Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Cg Mastair Star 5615388 2022-09-19
Cg Warriair 5146894 2021-09-24
Cgminisplashh (label) 4013635 2018-11-30
Smartor (device) 4189886 2019-05-28
Cgpowerair (label) 4013637 2018-11-30
Cgmax-air (label) 4013636 2018-11-30
Cgdmb 4066942 2019-01-24
Cg Sahajair 5654440 2022-10-19
Transpreter (logo) 4095670 2019-02-21
Cg Flo Air 5306635 2022-01-31
Cg Hyperair 5146887 2021-09-24
Cg Sturdy Deco 5615389 2022-09-19
Cg Crestar 5647455 2022-10-14
Miniempire 5576693 2022-08-22
Cg Strudy 5146892 2021-09-24
Cg Ultimo 5146893 2021-09-24
Cg Intense 5146888 2021-09-24
Cg Fero 5415471 2022-04-19
Cgsv 4066947 2019-01-24
Cgxmb 4066946 2019-01-24
Cgcmb 4066943 2019-01-24
Cgdow 4066945 2019-01-24
Cgdsw 4066944 2019-01-24
Cgminimarshal 4066938 2019-01-24
Cgmaxgold 4066941 2019-01-24
Cgcomfort (label) 4013638 2018-11-30
Cgmaxvee 4066940 2019-01-24
Cgxtreme 4066939 2019-01-24
Cg Safestart (label) 4286194 2019-09-06
Emowizard 4269729 2019-08-20
Cg Safestart 4286191 2019-09-06
Ev Motor (device) 4189885 2019-05-28
Device Of G With Green Energy (label) 3876370 2018-07-02
Emo Smart (label) 4269722 2019-08-20
Cgminisupreme 4835454 2021-01-25
Safestart (label) 4013632 2018-11-30
Cg Sturdy Neo 5615390 2022-09-19
Cg Tulipair 5772168 2023-01-20
Cg Fiera 5486244 2022-06-13
Transpreter 4095669 2019-02-21
Cg Hs Comfort 5146900 2021-09-24
Cg Strong Flow 5732450 2022-12-22
Cg Hansair 5146899 2021-09-24
Cg Minimajor 5732449 2022-12-22
Cg Mastair 5146889 2021-09-24
Cg Cosyair 5146896 2021-09-24
Cg Hs Legacy 5146901 2021-09-24
Cg Sturdy Star Deco 5615391 2022-09-19
Emo Studio (label) 4269723 2019-08-20
Cg Hi Speedstar 5390268 2022-03-30
Cgminihead 4066936 2019-01-24
Emo Log (label) 4269721 2019-08-20
Cgminisergeant 4066937 2019-01-24
Cg Commodore 5205293 2021-11-11
Cg Hs Legacy Star 5415470 2022-04-19
Cg Zephyair 5146895 2021-09-24
Cg Pleasair 5146890 2021-09-24
Cg Airyair 5772165 2023-01-20
Cg Posh Air 5306632 2022-01-31
Cg Trust Air 5306633 2022-01-31
Cg Hi Speedstar 5s 5772166 2023-01-20
Cg Sturdy 5297294 2022-01-24
Cg Indi Air 5306630 2022-01-31
Cg Opulento 5306631 2022-01-31
Cg Champ Air 5306634 2022-01-31
Cg Leonair 5772167 2023-01-20
Cg Hs Legacy + 5415469 2022-04-19
Cg Convecto 5463223 2022-05-26
Cg Edana 5463222 2022-05-26
Cg Levanter 5192774 2021-10-29
Cg 5192770 2021-10-29
Cg Marelous 5192771 2021-10-29
Cg Vheg 5192772 2021-10-29
Cg Genre 5146898 2021-09-24
Cg Powair 5146891 2021-09-24
Cg Flyair 5146897 2021-09-24
Safestart 4013634 2018-11-30
Cg Welspa 5926409 2023-05-04
Cg Convecto Neo 5926410 2023-05-04
Cg Vispa 5926411 2023-05-04
Cg Magnamix 5926413 2023-05-04
Cg Electric 5933858 2023-05-12
Cgminisahaj 6088842 2023-08-30
Cgminidost 6085631 2023-08-28
Cg Ferro Plus 6003585 2023-07-03
Cg Sturdy + 6003590 2023-07-03
Cg Acquina 5926412 2023-05-04
Cg Sturdy Plus Deco 6003584 2023-07-03
Cg Ferro + 6003586 2023-07-03
Cg Sturdy Plus 6003589 2023-07-03
Cg Cruiser 6164238 2023-10-26
Cg Ferna 6164239 2023-10-26
Cg Isteva 6164240 2023-10-26
Cg Caliver 6164241 2023-10-26
Aerostream 6184537 2023-11-13
Cg Immense Air 6224420 2023-12-18
Cg Endurance 5192773 2021-10-29
Vayupulse 6184539 2023-11-13
Cg Eco 28 6213960 2023-12-11
Cg Vectair 5990565 2023-06-22
Cg Pleasair Plus 6003587 2023-07-03
Cg Pleasair + 6003588 2023-07-03
Vayugen 6184540 2023-11-13

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited founded?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited was founded in 1937.

