Amrutanjan Health Care Limited

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Fruitnik Label 3581835 2017-06-30
Amrutanjan Cold Rub 4251228 2019-07-30
Amrutanjan Maha Inhaler 2013540 2010-08-24
Amrutanjan S Coldsnap Gel 790166 1998-02-04
Amrutanjan Swas Mint 2013539 2010-08-24
Spring (label) 1101912 2002-05-03
Amrutanjan Strong Pain Balm Double Power 3320773 2016-07-28
Al(device0 479428 1987-10-06
Kick Out Pain Label 3863439 2018-06-19
Fruitnik Jolly Belly 2729564 2014-05-02
Fruitnik Pure 2917964 2015-03-10
Fruitnik Focus 2917965 2015-03-10
Fruitnik Raw 2729565 2014-05-02
Amrutanjan Extra Power Pain Balm 3030541 2015-08-12
Amrutanjan Olive You 2729563 2014-05-02
Amrutanjan New Maha Strong Pain Balm Label 3570478 2017-06-14
Decorn 4178734 2019-05-17
Fruitnik Gluquo+ 3919083 2018-08-17
Purity Corn Caps 3320778 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan (logo) 734698 1997-02-21
Fruitnik Orsg 3582558 2017-07-01
Fruitnik Logo 3724412 2018-01-11
Fruitnik Orsg Label 3582557 2017-07-01
Amrutanjan Body Pain Speedy Relaxation 3320772 2016-07-28
Enerlyte 3651093 2017-10-06
Back On 1911121 2010-01-20
Amrutanjan Kick Out Pain Label 3863435 2018-06-19
Amrutanjan Comfy Snug Fit 3268724 2016-05-26
Amrutanjan Joint Ache Cream (label) 1498541 2006-10-25
Amrutanjan 461978 1986-10-20
Amrutanjan Be Ready 1763066 2008-12-12
Amrutanjan Painbalm 1759465 2008-12-03
Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Nasal Inhaler 3320776 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan Stopitch 3320768 2016-07-28
Orsg 3582559 2017-07-01
Amrutanjan Relief 2037337 2010-10-13
Amrutanjan Children's Cold Rub 1864076 2009-09-18
Amrutanjan"s Hero Balm 1655021 2008-02-19
Amrutanjan Muscular Pain Spray (label) 1498540 2006-10-25
Amrutanjan Dragon Liquid Balm 2013542 2010-08-24
Apmc Advanced Pain Management Centre 2037331 2010-10-13
Amrutanjan Hot And Cold Gel Pack 1610192 2007-10-10
Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Swas Mint 2037333 2010-10-13
Amrutanjan Vapourising Gel 1877718 2009-10-29
Amrutanjan No Pain Day Sep 9 1733205 2008-09-17
Amrutanjan Xpert Dermal Ointment 2013545 2010-08-24
Amrutanjan Back Pain Lotion 4012730 2018-11-30
Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Cough Syrup 2037336 2010-10-13
Xpert, Amrutanjan (label) 854177 1999-05-03
Amrutanjan Pure Healthy Essence 3320764 2016-07-28
Fruitnik Ors 3206889 2016-03-11
Amrutanjan Headache Faster Relaxation Balm Massage 3320771 2016-07-28
Dragon, Dargon Balm Snake(device) 854165 1999-05-03
Mint Drops 2013543 2010-08-24
Amrutanjan Bodypain Gel 3223634 2016-03-31
Amrutanjan Fruitnik Ors 3352441 2016-09-02
Cutis 1607889 2007-10-04
Amrutanjan Hot Action Label 3636444 2017-09-16
Amrutanjan's Diakyur 3320766 2016-07-28
Fruitnik Electro+ 3651094 2017-10-06
Purity Hand Sanitizer 3320780 2016-07-28
Back On Backache Relief Specialist To Get You Back On 1977178 2010-06-09
Amurtanjan, Pain Balm Ayurvedic (label) 854191 1999-05-03
Amrutanjan Aromatic Balm Massage For Headache 2135117 2011-04-26
Amrutanjan Strong 1759464 2008-12-03
Amrutanjan, Maha Strong 1798776 2009-03-23
Amrutanjan Relief Cough And Cold Vaporizing Gel 2037332 2010-10-13
Amrutanjan Dragon Roll-on Liquid Balm (thailam) 1864077 2009-09-18
Amrutanjan, Vapourising Gel 1854331 2009-08-25
Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Rub 2037334 2010-10-13
Amrutanjan Kitchen Delights 2056344 2010-11-22
Fruitnik 3581834 2017-06-30
Rejoice 3958854 2018-09-28
Diakyur 3320767 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan Hot Action 3636443 2017-09-16
Amrutanjan Comfy 3320781 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan Relief Cold Rub 2720170 2014-04-17
Coquo 2720169 2014-04-17
Amrutanjan Body Pain Rub 3455700 2017-01-12
Amrutanjan Decorn 3320782 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan Joint-muscle Spray 3320783 2016-07-28
Amrutanjan Ors 3206888 2016-03-11

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Amrutanjan Health Care Limited founded?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited was founded in 1893.

