Apollo Tyres Ltd

Apollo Tyres Ltd's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Apollo Tyres Ltd - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Apollo Tyres Ltd. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
'a' Apollo Tyres Ltd (logo) 5767040 2023-01-17
Rapid Apollo Force (raf) 1288498 2004-06-04
Dura Miles 904290 2000-02-17
Acelere 1705205 2008-06-30
Leaders & Movers 1288493 2004-06-04
Apollo Actigrip 3093972 2015-11-05
Acelere Sportz 1705203 2008-06-30
Apollo 1780275 2009-02-02
Hawkz 1205566 2003-06-11
Loctite 401517 1983-02-16
Actisteer 3093971 2015-11-05
Max Rib 1278790 2004-04-15
Super Rib 1278789 2004-04-15
Frenza 1205567 2003-06-11
Mxr 1085882 2002-03-08
Apollo Jewels 1286125 2004-05-25
Apollo Wav 4748243 2020-11-18
Krishak Premium 996658 2001-03-14
Amazer 2461537 2013-01-17
Nrg Device 3796104 2018-04-04
Device Mark 3571614 2017-06-15
Go The Distance 5042773 2021-07-13
Monza 1205568 2003-06-11
Farm King. 996657 2001-03-14
E-nrg Device 3796105 2018-04-04
Commando 1085880 2002-03-08
Technotread 1313416 2004-10-06
Gainz Unstoppable 1288495 2004-06-04
Sherpa 476843 1987-08-13
You - First Technology 2389767 2012-09-04
Here Comes The Sun 1780273 2009-02-02
Endurace 1446859 2006-04-19
Reifen.com 3159333 2016-01-13
Tyre Suraksha Beema (tsb) 1288497 2004-06-04
Apollo Safe Is Cool (label) 2364418 2012-07-16
Duratread 1405251 2005-12-07
Safe Is Cool (label) 2364419 2012-07-16
Lug-miler 800011 1998-04-24
Apollo Actitube 3093974 2015-11-05
Actitube 3093975 2015-11-05
Apollo Tyre Doctor 1288499 2004-06-04
Gold Boys Club 1288496 2004-06-04
Apollo Actisteer 3093970 2015-11-05
Hercules 476844 1987-08-13
Apollo Tyres Fleet Of The Year 1690004 2008-05-22
Roadlux 1623050 2007-11-21
Apollo Actizip 3093976 2015-11-05
Actizip 3093977 2015-11-05
Trust Built On Millions Of Miles 2163716 2011-06-22
Alanc Rs 4987194 2021-05-28
Swarna Ganga 512826 1989-07-03
Vredestein Sprint Classic 3852212 2018-06-05
Vredestein Tyres Logo 4857902 2021-02-10
International [email protected] 1286124 2004-05-25
Maloya 3325642 2016-07-28
Transport Classic 3849133 2018-06-01
Xt-100k 3188098 2016-02-16
Tubeless Service Point (label) 1369067 2005-07-05
Xt- 7 Gold 1085879 2002-03-08
Reach (device Label) 718230 1996-06-07
Snow Classic 3849131 2018-06-01
Sl-hd 3337281 2016-08-13
Apollo Endu Race Nrg 3796103 2018-04-04
Bad Road Buddies 3864058 2018-06-19
Apollo Star 3491659 2017-02-25
Astiseries 3168954 2016-01-27
Centauro 5170683 2021-10-12
Apollo Agrex 2338885 2012-05-28
Altrust 3834556 2018-05-16
Quantum 906099 2000-02-25
Alpha 3658099 2017-10-16
Vredestein Centauro & Device 5322624 2022-02-10
Tubeless Service Point (device Of Cartoon) 1369068 2005-07-05
Aspire 1705204 2008-06-30
You - First 2389766 2012-09-04
Actiwatt 5310598 2022-02-02
Amperion 5310597 2022-02-02
Apollo Vikas Kendra 3413214 2016-11-19
Adrine 4423442 2020-01-29
Trampler 4423440 2020-01-29
Tramplr 4423441 2020-01-29
Apollo Rural Distribution 3413215 2016-11-19
Abhimanyu 4198418 2019-06-06
Virat 3283058 2016-06-13
Regal 2921475 2015-03-13
Apollo Alnac Nrg 3796102 2018-04-04
Tri Star 3644202 2017-09-26
Actiseries 3168954 2016-01-27
Endu 3711340 2017-12-26
Apollo Harborpro 3636124 2017-09-15
Apollo Terra 3290627 2016-06-22
Trumigo 5966045 2023-06-05
Series Trade Mark U/s 15 Of Trade Marks Act, 1999 6179496 2023-11-08
Axtemp 6088277 2023-08-29
Apollo Tyres Saarthi 6199748 2023-11-28

Apollo Tyres Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Apollo Tyres Ltd founded?

Apollo Tyres Ltd was founded in 1972.

Who is the Founder of Apollo Tyres Ltd?

Onkar S Kanwar is the founder of Apollo Tyres Ltd.

How much revenue does Apollo Tyres Ltd generate?

Apollo Tyres Ltd generates $2.4B in revenue.

How much funding does Apollo Tyres Ltd have?

Apollo Tyres Ltd has raised $$150M in funding.

Where are Apollo Tyres Ltd headquarters?

Apollo Tyres Ltd headquarters are in Gurugram, Haryana, India.

How many employees does Apollo Tyres Ltd have?

