Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Ad 2021-10-18
Arvind 2021-10-18
Indygo 2019-10-22
Trans Stretchual 1712672 2008-07-21
American Classic (label) 1507093 2006-11-24
Asmita 3339664 2016-08-17
Adl 2093622 2011-02-02
Zerodor 1726834 2008-08-29
Arvind Indigo 3340599 2016-08-18
Arvind Apparels 2848819 2014-11-24
Dura Gold 3690443 2017-11-29
Fireomex 3942073 2018-09-11
Ignx Duraplus 3352588 2016-09-01
Arvind Cotton Rich (label) 1499118 2006-10-27
Big Mega Mart, Mega Brands. Mega Savings. 2044472 2010-10-26
Infiknity – The Blue Equilibrium 4185319 2019-05-23
Arvind Adlon 4266549 2019-08-16
Megatrade 2095224 2011-02-04
Arvofix 3564884 2017-06-06
Quadragrip 3509589 2017-03-17
Grand Siegneur 2093615 2011-02-02
Ignx Shieldindigo 3352596 2016-09-01
Agathe 5177001 2021-10-18
Arvoband 3465337 2017-01-24
Dura Platinum 3827141 2018-05-08
Tresca Linosmart By Arvind 3535523 2017-04-27
Arvind Group 3035674 2015-08-15
Arvind Readymade 2848829 2014-11-24
Zer O Dor 1712678 2008-07-21
Dry Flash 1726843 2008-08-29
Dry Guard 1726836 2008-08-29
Ignx Dura 3352587 2016-09-01
Fundamentally Right 3586196 2017-07-06
Linosmart 3535521 2017-04-27
Cc Cotton 1626973 2007-12-03
Denimagic 1432556 2006-03-20
@ Work (label) 1145730 2002-10-23
Glasstech 3099795 2015-11-17
Pro1 2848733 2014-11-24
Arviset 2411090 2012-10-13
Club America 1716935 2008-08-01
Cotton Arvind Classics 2411091 2012-10-13
Ruf & Tuf 2411095 2012-10-13
Climacontrol 1712682 2008-07-21
Real Estate Arvind Building Pride, Building Joy 2124727 2011-04-02
EuvantÉ 3704410 2017-12-16
Tresca 2087929 2011-01-21
Ignx Arashield 3352590 2016-09-01
Hatric 2087933 2011-01-21
Studio Arvind 2093626 2011-02-02
Organic Pure Farm 1994486 2010-07-16
Pleatlox 3099793 2015-11-17
Fiberbond 3535524 2017-04-27
Ignx 3352600 2016-09-01
Twintech 3535525 2017-04-27
Slteasisn 1726829 2008-08-29
Arvind Textile 2848830 2014-11-24
Arvind Zuno 4157982 2019-04-25
Arvind-stay True. Stay New. (logo And Device With Tagline) 3434635 2016-12-16
Primante By Tresca With The Device Of T 3144374 2015-12-29
Arvind Adzon 4329336 2019-10-23
No Flex 3677771 2017-11-14
Arvind Adbesta 4329335 2019-10-23
Arvind Adspun 4329337 2019-10-23
Permawhite 1726847 2008-08-29
Fiberlox 3097389 2015-11-10
Edge 1700138 2008-06-18
Arvind Pro1 2848734 2014-11-24
Microfelt 3099797 2015-11-17
Tran Stretchual 1726832 2008-08-29
Stride 3885223 2018-07-11
Stride (logo) 3307130 2016-07-12
True Blue (logo And Device) 3307132 2016-07-12
Omuni Logo 3833467 2018-05-15
Omuni 3833466 2018-05-15
Oxford Street 1682483 2008-05-01
Fluorobond 3808511 2018-04-17
Dura Silver 3690442 2017-11-29
Arvind With The Device Of Ad 5176989 2021-10-18
Exergy 5180409 2021-10-20
Agathe With The Device Of A 5177002 2021-10-18
Ignx Duraindigo 3352594 2016-09-01
Ignx Comfiline 3352598 2016-09-01
Mont – Rivallo 3926425 2018-08-25
Saturn 4157981 2019-04-25
True Blue ( Logo And Device) 3307133 2016-07-12
Tip Top 4210328 2019-06-18
Lalbhai Group 2848822 2014-11-24
Oxford Street (label) 1666504 2008-03-18
Intellifabrix 1712676 2008-07-21
Arvind Mills 409847 1983-08-29
Powerbond 3737152 2018-01-25
Foursign 3561037 2017-05-31
Self Edge 3438253 2016-12-21
Hybond 3687471 2017-11-25
Neojet 3561036 2017-05-31
Denim Express 3438251 2016-12-21
Aastha 3286978 2016-06-16
Zain 4205411 2019-06-13
Ultratech 3099798 2015-11-17
Infiknity – The Blue Equilibrium 4185318 2019-05-23
Infiknity 4185316 2019-05-23
Arvind Adcott 4266548 2019-08-16
Tik Tok 4210327 2019-06-18
Zeasta 4210326 2019-06-18
Azone 4205410 2019-06-13
Equilibrium 4185314 2019-05-23
Mont – Rivallo 3926425 2018-08-25
Arvind Grou[ 3035705 2015-08-15
Arvind Garments 2848818 2014-11-24
Creyate 2482874 2013-02-21
EuvantÉ 3704410 2017-12-16
Superbond 3687472 2017-11-25
Nnnow 3036408 2015-08-19
Glassbond 3535528 2017-04-27
Staticguard 3535527 2017-04-27
Microbond 3535529 2017-04-27
Pleatbolt 3535526 2017-04-27
Aquanaut 3471690 2017-02-01
Ignx Modashield 3352592 2016-09-01
Boomerang 3438249 2016-12-21
Neobubble 3438250 2016-12-21
Blue Natives 3438252 2016-12-21
Mutants 3438254 2016-12-21
Adonai 5916210 2023-04-29
Altezza 5910204 2023-04-25
Filamax 6150366 2023-10-16
Bergenia 6201668 2023-11-29
Mont- Aurier 6201669 2023-11-29

