Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Mak Brake Fluid (device) 1216186 2003-07-22
Mak Wb Grease Special (device) 1216187 2003-07-22
Fuelkart Label 3823354 2018-05-04
Mak Gold (device) 1216180 2003-07-22
Just 3 Minutes (label) 1322379 2004-11-29
Mak Ge 1216118 2003-07-22
Mak Diamond 1216121 2003-07-22
Zipfuel And Logo 5106351 2021-08-27
Mak Syncom 4810894 2021-01-07
Mak 4x4 (d) 1216106 2003-07-22
Just 3 Minutes ( Device) 1322377 2004-11-29
Mak Pump 1216181 2003-07-22
Mak Ruby Grease 4077353 2019-02-05
K Model Blending For Future With Device 4755502 2020-11-24
Speed 97 Unbeatable Spirit 1335272 2005-01-31
Petromiles 907279 2000-03-02
Bharat Petroleum Energising Lives & Logo 4756039 2020-11-25
Mak Gold Multigrade (device) 1216179 2003-07-22
Mak Spirol Ep (lable) 1216183 2003-07-22
Mak Spirol Hd (device) 1216184 2003-07-22
Mak 2t (device) 1216194 2003-07-22
Zipfuel & Logo 5109634 2021-08-30
Mak Elite (device) 1216197 2003-07-22
Mak Univex Cd Grease (label) 1216189 2003-07-22
Mak Mp Grease 3 (device) 1216190 2003-07-22
Mak Univex A Grease (device) 1216188 2003-07-22
Mak Atf-a (device) 1216191 2003-07-22
Mak Blueguard 4077352 2019-02-05
Bharat Petroleum Fleet Genie Business Ok Please Logo 3419368 2016-11-25
Mak Titanium 4976029 2021-05-18
Turbol 458277 1986-08-11
Hi-speed (label) Diesel 1302342 2004-08-13
Just 3 Minutes 1322378 2004-11-29
Mak Makes It Possible 1271823 2004-03-11
Petrobonus 1970030 2010-05-24
Mak Ultima (device Of Car) (label). 1216192 2003-07-22
Smartfleet Dak (label) 1154767 2002-12-02
Hydrol 1296846 2004-07-19
Smartfleet Device 1223758 2003-08-19
Mak Alpha Zenith 3727935 2018-01-16
Zipfuel Diesel At Your Doorstep 5106357 2021-08-27
Bharat Petroleum Happy Roads Logo 3418243 2016-11-24
Mak Gold 1216123 2003-07-22
V-care(device) 1324778 2004-12-09
Speed Run The Quarter Mile Rush (label) 1268001 2004-02-20
Mak Fleet Ci4+ 4358416 2019-11-26
Mak Diamond (device) 1216178 2003-07-22
Mak Trac (device) 1216177 2003-07-22
Mak Supreme (device) 1216176 2003-07-22
Just 3 Minutes (device) 1322375 2004-11-29
Mak Trac 1216120 2003-07-22
Becafe Brewing Journeys Logo 5673158 2022-11-08
Edrive 5215397 2021-11-19
Smitha Screwdriver 1418592 2006-02-02
Bharat Petroleum Umang De Armaanon Ko Pankh Logo 3432952 2016-12-14
In & Out 1970034 2010-05-24
Petrocard 1970032 2010-05-24
Quick Oil Change (label) 1271825 2004-03-11
Speed 1970033 2010-05-24
Mak Multigrade (device) 1216198 2003-07-22
Mak 4t Nxt 2282117 2012-02-13
In&out 1004359 2001-04-19
Mak Trac Champion 20w-40 4360382 2019-11-27
Mak Mp Grease 3 1216108 2003-07-22
Bpmarrk 3299999 2016-07-01
Mak Brake Fluid 1216112 2003-07-22
Mak Super Kool 1216102 2003-07-22
Mak 4t Zipp 4768117 2020-12-04
Happy Roads 3485140 2017-02-16
Bharat Petrolium (logo, Device Of Other Language) 1554028 2007-04-30
Day 2 Day 1064147 2001-12-03
Mak 4t Royal 15w-50 3288892 2016-06-20
Fleetgenie 3486016 2017-02-18
Billsmart 1170802 2003-01-31
Bharat Gas Cook Food.serve Love 1902835 2009-12-30
V-care (label) 1324779 2004-12-09
Petkem Bharat Petroleum Logo 4762846 2020-11-30
Mak Lubricants 1216131 2003-07-22
Mak Supreme 1216125 2003-07-22
Mak Classic 1216127 2003-07-22
Mak Elite 1216126 2003-07-22
New Anti-ageing Formula (label) 1271826 2004-03-11
Oxishield Technology 3766061 2018-02-27
Mak Spirol Xhd (device) 1216185 2003-07-22
Mak 4t 1216130 2003-07-22
Pur For Sure (hand Device) 1035574 2001-08-09
Ghar (device Of House) 1154765 2002-12-02
Mak 1216133 2003-07-22
Mak Univex A 1216110 2003-07-22
Mak Taxi Supreme 4976028 2021-05-18
Speed Run The Quarter Mile Rush(lable) 1268000 2004-02-20
Mak 4t Star 4054238 2019-01-11
Smart Fleet Dak (label) 1154768 2002-12-02
Bpcliris 5388959 2022-03-29
Hello Bpcl 4932955 2021-04-04
Mak Screwcom 4810895 2021-01-07
Mak 4t Scootech Nxt 4768118 2020-12-04
Mak 4t Blaze Synth 4054237 2019-01-11
Mak Elan 3727934 2018-01-16
Satinflo Technology 3765071 2018-02-27
Mak Evolv Sn 5w-30 3288893 2016-06-20
The Goodprint 6348013 2024-03-15

