Wockhardt Ltd.

Wockhardt Ltd. is a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing based company and has headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Wockhardt Ltd. has 7136 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 1960. Wockhardt Ltd. specialises in Formulations, Biopharmaceuticals, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Vaccines, Hospital Get Wockhardt Ltd. company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz. Wockhardt Ltd. contact number is 91 2226534444

Wockhardt Ltd. - Business Model, Products & Services Offered

Below Table Gives information on the business model of Wockhardt Ltd. & the products & services offered by Wockhardt Ltd.. It also includes who are the ideal customers that Wockhardt Ltd. currently sells its products & services to.


SAAS No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a SAAS Company.
Ecommerce No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not an ecommerce company.
B2B No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a B2B company.
B2C No, Wockhardt Ltd. is a B2C company.
Exporter No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not an exporter.
Products Not available
Services Not available
Ideal Customers Not available
Company Spends Money on Not available

Wockhardt Ltd. Frequently Asked Questions

When was Wockhardt Ltd. founded?

Wockhardt Ltd. was founded in 1960.

Who is the Founder of Wockhardt Ltd.?

Sir Dr. Huzaifa Khorakiwala is the founder of Wockhardt Ltd..

Where are Wockhardt Ltd. headquarters?

Wockhardt Ltd. headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Wockhardt Ltd. have?

Wockhardt Ltd. has 7136 employees.

What sector does Wockhardt Ltd. operate in?

Wockhardt Ltd. is in pharmaceutical manufacturing sector.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. a public company?

Yes, Wockhardt Ltd. is a public company.

What does Wockhardt Ltd. Do ?

Wockhardt is a global pharmaceutical and biotechnology organisation, providing affordable, high-quality medicines for a healthier world. it is india’s leading research-based global healthcare enterprise with relevance in the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and a chain of advanced super speciality hospitals. wockhardt is a true indian multi-national company with a multi-ethnic workforce of 8600 wockhardt associates from 21 different nationalities globally. it has 3 research centres and 12 manufacturing plants, with businesses ranging from the manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical and bio-pharmaceutical formulations, active pharmaceutical ingredients (apis) and vaccines. headquatered in mumbai, india, wockhardt has full-fledged operations in the usa, uk, ireland and france. it also has its marketing presence in emerging markets of russia, brazil, mexico, vietnam, philippines, nigeria, kenya, ghana, tanzania, uganda, nepal, myanmar, sri lanka, mauritius, lebanon and kuwait. wockhardt’s core business is innovation. it uses science and technology to develop medicines and other products that improve the quality of millions people’s lives through better health. wockhardt aspires to create a healthier world. its strategic vision of ‘more & more with less & less’ has transformed into new ways of thinking, a new journey for growth, medical breakthroughs for patients and continuing value for all stakeholders.

What does Wockhardt Ltd. specialize into ?

Wockhardt Ltd. specialises into Formulations, Biopharmaceuticals, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Vaccines, Hospital

What is the Legal Name of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The legal name of Wockhardt Ltd. is Wockhardt Limited

What is the CIN number of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The CIN number of Wockhardt Ltd. is L24230MH1999PLC120720

What is GST number of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The GST number of Wockhardt Ltd. is 02AAACW2472M1ZB  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Wockhardt Ltd. owns any trademarks ?

