Cadila Healthcare Limited

Cadila Healthcare Limited has raised $undisclosed in The authorised capital of Cadila Healthcare Limited is INR1725000000. The paid up capital of Cadila Healthcare Limited is INR1023742600. Cadila Healthcare Limited revenue, funding sources, their investment & acquisition rounds information is available on EasyLeadz

Cadila Healthcare Limited - Funding, Investments & Acquisitions

Below Table Gives all details of Cadila Healthcare Limited, including but not limited to its Revenue, Funding information, Investments done, Acquisitions done by Cadila Healthcare Limited.


Last Funding Amount undisclosed as on 21 Apr 2020
Company Funding Status Funded
Last Funding Date Not Available
Last Funding Type Not Available
Investments Signup to view this information
Acquisitions Signup to view this information

Cadila Healthcare Limited - Financial Highlights, Profit & Loss & Expenses Statements

Below Tables shows the financial summary of Cadila Healthcare Limited. It also provides the basic information of profit, loss, expenses incurred by Cadila Healthcare Limited. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Cadila Healthcare Limited company to the government.


Paid Up Capital 1023742600
Reserves & Surplus Signup to view this information
Long Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Short Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Trade Payables Signup to view this information
Current investments Signup to view this information
Inventories Signup to view this information
Trade Receivable Signup to view this information
Cash and Bank Balance Signup to view this information
Authorised Capital 1725000000
Total Revenue Signup to view this information
Total Expenses Signup to view this information
Employee Benefit Costs Signup to view this information
Finance Costs Signup to view this information
Depreciation Signup to view this information
Profit Before Tax Signup to view this information
Profit After Tax Signup to view this information

Cadila Healthcare Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Cadila Healthcare Limited founded?

Cadila Healthcare Limited was founded in 1995.

How much funding does Cadila Healthcare Limited have?

Cadila Healthcare Limited has raised $undisclosed in funding.

Where are Cadila Healthcare Limited headquarters?

Cadila Healthcare Limited headquarters are in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

What sector does Cadila Healthcare Limited operate in?

Cadila Healthcare Limited is in manufacturing (metals & chemicals, and products thereof) sector.

What does Cadila Healthcare Limited Do ?

Cadila Healthcare Limited is in to manufacturing (metals & chemicals, and products thereof) and related business category.

What does Cadila Healthcare Limited specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Cadila Healthcare Limited at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The legal name of Cadila Healthcare Limited is Cadila Healthcare Limited

What is the CIN number of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The CIN number of Cadila Healthcare Limited is L24230GJ1995PLC025878

What is GST number of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The GST number of Cadila Healthcare Limited is 22AAACC6253G1Z3  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Cadila Healthcare Limited owns any trademarks ?