Who is the Founder of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited?

Kasinathuni Nageswara Rao is the founder of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited.

How much revenue does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited generate?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited generates $35.69M in revenue.

Where are Amrutanjan Health Care Limited headquarters?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited headquarters are in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

How many employees does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited have?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited has 333 employees.

What sector does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited operate in?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is in consumer goods sector.

What does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited Do ?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is in to consumer goods and related business category.

What does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Amrutanjan Health Care Limited at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The legal name of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited

What is the CIN number of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The CIN number of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is L24231TN1936PLC000017

What is GST number of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The GST number of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is 07AAACA3164C1Z9  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited owns any trademarks ?

Fruitnik Label, Amrutanjan Cold Rub, Amrutanjan Maha Inhaler, Amrutanjan S Coldsnap Gel, Amrutanjan Swas Mint, Spring (label), Amrutanjan Strong Pain Balm Double Power, Al(device0, Kick Out Pain Label, Fruitnik Jolly Belly, Fruitnik Pure, Fruitnik Focus, Fruitnik Raw, Amrutanjan Extra Power Pain Balm, Amrutanjan Olive You, Amrutanjan New Maha Strong Pain Balm Label, Decorn, Fruitnik Gluquo+, Purity Corn Caps, Amrutanjan (logo), Fruitnik Orsg, Fruitnik Logo, Fruitnik Orsg Label, Amrutanjan Body Pain Speedy Relaxation, Enerlyte, Back On, Amrutanjan Kick Out Pain Label, Amrutanjan Comfy Snug Fit, Amrutanjan Joint Ache Cream (label), Amrutanjan, Amrutanjan Be Ready, Amrutanjan Painbalm, Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Nasal Inhaler, Amrutanjan Stopitch, Orsg, Amrutanjan Relief, Amrutanjan Children's Cold Rub, Amrutanjan"s Hero Balm, Amrutanjan Muscular Pain Spray (label), Amrutanjan Dragon Liquid Balm, Apmc Advanced Pain Management Centre, Amrutanjan Hot And Cold Gel Pack, Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Swas Mint, Amrutanjan Vapourising Gel, Amrutanjan No Pain Day Sep 9, Amrutanjan Xpert Dermal Ointment, Amrutanjan Back Pain Lotion, Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Cough Syrup, Xpert, Amrutanjan (label), Amrutanjan Pure Healthy Essence, Fruitnik Ors, Amrutanjan Headache Faster Relaxation Balm Massage, Dragon, Dargon Balm Snake(device), Mint Drops, Amrutanjan Bodypain Gel, Amrutanjan Fruitnik Ors, Cutis, Amrutanjan Hot Action Label, Amrutanjan's Diakyur, Fruitnik Electro+, Purity Hand Sanitizer, Back On Backache Relief Specialist To Get You Back On, Amurtanjan, Pain Balm Ayurvedic (label), Amrutanjan Aromatic Balm Massage For Headache, Amrutanjan Strong, Amrutanjan, Maha Strong, Amrutanjan Relief Cough And Cold Vaporizing Gel, Amrutanjan Dragon Roll-on Liquid Balm (thailam), Amrutanjan, Vapourising Gel, Amrutanjan Relief Cough & Cold Rub, Amrutanjan Kitchen Delights, Fruitnik, Rejoice, Diakyur, Amrutanjan Hot Action, Amrutanjan Comfy, Amrutanjan Relief Cold Rub, Coquo, Amrutanjan Body Pain Rub, Amrutanjan Decorn, Amrutanjan Joint-muscle Spray, Amrutanjan Ors

Does Amrutanjan Health Care Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

Not available.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited an exporter ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

Kasinathuni Nageswara Rao

Who are the directors of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The directors of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited are Sambhuprasad Sivalenka, Sathyanarayana Pasumarthi Murthi, Raja Venkataraman, Raghavan Govindan, Marie Shiranee Pereira, Vydeeswaran Sambasivam, Swayambunathan Muralidharan

Which Products are sold by Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Amrutanjan Health Care Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Amrutanjan Health Care Limited an MNC ?

No, Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Amrutanjan Health Care Limited incorporated ?

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited was incorporate on 1936-09-09

What is the authorized capital of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The authorized capital of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is INR 51000000

What is the paid up capital of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The paid up capital Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is INR 29231000

What is the registered address of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited ?

The registered address of Amrutanjan Health Care Limited is no.103;(old no.42-45) luz church road; mylapore; chennai; tamil nadu; 600004; india

Amrutanjan Health Care Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Sreenath A

Group Product Manager at Amrutanjan Health Care Limited

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, , India
Soumomoy Pal

General Manager Information Technology at Amrutanjan Health Care Limited