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited founded?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited was founded in 1976.

Who is the Founder of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited?

D Rajkumar is the founder of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.

How much revenue does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited generate?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited generates $50B in revenue.

Where are Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited headquarters?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited have?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited has 10769 employees.

What sector does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited operate in?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is in oil & energy sector.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited a public company?

Yes, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is a public company.

What does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Do ?

Bharat petroleum corporation limited (bpcl), a global fortune 500 company is a major player in refining and marketing of petroleum products in india. the company today is a fully integrated entity after the incorporation of upstream subsidiary bharat petroresources limited. bharat petroleum corporation ltd (bpcl) recorded excellent results in all facets of business and has achieved the highest ever net profit of rs. 7431.88 crores during 2015-16 representing a 46.17% leap over last year’s record of rs. 5084.51 crores. bpcl’s gross revenue from operations for 2015-16 was rs.189,303.33 crores, compared to previous year’s revenues of rs. 2,38,086.90 crores. bpcl’s market sales volume was 36.53 mmt as compared to 34.45 mmt achieved during the last year. bpcl’s market share amongst the public sector oil companies stood at 22.94% as against 23.29% recorded in the previous year and bpcl’s net worth as on 31.3.2016 stands at rs.27,158.69 cores as compared to rs. 22,467.48 crores at the end of the previous year. built on the pillars of innovation, care and reliability, bharat petroleum continues to energise lives and aspires to become one of the top global brands in the energy sector. know more :

What does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The legal name of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

What is the CIN number of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The CIN number of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is L23220MH1952GOI008931

What is GST number of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The GST number of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is 01AAACB2902M1Z7  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited owns any trademarks ?