Zybiraa, Zycov- D, Twin Ebi, Busag Injection, Teneliget, Teneligoal, Lipneo, Glynium, Sugar Free Gold, Globator, A L O E S E T, Gateez, Zegat, Ultese, W O N D E L I, Gatiquik, Vaxirab, Niprab, Serdep, Scavacor, Hepavac - B, Terbinacil, Itchderm, Lescroz, Respihaler, Osmorb, Cadiderm, Skinlite, Staytal Spray, Gut-o-cid, Amnac, Q-gem, Dynair, Zyvac, L-max, Vetplasma, Neubind, Kadiprol-s, Monywin, Renoject, Nuparp, Rabidoc, Zycovax, Ocafib, Revaldo - P, Recocef, Zydacef, K I N Z, Sucrostat, Capsola Gold, Cadithro Capsules, Liver Care Partnership, Zydus, Enrofloxacin Injection Enrodac-10, Animals (device), Rexdus - Sf 100 Ml, Glysafe, Quadridus Cream 10gm., Tenglyn M, Deriflo, P U R R A B, Vortuxi, Zypiles, Screene Aqua, Tenglyn, Iopost, Bealthy, Ornidac, 10sweet, Zydiclo Inj, Ceticad Cold, Foraflo, Flamarid, Hyocimax Mf, S O M N I L A, Rabizid, Carvil, Z Y R A B, Zydusfam, Carvid, Natura Diet Sugar, Rabix, Cadirox, C A D I T H R O, Z I D O L A M, C E L O X I B, Zydowin, Ceticad, C S A - 5 0, Atorvas, Zycel, D O M C O L I C, Cadidom, Catorva, Mylosar, Rexdus Cough Syrup 100 Ml, Nimdus Suspension, C A D I M Y C E T I N S U S P E N S I O N 50 Ml., Cadlox Suspension 160 Ml, Nimdus-p Suspension 50 Ml, Rexdus Ap 50 Ml., Rexdus Ap 100mi, Cadlactin-p Drops 30ml, Hipen - A Drop 40 Ml., Rexdus - Br 100 Ml, C A D Z Y M E S Y R U P 200 Ml., Acidus Suspension 160 Ml, Cadzyme Drops 30ml, Nimdus Dt 50 Mg, Nimdus - Pct, Nimdus Dt 100 Mg., Hipen - A Syrup 10 Ml., Nimdus - S, Nimdus - Mr, Kidcal, Sugar Free D'lite, Racedrin, Artasia, Ujvira, Areon, P R E V E J E C., Tilmotil, Fast- R, Echeck, Evomycin, Menoflav, Obnyx, Zysure, Nudoxa, Zanify, Fosup, Dacihep, Obegron, Ursodil, Antirab, Octreo, Oxalgin Ds Vet, Animals, V A C C I R A B, Itchcam, Twintab, Sofocivir, (z Logo), Cadila Health Care, T E R B I N A L, Z, Device, I Device, Falcigo, Loridin-d, Misc.geo(dev), Z (logo), Cadila Healthcare, L O S A T A N, Zynat, Rabinil, Pantodac, Purab, L O R A D E Z, Setebaid, Zydus Cadila, Zydus (device Of Plus), Linid Xt, Hyocimax, Liva Dermacare, Memdon, Sovihep, Combinase Ft, Pioglimet, V.o.i.c.e. (views Of Indian Chest Experts), Zycantor, Terbinac, Brizofa, Krush, Rabivac, Somago, Moprid, D+(device), Enrofloxacin Oral Solution Enrodac-10, Cock (device), Lamot, D I V Al, Z Y S E R T, Zydus Cadila Label, Zoldus, Zylan, Zipra, Gatix, Gatiz, Z Y D U S V A C C I C A R E, Cadpro Granules, Solotrate, Tacgraf, Afdonif Neo, Mifeger, Vigoro, A G G R A F A B, Formoday, Sugar Free Natura Diet Sugar, Camri, Cinase, Inditel, Flospurt D, Pq 600, Olmy M, Z Y A Z I, Mucotab, Coenz Q 10, Roflutab, Doxafyl, Niltamide, Ritoder, Kronin, Soracan, Bitnib, Spnib, Intylo, Nephroclean, Flunimeg, Clagen, Zygem, Tadro, Zycorap, Spheroids, Veltiro, Zyfotax, Staura, Midostar, Nu-loc 2, Letisha, Cyclodrop, Zywet, Zycef, Sovihep D, Misc.geo, Oxalbinac, Lidopatch, Naturogest, T O R A S T I N, Pepozy, Penegra, Lenograst, Atociban, Cintodac, Enoxiparin, Oflin O, Cetrofact, Tracfree, Arteplus Dry Syrup, Ibset, Entice Spray, Engin, Zyalfa, Nimdus Cold, Triload, Aldren, M- S O L, Btn Plus, Zydoxy Capsules, D I V A L P R O, M - P R I S T O L, Depaval, L A M I D U S, Karprofen Inj., Cilomist, Tenglymet, Venz Od, Recolina, Vaccicare, Sixoted, Calmight, Gerstig, Goslim, Probczad, Herb-o-sweet, Tritaz, Thioger, Azelin, Dutaid, Carbaject, Tionide, Salmist, Diakit-4, Mesoral, Zytoren, Zy - Parox, Nebula Ch, Sustameto, Aspalac, Zyceva, Sharvil, Hysure, Eva, Utripulse, Z Y D U S, Aceno, Canloftat, Neuparp, Cfara, Zynesp, Liva, Forair, Jorni, Logo, Nebula, Cintapro Od, Zydopep, Candesan, Melanix, Neoglylate, A2 Tabs, Folsafe, Actilite, Dezocort, Milnaz, Terferon, B U S E R F A C T, Zavinex, Nublast, Ciform, Zykidac, M Y D O T, Nyxax, Gertic, Clavicef, Nutrifit, Grthonium, Pazubid, Iper, Tolfrie, Ondaron, Palidone, Ezycut, Natura Smart Sugar, Zymurine, Nimpas Tab, Exemptia, Kuffeze, Diet Smart, Cholvac, Chest Today, Lamogin, Zygel Tab, E F A V E N Z, Canidine, Pregline Card, Uddercef, Zyaqua, Lamudine, Tibolix, Kidgest, Vagestion, Leuprofact, Dygex, Zygest, Codeine Sulphate, Z U L F A, Codin Linctus, Dietrim, Tibeau, Zyshield, Mifegest, Cadex Syrup, E S O P R A Z O L E, Ocid - M, Cadigut, Nasoclear Wash, Glyconide, Daptovan, Mornipred, Zyneu, Betreda, Aranyza, Ne-fix, Bev-oph, Muscoside, Zoxclo, Gutmaster, Oriphex - C, Rumalef, D Y S L I P, Valiptro, Econella, Inditel Mf, Honeyfit, Toniglow, Angelica, Valuemin G, Z Y N I C O R, Zyonate Cs, Cadliv Syrup 200 Ml, Hipen - A Syrup 40 Ml., Cadvit, Cadliv Syrup 100 Ml., Gatiquin, Z(logo), Sugar Free Natura, Zyfact, Zynagel, Arteplus, Fosolin, Tibomax, Montelast, Ultizac, Alfatam, Zysurf, Tranarest, Beaulin, Enfiera, Octroe, Collabond, Ambularia, Zyrova - C, Vaxi-trio, Vaxi-hib, Happi - Hp Kit, Cefozyt-l, S L I M & H E A L T H Y, Ostiflav, Vorfungin, Droxycad, Vaxi-tetra, Rabinex, Azatend, Tolter, No Split, Stoplos A+, Clarger, Caviera, Derisal, Sil Xt, Caredoser, L O S A R O N, Rabicad, Rabisans, Cisa - Tix, P E N I G R A, Liverolin, Zyvac Tycova, Pocaaz, Z Y D U S - M E D I C A, Cadila Health Care (label), Lovadac, Zydus Pathline, Z Y B U T A B I N E, N O C L O T, Tenglysa, E S P R A, Cadxime, Carbidus, Cefinar, Hyroquin, Cl-quin, Cadithro Oral Suspension, Megalox Tablets, Ceticad Syrup, Cadithro Syurp, Z Y R I F A, C A D I T H R O T A B L E T S, Megalox Dry Syrup, Domcolic Suspension, Zymoxid, Droxycad Syrup, Domcolic Drops, Z Y T H A M, Zadistin, R I V A S T I N, Glitazon, Zycilin, Zydiclo, Z Y C A L C I, Azilchek, S O M N I L O N, T E R B I F I N, Antinib, Lipaglyn, Etorz, Valrec - P, Tadapil, Selace, Twinrab, Mytonic, Zydx, Tazillin, Oniba, Livolax, Arnibax, Zyflace, Zydus Dedicated To Life, Odace, Iladac L, Pantodac L, Formosone, Cadirab, S O M N I Q, Fair Eye, Metscore Am, Pt&t (pulmonary Today & Tomorrow), Kalidomide, Gemluta, Vc - 3 Kit, National Lipid Day With O Logo, Voricon, Vcef, Linesolid, Angionox, Sugar Free, Grd, Kmgcit, Convul, Psoriex, Pepozyd, Isotret, Spye, Euglim M, Zytax, Inditel H, Peg-colstrop, Zyprima, Trozyd Xr, Pegihep, Pantodac Fast, Falcigo Sp, Prasuwin, Prasugo, Prasugra, Telbihep, Ribahep, Liliprist, Ziluto Cr, Femiprost, Lugonist, Zimunity, Tobaquit, Lipid Fre, Epima, Hypno, Linid Kf, Combivent, Axarine, Levomist, Tibolox, Cadirol, Helipack, Zoxclo - Lb, Zycolchin, Zy-xim, Respicaps, Tibol, Itokine, Varipox, Zycoryl Tab, Bonmax Ccm, Rev, Bonmax D3, Lopdus Tab, Zycillin- Lb 500, Novocarts, Klorzide, Vfine, Nutrimilk, Rhizin, Oxalgin Np, Tracfree Xt, Dydrogest, Atorva, Lemonaa, Cadila, Sinabi, Ledihep, A R V - 1, Hipen - A Drop 10 Ml, Hipen - A Drop 30 Ml., C A D I - O S U S P E N S I O N 30 Ml., E U G L I M, Eplania, Norswel Plus Syrup, Maximilk, Vorier, Monitor-g, D E R I F O R