Fenstrong, Wodine, Farex, Pregawock, Suplac, Dinsulin, Merical* (lable), Disquin, Biovac - B, "wokvax", Nutrition Concentrate (label) [device], Okwapex, Indasroots, Wosone, Wokparin, Omi Wok, Triza Q, "glaritus", Merisulide-sp, Val 450, Vigoxxx, Dicloaqua, Benzalium, Exigra, Wokageest (label), Met-ir, Rofe Od, Wokovit, Wockhardt, Wockhardts 'optigrowth' Nutrition System, Fenstrong (child Carrycature) Kubs, Merivite Ab2d3k, Maxiq, Winsulin, Zazicin, Bro-zedex, Wockhardt"s "mental Development Factors", Joyzon*-2.5 (label), Power Boosters (device), Pp26, Device Of Blue Colour, "zitawok", Practin ( Label ), "wozole", "woktil", Wolibose, Anapental, Wotron, Bidfree, Ultiwock, Winofit, Mycoral, Wocef (label), Epox, Gentim, Mega Generics (device), Wo-spirit, Ockdan, Aquadine, Flu-proxyvon, Nextmax, Consegna, Alyante, Polywok, Blesson, Nilmite, Actywok, Glimauno, Mopaday, Wostrin, Orthowock, Merimix -forte, Decwok, Brexic -10, Merisulin, Qinsulin, "glarzen", Butavon, Modern Insulin, Manix (label), Foschek, "wokdex", Protiwox, Nanodent Ap Mouthwash, Sofowok, "wokbro", Glyriwoc, Conval, Proxivan, Wockhardt S "health Up", Wockhardt"s "health & Nutrition", Dispfat, Cymbrex, Polyuno, Wotocin, Ampicillin & Cloxacillin For Injection Merind (label), Nussolac, Clavmentin, Vitaroz, Drix, Roglimet, Butawok, Deflazo, Bactedrip, Freemil, Qulox, Ondaseron, Conaz, Enpril, C E F O X E T, Sumatrip, Triaxone, Migatrip, Azithrocin, Precad, Wortigyl, Sugarsuccess, Meriphyllin, Wokocef, Woklav, Siniglip, Bonelle, Wogestrone, Soja, Wofill, "galxiga", Eclospan, Wockpen, Wovac, Wockhardt Label, (device Wockhardt Logo), Ceftrax, Comfygest, Gynalom, Wockfen, Chocogold, Montewok-lc, Mental Development Factor (label), Toflox, Luliwok, Sugarswitch, Lincowock, "pentowok", Pipwox, Wolox, Merinitro, Clopiwok, Nosocef-o, "predniwock", Wockhardts "microshields", Chicktonic, Trinix, Wockhardts Stroke, Electrogesic, Bestodex, "wrolut-n", Iexpresss, Wokcin, Respimox, Trubind, Pividine, Admiron, Wobin Forte, Hypo-one, Pacliuno, "pentawok", Zeprot, Scabwox, Mecowok, Protinex, Maxi Q (device), The Lable Of Aziwok -kid Tab 100 Is Enclosed, Ossidos -t 250, Merind Quinross (label), Meriline* (label), Cyperin 100ec, Azithrox, Clocidol (device), Kaizem 60, Sebiclair, Adoglip, Ciprosyn, Multipil, Analgon, Amlodipne & Atenolol Tablets, Nusobee-18, Declawok, Ulciwok, Cartier, The Label Of Allofex- 180 (label), Azithromycin Tablets Aziwok-250 (label), Wosantel, "prectiwok", Aviclone, Pitavalip, Porzyme, Rabiwok, Melaklin - Ds, Oxauno, Rubiuno, Mefacidspas, Wospar, Retentiva, Metoxa, Benzacid, Clinzex, Quinross Suspesion, Bioval, Nosocef (label), Cantoris, Agrapid, "newsulin", Vinowok, Clinitra, Wosulog, Wockhardt Rajasi Tonic, Device Of Geometrical Miscellaneous, Wogeno, Wokrok, Imuflu, Eveonza, Meriplex -forte (label), Sugarchek Advance, Vinoglip, Acex, Butazap, Wolon, Environ-ac, Azotive, Al Zedex, Bestum, Sanmolt-f, Myozar, Jinsulin, Zinsulin, Mental Development Factor (device), Quinross-ds, Health Up, Alzad (label), Wocaine 2% Gel, Oxycleozande, Wockhardt"s "microshields", Sedex, Wocipflo, Acunef, Katy, Quickeze, Venlawock, Gelwok, Merilite, Wowpen, Linkowok, Lamer, "merimox", Recobal, Unorubi, "hyosil", Mericox, Pulfrodin, "vertiwock", Droproxyvon, Kbone, Glimawock, Thiotone, Wotuss, Ferich, Spasmonef, Wolyte, Krush, Betrace, Liboscit, Cofast, Ramiwok, Wobracin, Sobax, Lidofirst, Gemiwok, Mobiwok, Pedistine (device), Nuroday, Biovac H1n1, Omalcer, Reltix, Health And Nutrition (label), Libo Proxyvon, Inflamodulin, "meriproz", Nusera, Equex, Teritide, Wockhardt Enhancing Quality Of Life, Nitrowok, Honeydex, "merigat", Linawock, Femrok, Cremawok, Buta Spas, Bidox-n (label), "socadium", Bactrias, Odnase, Wk Ultra, Supercedin, Gemful, Dilex (label), Reinvexin, Nexophyllin, Exigra (label), "lopamax", Skin Uno (label), Ruwok, Brexic -dt, Triclin, Fosfowok, Practin - En, Wofolic, Coldwoc-5000, Fandf, "wostart", Flavix Xr-75 (label), Honidex, Zerokold, Staphwok, Staphocin, Ruboxitor, Novofane, Tym2tym, Immumod, Biovac-b, Nadoxin, "immuquant", Wockhardt Life Wins, Sugarchek, Allofex 120 (label), Erlyso, Fopam, Celecoxib Capsules 100mg Speshel, Sparoz, "pactyon", Vo-proxyvon, Powercef, Immuved, Fenrok, Tazoject, Diazewock, Hapid, Vetspirin, Dopidone, Wockhardt A Picture Of Health, Zimiday, Glipiday, Wockhardt With Logo, Wockhardt In Black Rectangle With Logo, Merimol, Nizday, Wokoxy, Carbaday, Vcombin, Wopvine, Erywok, Merisulide (label), Merisulide, Supirox, "glimapa", Magenta, Logo [device], Losarwock, Nimopin, Hypoday, Friends Of Vitiligo Wockhardt Initiative (label), Wockpine, Wockhardt Life Wins Logo, Benzograd, Meritaxi, Unoginase, "levosetride", Proceive, Terbiwok, Wozulim, Apriwok, Antess, Vildalog, Hbrich, Dexvita, Teethin Rusk, Trexyvon, Wodrone, N-wock, Terfen*am (label), Bobax, Wopodem, Wockacin, Glarilog, Rehep, Azithro, Ketanes, Ondametic, Opti Growth (label), Hapid Heamoglobin (device), Maxivon, Meritax, Geltrus, Atop-am, Chicktonic (label), Diwock, Biocyp, Darbotin, Woazicin, Wokprol, Amlowock, Opti Growth (device), Microshields (device), Slamer, Pyrexon Forte, Stremycin, Toxidex, Hyalase, Myodura, Libotryp [device], Biovet-yc Gold With Label, Pregniwok, Wolidase, Spaz-proxyvon, Ribawok, Oh.my.glucose, Gemsium, Merilyte, "wokzita", "januwok", Suser, Woseeloc, Floxure, "wokrex", Ulka-505, Seralide, "wogene", Acceclowoc, Rifnim, Corofast, "mericof" (label), Olinall, Dermawok, Stigran, Practin (label), Freecad - Max, Zepo, Meriline, Funaz, Asparut, Aquaboost, Vankol, Dienac, Proxyvon, Degerm, Ananglip, Ibu-proxyvon, Wheymil, Electrowok, Cavibutol, Depiglare, Wockhardt In Black Rectangle, Alowock, Viscodyne Natural, Habirok, "angiolin", Wofungin, Wockstin, Otwik, Etowox, Magniot, Roflimast, Wolide, Thrombowock, Lapril (device), Zleep, Rcrex, "co-zedex", Wokcap, Nanomox, Floxur-oz, Nosocef, "etopower", Mafnagesic, Cefim, Flexiwok, Jiptin, Hydroluxx, Tenawock, Bond7, Micowok, Wokrise-d3, Oh.my.glucose!, Wockstat, Asrok, Wobplex, Oflowok, Worab, Votrozin, Azimycin, Aceten-h, "piowock", Livocel, Betawok (label), Klinpeg, Winospray, Merind Cyproheptacline Hydrochloride Tablets I.p., Nutrition Concentrate, R Wox, Gynaflox, Undiwok, Losewok, Gainehair-a Hair Growth Serum, Anawock, Sertakon, Wokride, Immulina, I-dia