Mak Brake Fluid (device), Mak Wb Grease Special (device), Fuelkart Label, Mak Gold (device), Just 3 Minutes (label), Mak Ge, Mak Diamond, Zipfuel And Logo, Mak Syncom, Mak 4x4 (d), Just 3 Minutes ( Device), Mak Pump, Mak Ruby Grease, K Model Blending For Future With Device, Speed 97 Unbeatable Spirit, Petromiles, Bharat Petroleum Energising Lives & Logo, Mak Gold Multigrade (device), Mak Spirol Ep (lable), Mak Spirol Hd (device), Mak 2t (device), Zipfuel & Logo, Mak Elite (device), Mak Univex Cd Grease (label), Mak Mp Grease 3 (device), Mak Univex A Grease (device), Mak Atf-a (device), Mak Blueguard, Bharat Petroleum Fleet Genie Business Ok Please Logo, Mak Titanium, Turbol, Hi-speed (label) Diesel, Just 3 Minutes, Mak Makes It Possible, Petrobonus, Mak Ultima (device Of Car) (label)., Smartfleet Dak (label), Hydrol, Smartfleet Device, Mak Alpha Zenith, Zipfuel Diesel At Your Doorstep, Bharat Petroleum Happy Roads Logo, Mak Gold, V-care(device), Speed Run The Quarter Mile Rush (label), Mak Fleet Ci4+, Mak Diamond (device), Mak Trac (device), Mak Supreme (device), Just 3 Minutes (device), Mak Trac, Becafe Brewing Journeys Logo, Edrive, Smitha Screwdriver, Bharat Petroleum Umang De Armaanon Ko Pankh Logo, In & Out, Petrocard, Quick Oil Change (label), Speed, Mak Multigrade (device), Mak 4t Nxt, In&out, Mak Trac Champion 20w-40, Mak Mp Grease 3, Bpmarrk, Mak Brake Fluid, Mak Super Kool, Mak 4t Zipp, Happy Roads, Bharat Petrolium (logo, Device Of Other Language), Day 2 Day, Mak 4t Royal 15w-50, Fleetgenie, Billsmart, Bharat Gas Cook Food.serve Love, V-care (label), Petkem Bharat Petroleum Logo, Mak Lubricants, Mak Supreme, Mak Classic, Mak Elite, New Anti-ageing Formula (label), Oxishield Technology, Mak Spirol Xhd (device), Mak 4t, Pur For Sure (hand Device), Ghar (device Of House), Mak, Mak Univex A, Mak Taxi Supreme, Speed Run The Quarter Mile Rush(lable), Mak 4t Star, Smart Fleet Dak (label), Bpcliris, Hello Bpcl, Mak Screwcom, Mak 4t Scootech Nxt, Mak 4t Blaze Synth, Mak Elan, Satinflo Technology, Mak Evolv Sn 5w-30, The Goodprint

Does Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited an ecommerce company ?

Yes, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is an online store & an ecommerce company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited an exporter ?

No, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

D Rajkumar

Who are the directors of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The directors of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited are Rajesh Madanlal Aggarwal, Ellangovan Kannan Kamala, Arun Kumar Singh, Padmakar Kappagantula, Harshadkumar Prabhudas Shah

Which Products are sold by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited an MNC ?

No, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited incorporated ?

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited was incorporate on 1952-11-03

What is the authorized capital of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The authorized capital of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is INR 26350000000

What is the paid up capital of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The paid up capital Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is INR 21692527440

What is the registered address of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited ?

The registered address of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited is bharat bhawan; ballard estate; mumbai; maharashtra; 400001; india

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ritu Mathur

Head Hr (aviation Business Unit) at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Jasreen Singh

Assistant Manager Hr at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Chandigarh Area, , India Area
Kriti Kumar

Senior Manager (hr) at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Mumbai Area, , India Area
Tejeshwar Raj

Assistant Manager at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ritu Mathur

Head Hr, Aviation Business at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Noida Area, India
Chaityparna Banerjee

Senior Manager Ben & Admin Hrs North at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Leanne Lima Fernandes

Assistant Manager, Csr at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Mumbai Area, India
Arun Singh

Director Marketing at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Mumbai Area, India
Vivek Kayande

Senior Manager -csr at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India