M, L E V O D R I N E, Levodrine-d, Cadfol Syrup, Cadpro Syrup, Derisone, Urisef, Hipen - A Syrup 30 Ml, Kidac, Atopia Intense, Zydogrel, Plakino, Bryxta, Sustamet - D, Losacar Trio, Providac, Ocid Sa, Burpex, Topir, Ocid It, Neomine, Grd Smart, Gerthane, Gerflane, Duolift, Echek, Ipramist, Bifera, Nitnib, Capsola Premium, Naturogest Vt, Zyrof, Pioglitz 45, Poxvac, Pioglitz 30, Bonmax, Cadila(label), Ferup, Zydusneurosciences, N O S T R U M, Zyphexin Oral Suspension, Nucoxia, Denoclast, Neuroxin M, Pondrich, Sureway, Virafin, Nucoxia D3 New, Zydalis, Zyvisc, Iknib, Colstim, Tenohep-af, Bizisa, Aether, Iraalt, Calphorinz, Asviia, Vaby With Device, Lipcerna, Zyterbina, (device Man), Indicarb, Aramase, C A D L A C T I N - P S Y R U P 200 Ml, Fericad Drops 30 Ml, F U R A M E T S U S P E N S I O N 50 Ml, Tacomus, (device Man) (label), Griluto Cr, Preti, Forsidac, Lipridia, Firsito - Lmf, F E R I C A D S Y R U P 200 Ml, Gosadec, Zycloz Oral Solution, Animal (device), Cold - Bye, Ladiwin, Axreda, Fexid, Vactive, R E C O D O L, Esenium, Qualidrops, G Q 320, Herlet, Epixtra, Coxistac, Foiri, Zanitizer, Icon-d, Fortified Procaine Penicillin Inj., Visvin, Rumi-sacc, Sanizyde, Combinase Aq, E X A R I N E, Duromect, Nykron, Evaira, Tenelica, "tibolib", Oxalgin Nano Gel, Zydus (logo), Pinklips, Inditel Ch, Siromus, Zumakera, Sugapress, Huskit., I.c.e. (indian Chest Experts), Liva Healthcare, Prevog, Acebrofact Lm, Admyra, Zydril Expectorant, Biovation, Ansia, Tibomood, Psoriex Plus, Marbodac Inj., Tiboclim, Mycomune-s, Diakit-5, Zycad, Zyluta, Mycomune, Zycad-5, Zycad-6, Skinlte, Cadila Health Care (device), Osgard, Calcit Sg, Ranmix With Lable, Virolfi, Pathocef, Chondro, Zypitamag, Ticomax, Contragest, Remdac Lq, Myelostat, Fostine, Cervisure, Zycospasm, Efnithin Cream, Device Of Runing Man, Oxpla, Mifegest Kit, Oxalgin Nanogel, Everyuth Naturals, Neoglyate, Device Of Stylized Circle, Anoblu, Aldonil, Aldonil Od, Bisglow, Slimtone, Vaprinat, Torofab, Remdac, Zyntap - P, Odgat, Gatiod, Ultrazac, Dietrim (device Man), Ha-vac, Tibola, Zytrop, Prasugrin, Skinlite Ever, Naturogest Sr, Camri Plus, Anoblu Technology, Garini, Zydus Balm, Muslivital, Sapgol, Tenlitin, Vorxar, Oxyhemia, Suprazole, Zytrav, Lenced, Tymfree, Distinkt Hiv, Childac, Uteredac, Tabacoff, Zykid, Hycloquin, Ramey, Boswela, R O F E - Od, D R O X Y C A D, Ccliya, C A T O V A, Csa - 100, P E F C A D, H B S A G S C A N C A R D, Trydot, Granostim, H E L I - C H E C K, Cadicet, Athome, Honvan, Covid Kavach, Oxemia, Leugard, Zycov-d, Augplat, Phostat, Femistra, Ct Star, Zyuv, Serixa, Butazyd, Cstop, Tylidys, Carabi, Clomus, Hysure One, Odventa, Salazar, Pendizyd, Taxonab, Zyclastin, Renocrit, Pomiat, Biovorin, Zydachlor, Zydamilk, Moxtif, Mesna, Babimido, Karpofen Inj, Knock 45, Chq 60, Balanion, Briopt, Gromax, Stronic, Tregmon, Minzyral, Buffboost, Xeromed, Pondclean, Oxyhance, Nexiron O+, Tralix, Saliart, Salivert, Solenol, Presilux, Vivitra, Nipahep, Minchat, Improval Bfs, Zylin Nt, Avynzia, Seequira, Werolia, Aplavia, Twinnebi, Twinnebi Forte, Hertuneu, Lipbless, Cartipro Plus, Aqua Screene, Terbinacin, Cadpiles, Screene H2o, Cabatax, Azilchck, Gliptinorm, Cissact, Cadivestin, Lucelips, Glimevo, Sunbless, Zyglob, Poulkey, Capsola, Chlorazin, Nosplit, Azildac, Sodaphos, Bonmax Cal, Jointbond Forte, Lurafore, Tramific, Ocid L, Cabtana, Xingsora