Apollo Tyres Ltd has 5449 employees.

What sector does Apollo Tyres Ltd operate in?

Apollo Tyres Ltd is in automotive sector.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd a public company?

Yes, Apollo Tyres Ltd is a public company.

What does Apollo Tyres Ltd Do ?

Apollo tyres ltd, with its corporate headquarters in gurgaon, india, is in the business of manufacture and sale of tyres since its inception in 1972. over the years, the company has grown manifold, establishing its footprint across the globe. the company has manufacturing presence in asia and europe with 8 modern tyre facilities and exports to over 118 countries. powered by its key brands — apollo and vredestein, the company offers a comprehensive product portfolio spread across passenger car, light truck, truck-bus, off highway and bicycle tyres, retreading material and retreaded tyres.

What does Apollo Tyres Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Apollo Tyres Ltd at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The legal name of Apollo Tyres Ltd is Apollo Tyres Limited.

What is the CIN number of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The CIN number of Apollo Tyres Ltd is L25111KL1972PLC002449

What is GST number of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The GST number of Apollo Tyres Ltd is 02AAACA6990Q1ZA  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Apollo Tyres Ltd owns any trademarks ?

'a' Apollo Tyres Ltd (logo), Rapid Apollo Force (raf), Dura Miles, Acelere, Leaders & Movers, Apollo Actigrip, Acelere Sportz, Apollo, Hawkz, Loctite, Actisteer, Max Rib, Super Rib, Frenza, Mxr, Apollo Jewels, Apollo Wav, Krishak Premium, Amazer, Nrg Device, Device Mark, Go The Distance, Monza, Farm King., E-nrg Device, Commando, Technotread, Gainz Unstoppable, Sherpa, You - First Technology, Here Comes The Sun, Endurace, Reifen.com, Tyre Suraksha Beema (tsb), Apollo Safe Is Cool (label), Duratread, Safe Is Cool (label), Lug-miler, Apollo Actitube, Actitube, Apollo Tyre Doctor, Gold Boys Club, Apollo Actisteer, Hercules, Apollo Tyres Fleet Of The Year, Roadlux, Apollo Actizip, Actizip, Trust Built On Millions Of Miles, Alanc Rs, Swarna Ganga, Vredestein Sprint Classic, Vredestein Tyres Logo, International [email protected], Maloya, Transport Classic, Xt-100k, Tubeless Service Point (label), Xt- 7 Gold, Reach (device Label), Snow Classic, Sl-hd, Apollo Endu Race Nrg, Bad Road Buddies, Apollo Star, Astiseries, Centauro, Apollo Agrex, Altrust, Quantum, Alpha, Vredestein Centauro & Device, Tubeless Service Point (device Of Cartoon), Aspire, You - First, Actiwatt, Amperion, Apollo Vikas Kendra, Adrine, Trampler, Tramplr, Apollo Rural Distribution, Abhimanyu, Virat, Regal, Apollo Alnac Nrg, Tri Star, Actiseries, Endu, Apollo Harborpro, Apollo Terra, Trumigo, Series Trade Mark U/s 15 Of Trade Marks Act, 1999, Axtemp, Apollo Tyres Saarthi

Does Apollo Tyres Ltd owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

Apollo Tyres Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd an ecommerce company ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd a SAAS company ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

Apollo Tyres Ltd is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd an exporter ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

Onkar S Kanwar

Who are the directors of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The directors of Apollo Tyres Ltd are Akshaykumar Narendrasinhji Chudasama, Pallavi Shardul Shroff, Vikram Singh Mehta, Vinod Rai, Sunam Sarkar, Onkar Kanwar, Neeraj Singh Kanwar, Robert Friedrich Johannes Adolf Steinmetz, Francesco Crispino, Vishal Kashyap Mahadevia, Bikram Singh, Francesco Gori, Satish Sharma

Which Products are sold by Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Apollo Tyres Ltd provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd an Indian Company ?

Yes, Apollo Tyres Ltd is an Indian Company.

Is Apollo Tyres Ltd an MNC ?

No, Apollo Tyres Ltd is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Apollo Tyres Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Apollo Tyres Ltd incorporated ?

Apollo Tyres Ltd was incorporate on 1972-09-28

What is the authorized capital of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The authorized capital of Apollo Tyres Ltd is INR 15750000000

What is the paid up capital of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The paid up capital Apollo Tyres Ltd is INR 635100946

What is the registered address of Apollo Tyres Ltd ?

The registered address of Apollo Tyres Ltd is apollo tyres limited; 3rd floor; areekal mansion; panampilly n agar; kochi; ernakulam; kerala; 682036; india

Apollo Tyres Ltd - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Parul Tandon

Digital Marketing Manager at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Jasmine Singh

Marketing Communication at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Gurgaon, India
Anjori Arora

Marketing Manager at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Gurgaon, India
Thomas Mathew

Plant Head at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Prerna Singh

Associate Manager at Apollo Tyres Ltd

New Delhi
Tapan Mitra

Chief - Human Resources at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Gurgaon, India
Piush Bansal

Group Head at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Rajan Singh

Hrbp Corporate Function at Apollo Tyres Ltd

New Delhi
Joy Irimpan

Divisional Head- Corporate Technology at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Chennai Area, India
Rajesh Dahiya

Group Head Sales at Apollo Tyres Ltd

Gurgaon, Haryana, India