molifen, Unizyme, Clindabact, Uni-kase, Trika Plus, T-pram, Trika Forte, Mupirogel, Nicadil, Fixx, Zolanz, Naigra, Cenir, Atacor, Olitase, Retrolix, Ampoxin Cv, Circad, Meloxin, Propac, Calmag, Uni Reach (device), D A L C A P, Regibone, Immunotop, Evagest, Daltop, Losar, Menopil, Immortan, V A G I S T I N, Deterz, Regitron, Leviglob, Antinos, Maxifect, Allugel, Tricet, Fubezol ., Lozar-h, Respiplus, Restoral, Osteoclass, Agino, Pro-ridage, Lorlip Ls, Tiniron, Mictral, G R A V O M, Dioproex, C Besta, Zedigre, Pregaba Forte, Duobact., Duomentine, Uniplastina, Unirubicin, Nefbeta, Doxoblast, Nebis, Unicobal, Hcl, Unitifen, Erix, Umigil, Vizyl, Dolpaz, T H O R, Uniforce, Calbloc, Ortrilat, Cypstar L, Cherrymax, Tagera, Thaioquik-d, Mecticop-al, Ademibe, Kain, Gravomil, Danscan, Lorlip Cv, Mymox Cv, Klofen, Kilcof-s, Azforin, Calligraf, Supacor, Metase, Tervazin, G R A T I S, Unicobal Plus, Immucomb, Cefiquik, Yspas, Gutt, Uniheal, Sofratop, Genvimicine, Trimetride, Astoram, Xaflavin, Altial, Pseudonam-xt, Metnase, Zecod, Vitus A Division Of Unichem, I T R A Z, Krakheal, Texxa, Renofix M, Unimont, Zion Ez, Ola Orthopaedic Learning Academy, Ukase, Unibeta, M E G A C E F, Unimon, U.v.a. Cef 100 Dt Ultimate Victory Assured, Gerania, Unicobal Forte, Serta 100, Celib, Unilax, Uni-cv, Nzymal, Calvigon, Tazoset-xt, Celpram, H.o.p.e. - F Hope Of Profertility Enhancement - For Females, Purome, Esteve, Senorita, Unisidon, Unicet, Myclav Forte, Ampoxin Cv Forte, Tocovit, Zovene, Powertuss, Geneez, Padmini, Ariforeva, Pseudonam, Uva -clean, Acand, Ivazine, Avogrel, Lophos, Alkamise, Critimycin, Unidex Od, Felbigel, C-trika, Teneza, Alcodrop, Unidex, Abdocam, Kilcof, Mirtadep, Renofix, Libdigo, Lopranol, Kalbloc, Cufold, Effispa, Vibranz, Probonin, Loralid, Arocam, Ceftronid, Vomistop, Meloxam, Ziconex, Gamolexin, C-pram Escitalopram Cure For Depression, Lifecare A Division Of Unichem, Cefblast, Seblox, Atorbig, Azibold, Uriquit, Mifemiso Kit, Unikare A Division Of Unichem, Luminal, Selerex, Unigard, G E N I D I N, Valcox -p, Drainit, Triotab, Tuftax, Rapi-24, D3-high, Unimezole, Alenone, Maxizon, Everose, I N T R A C I D, Neminda, Rovox, Gatifar, Renofix S, Ucipod, Uniloc, Viralam Hbv, Pronim - Mr, Adhair, Semi-zyglim, Sami-xyglim, Febuat, Zasthma, T I C L O R A X, L O R I S T A L, Tisar, Unimika, Unicarsin, Duroxyl, Histafexin, Raslor, Coras, Nu-age, Pregvent, H Y P O Z A C, Moride, Clodrel Plus, Uni-zyme, Flexiglim, O M P I, Dipchem, Ucminic, Feroluv Xt, Hepaplex-l, Vetaceph, Usnophel, Effine, Carafate, Zione, Happy Hands, Norgaba, Tricorbis, Diclomore Sp, Asthakil, Citragold, Salvosh, Momoz, Unipower, Mplify, Irbepress, Uvabrit, Lorlip Ez, Neu Foreva, Roff Aqua, Tritelsar, Mokbiotic, Trilosar, Neuvilaz, Zulu Gel

Does Unichem Laboratories Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

Unichem Laboratories Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

Unichem Laboratories Limited is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

Yes, Unichem Laboratories Limited is a Business to Business i.e B2B company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited an exporter ?

No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

Amrut Mody

Who are the directors of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The directors of Unichem Laboratories Limited are Prakash Amrut Mody, Prafulbhai Anubhai Shah, Anand Yashavant Mahajan, Prafull D Sheth, Kinnera Murthy Bhagavatula, Dilip Janardan Kunkolienkar

Which Products are sold by Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Unichem Laboratories Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Unichem Laboratories Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Unichem Laboratories Limited an MNC ?

No, Unichem Laboratories Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Unichem Laboratories Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Unichem Laboratories Limited incorporated ?

Unichem Laboratories Limited was incorporate on 1962-08-22

What is the authorized capital of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The authorized capital of Unichem Laboratories Limited is INR 500000000

What is the paid up capital of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The paid up capital Unichem Laboratories Limited is INR 140811500

What is the registered address of Unichem Laboratories Limited ?

The registered address of Unichem Laboratories Limited is unichem bhavan; prabhat estate off s.v. rd.; jogeshweri (west); mumbai; maharashtra; 400102; india

Unichem Laboratories Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Durguesh Pai Angle

Head Hr & Csr at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Marmagao Area, India
Ajit Navare

Head It at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Vineetha Nambiar

Hr Manager at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Deepak Lakhanpal

Marketing Manager at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Santosh Mahil

Api/fdf/cmo at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Ghata Gautam

Asst Manager Hr at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Yogesh Agarwal

Supply Chain Officer at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Amol Dhepe

Head Corporate Ehs at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rajeev Mujumdar

Deputy General Manager Hr at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Pune, Maharashtra, India
Durguesh Pai Angle

Head - Hr & Csr at Unichem Laboratories Limited

Marmagao Area, India