Does Cadila Healthcare Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

Cadila Healthcare Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

Not available.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited an exporter ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the directors of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The directors of Cadila Healthcare Limited are Ganesh Narayan Nayak, Apurva Shishir Diwanji, Mukesh Mangalbhai Patel, Bhadresh Kantilal Shah, Pankaj Ramanbhai Patel, Sharvil Pankajbhai Patel, Nitin Raojibhai Desai, Dharmishta Narendraprasad Raval

Which Products are sold by Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Cadila Healthcare Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Cadila Healthcare Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Cadila Healthcare Limited an MNC ?

No, Cadila Healthcare Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Cadila Healthcare Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Cadila Healthcare Limited incorporated ?

Cadila Healthcare Limited was incorporate on 1995-05-15

What is the authorized capital of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The authorized capital of Cadila Healthcare Limited is INR 1725000000

What is the paid up capital of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The paid up capital Cadila Healthcare Limited is INR 1023742600

What is the registered address of Cadila Healthcare Limited ?

The registered address of Cadila Healthcare Limited is zydus corporate park;scheme no. 63; survey no. 536; khoraj(gandhinagar);nr. vaishnodevi circ le; ahmedabad; gandhinagar; gujarat; 382481; india

Cadila Healthcare Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ganesh Narayan Nayak

Wholetime Director
Apurva Shishir Diwanji

Mukesh Mangalbhai Patel

Bhadresh Kantilal Shah

Pankaj Ramanbhai Patel

Sharvil Pankajbhai Patel

Managing Director
Nitin Raojibhai Desai

Dharmishta Narendraprasad Raval