Pen, Nosopenem, Staphywok, Esowok, "wovital", "lactosalt", Sparx-100 (device), Ampiwok 125 Kubs, Pegofer, Zoclox, Granosafe (device), Pyrexon, Pediquin, Wotaxsafe, Spasmox, "fe Forte", Lorniwok, Sincef, Worton, Whelac, Sitawock, Astot, Etotam Xl, Analzone, Metox-er, Fosbu, Neurobrosin, Valfen, Toxorid-bio, "vogliwok", Migfree, Istrum, O-powercef, Bleowok, Tonoricin, Ace-proxyvon, Nutrishake, Wockhardt Rajasi, Wostat, Wocvik, "glimazo", Etodolo, Eronibb, Mucomox, Crimawok, Kligmel, Metawok, Novisof, Dostava, Gabawok, Melaklin, Wofol, Habilin, I-dia, Aaha !, Novo-phane, "methowock", Meridot, Brexic, Wothral, Sodiblast, Ducabloc, Glimiday, Spasmonice*, Pentawok, Wokadine (tiger Cartoon Device), Cavizid, Protiwoc, Aceroc (label), Nortryptomer, Biovac, Gefuno, Ondiwock, Corostop, Worgomet, Aceroc, Pirfenair, Wo-pill, Mifewox, “takpaque”, Woksyn, Wockhardt Cc74, Vav V Are Vaccinated, A C E R O C Sp, Haxiwok, Yidaosu, Doxmine, Globuwok, Ketokol, Metaday, Wokcet, E-wock, Wokitral, Vilvok, Etiwock, Jitaglip, Wokitra, Wockject, Glipinil, Urfyk, Wocodex, Wotrizine, Glycekrom, Asthra Ec, Pyrowok Kubs, Endact (label), “derminice”, "wokzinc", Winofit (label), Opam, Momewok, Pinkgy, Sugrqb, Wo-b-flam, Nourish Oat, Myoday, Coviwok, Chocowonder, Chocomix, Rino-day, Oxycylene, Nadolene, (device Logo), Dolfin, Capozid, Acclaim, Cytix, Bleouno, Silwock, Budflow, Deflawok, Virang, Neemactin, R-2, Mefoday, Wotinex (label), Onsaron, Wockphos, "wokophob", "cofmusk", Wodrone - P, Etotam, Tamiwok, Dupact, Sugarproff, Cetriwok, Sernim, Betanext, Gestostrong, Meriwax, Inhaline, Nugcsf (device), Wokageest, Ambulo, "wokderm", Alleduo, Nutranel, Rofiz 50, Sertakon Cream, Tisacodyl., Wocol, Wolet, Merifol (label), Linsulin, Panfugal, Wotinex Eradicated Cysts, Floxure 400, Proxytab (label), Oxytetracycline Injection (label), "esoprazole", Spamofirst, Wofer, Wk Thin, Joyzol 7.5 (label), Levosetrine, Lipiday-select, Esyza, Serlin, Woclox-lb, Wokadine, Hygiher, Ketide, Wroluton Depot, Labedopa, Libotryp Ds (label), The Label Of Respimox-500 Is Enclosed, Buscalm Forte, Clawock, Wosulin, P R O G T A S E, Wofortan, Tryptomer, Roxtran, "merind", Woxigra, Diasol, Sanizer, Cymethrin, "wockdryl", "suprathrob", "thromnix", "sugawok", "dermiwock", Vitawok, "pactiwok", "metowock", "trajewok", "wok19", "chloroxyquin", "vilxiga", Coviplus, Coroplus, "brivacan", "glimafli", “derminice”, Zinodap, Dapawok, Wockcin, Wocksyn, “takpaque”, Zetaxim, Tedrok, Faviwok, "favipex", "covvifav", Corowok, Max Proxyvon, Ami Proxyvon, Id Pen, Habrok, Candigurd, Protihep, Zentuvia, Re-pen, Cilniwock, Gestoceive, Gemspark, Gemspirit, Adrewok, Bonease, Luleze, Calwock, Gyarok, Clopione, Wokxy, Diwok, Citawok, Merirox, Cadoxma, Vitapractin, Trixnoma, Sugarchek Dazzle, Diapen, Enaxa, Budneb, Fastbuta, Bond-7, Livraison, Factgem, Hepcease, Glycipen, Wk Fine, Nebawock, Budebus, Asaglip, Gestahealth, Nebulair, Infuwok, "nafiwok 3", "zanische", "wokcin 3", "habiwok", "empawok", "miqnaf", "foviscu", "voviscu", "nafizest", "nafiquick", "nafiswift", "nafithro", "zaynich", "nafhab", "weqtrock", "asporapid", "asparapid", "wokrapid", "miqrok", "miqtri", "miqtry", "miqrich"