Arvind Limited Frequently Asked Questions

Does Arvind Limited owns any trademarks ?

Ad, Arvind, Indygo, Trans Stretchual, American Classic (label), Asmita, Adl, Zerodor, Arvind Indigo, Arvind Apparels, Dura Gold, Fireomex, Ignx Duraplus, Arvind Cotton Rich (label), Big Mega Mart, Mega Brands. Mega Savings., Infiknity – The Blue Equilibrium, Arvind Adlon, Megatrade, Arvofix, Quadragrip, Grand Siegneur, Ignx Shieldindigo, Agathe, Arvoband, Dura Platinum, Tresca Linosmart By Arvind, Arvind Group, Arvind Readymade, Zer O Dor, Dry Flash, Dry Guard, Ignx Dura, Fundamentally Right, Linosmart, Cc Cotton, Denimagic, @ Work (label), Glasstech, Pro1, Arviset, Club America, Cotton Arvind Classics, Ruf & Tuf, Climacontrol, Real Estate Arvind Building Pride, Building Joy, EuvantÉ, Tresca, Ignx Arashield, Hatric, Studio Arvind, Organic Pure Farm, Pleatlox, Fiberbond, Ignx, Twintech, Slteasisn, Arvind Textile, Arvind Zuno, Arvind-stay True. Stay New. (logo And Device With Tagline), Primante By Tresca With The Device Of T, Arvind Adzon, No Flex, Arvind Adbesta, Arvind Adspun, Permawhite, Fiberlox, Edge, Arvind Pro1, Microfelt, Tran Stretchual, Stride, Stride (logo), True Blue (logo And Device), Omuni Logo, Omuni, Oxford Street, Fluorobond, Dura Silver, Arvind With The Device Of Ad, Exergy, Agathe With The Device Of A, Ignx Duraindigo, Ignx Comfiline, Mont – Rivallo, Saturn, True Blue ( Logo And Device), Tip Top, Lalbhai Group, Oxford Street (label), Intellifabrix, Arvind Mills, Powerbond, Foursign, Self Edge, Hybond, Neojet, Denim Express, Aastha, Zain, Ultratech, Infiknity – The Blue Equilibrium, Infiknity, Arvind Adcott, Tik Tok, Zeasta, Azone, Equilibrium, Mont – Rivallo, Arvind Grou[, Arvind Garments, Creyate, EuvantÉ, Superbond, Nnnow, Glassbond, Staticguard, Microbond, Pleatbolt, Aquanaut, Ignx Modashield, Boomerang, Neobubble, Blue Natives, Mutants, Adonai, Altezza, Filamax, Bergenia, Mont- Aurier

Arvind Limited- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Dharmendra Raj

Head - Operations & Product Development (indigo Knits) & Yarn Sourcing at Arvind Limited

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Anurag Badal

Chief Operating Officer at Arvind Limited

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Krupesh Thakkar

Chief Operating Officer at Arvind Limited

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Rajesh Singh

Chief Operating Officer at Arvind Limited

Old Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Rohit Karki

Chief Procurement Officer at Arvind Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sapna Ghanekar

Head- Forex & Treasury at Arvind Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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