Does Wockhardt Ltd. owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Wockhardt Ltd. ?

Wockhardt Ltd. does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. an ecommerce company ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. a SAAS company ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Wockhardt Ltd. ?

Wockhardt Ltd. is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. an exporter ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

Sir Dr. Huzaifa Khorakiwala

Who are the directors of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The directors of Wockhardt Ltd. are Aman Mehta, Habil Fakhruddin Khorakiwala, Davinder Singh Brar, Murtaza Habil Khorakiwala, Zahabiya Habil Khorakiwala, Akhilesh Krishna Gupta, Vinesh Kumar Jairath, Rima Nayan Marphatia, Huzaifa Habil Khorakiwala, Tasneem Vikram Singh Mehta, Sanjaya Baru

Which Products are sold by Wockhardt Ltd. ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Wockhardt Ltd. provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. an Indian Company ?

Yes, Wockhardt Ltd. is an Indian Company.

Is Wockhardt Ltd. an MNC ?

No, Wockhardt Ltd. is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Wockhardt Ltd.. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Wockhardt Ltd. incorporated ?

Wockhardt Ltd. was incorporate on 1999-07-08

What is the authorized capital of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The authorized capital of Wockhardt Ltd. is INR 11250000000

What is the paid up capital of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The paid up capital Wockhardt Ltd. is INR 554077515

What is the registered address of Wockhardt Ltd. ?

The registered address of Wockhardt Ltd. is wockhardt research centre; d-4; m.i.d.c. chikalthana; aurangabad; aurangabad; maharashtra; 431006; india

Wockhardt Ltd. - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Nand Kumar Sahay

General Manager Sales And Marketing at Wockhardt Ltd.

Varun Jain

Hr Manager Global Talent Acquisition at Wockhardt Ltd.

Kasturi Gaur

Hr Business Partner at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai, Maharashtra, , India
Varun Upadhyaya

Head Of Human Resources at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Raj Jha

Material Officer at Wockhardt Ltd.

Sanjay Sehgal

Vice President Of Marketing at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India
R Jha

Sr.vice President - Clinical Research at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India
Huzaifa Khorakiwala

Ceo at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India
Manas Datta

Chief Financial Officer (cfo) at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India
Avadhut Parab

Associate Vice President - Information Technology . Global Head at Wockhardt Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India