Who is the Founder of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited?

Neelkant Kn is the founder of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited.

How much revenue does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited generate?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited generates $2.0B in revenue.

Where are Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited headquarters?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited have?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited has 2936 employees.

What sector does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited operate in?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is in manufacturing sector.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited a private company?

Yes, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is a private company.

What does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited Do ?

Avantha group company cg is a global pioneering leader in the management and application of electrical energy. with more than 15,000 employees across its operations in around 85 countries, cg provides electrical products, systems and services for utilities, power generation, industries, and consumers. the company is organized into three business groups: power, industrial, and automation.

What does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The legal name of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

What is the CIN number of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The CIN number of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is L99999MH1937PLC002641

What is GST number of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The GST number of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is 01AAACC3840K1Z3  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited owns any trademarks ?

Cg Mastair Star, Cg Warriair, Cgminisplashh (label), Smartor (device), Cgpowerair (label), Cgmax-air (label), Cgdmb, Cg Sahajair, Transpreter (logo), Cg Flo Air, Cg Hyperair, Cg Sturdy Deco, Cg Crestar, Miniempire, Cg Strudy, Cg Ultimo, Cg Intense, Cg Fero, Cgsv, Cgxmb, Cgcmb, Cgdow, Cgdsw, Cgminimarshal, Cgmaxgold, Cgcomfort (label), Cgmaxvee, Cgxtreme, Cg Safestart (label), Emowizard, Cg Safestart, Ev Motor (device), Device Of G With Green Energy (label), Emo Smart (label), Cgminisupreme, Safestart (label), Cg Sturdy Neo, Cg Tulipair, Cg Fiera, Transpreter, Cg Hs Comfort, Cg Strong Flow, Cg Hansair, Cg Minimajor, Cg Mastair, Cg Cosyair, Cg Hs Legacy, Cg Sturdy Star Deco, Emo Studio (label), Cg Hi Speedstar, Cgminihead, Emo Log (label), Cgminisergeant, Cg Commodore, Cg Hs Legacy Star, Cg Zephyair, Cg Pleasair, Cg Airyair, Cg Posh Air, Cg Trust Air, Cg Hi Speedstar 5s, Cg Sturdy, Cg Indi Air, Cg Opulento, Cg Champ Air, Cg Leonair, Cg Hs Legacy +, Cg Convecto, Cg Edana, Cg Levanter, Cg, Cg Marelous, Cg Vheg, Cg Genre, Cg Powair, Cg Flyair, Safestart, Cg Welspa, Cg Convecto Neo, Cg Vispa, Cg Magnamix, Cg Electric, Cgminisahaj, Cgminidost, Cg Ferro Plus, Cg Sturdy +, Cg Acquina, Cg Sturdy Plus Deco, Cg Ferro +, Cg Sturdy Plus, Cg Cruiser, Cg Ferna, Cg Isteva, Cg Caliver, Aerostream, Cg Immense Air, Cg Endurance, Vayupulse, Cg Eco 28, Cg Vectair, Cg Pleasair Plus, Cg Pleasair +, Vayugen

Does Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

Not available.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

Yes, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is a Business to Business i.e B2B company.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited an exporter ?

No, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

Neelkant Kn

Who are the directors of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The directors of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited are Natarajan Srinivasan, M A M Arunachalam, Sriram Sivaram, Vellayan Subbiah, Palamadai Sundararajan Jayakumar, Shailendra Narain Roy, Sasikala Varadachari, Kalyan Kumar Paul

Which Products are sold by Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited an MNC ?

No, Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited incorporated ?

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited was incorporate on 1937-04-28

What is the authorized capital of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The authorized capital of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is INR 4076000000

What is the paid up capital of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The paid up capital Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is INR 2703686058

What is the registered address of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited ?

The registered address of Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited is 6th floor cg houseab road worli; mumbai; maharashtra; 400030; india

Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ratnesh Shukla

Information Technology Manager at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Jai Sisodia

Global It Head at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Vikrant Sharma

After Sales Service- Transformer Service Head North at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ajay Pandharipande

Head Of Operations at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Nagar, Maharashtra, India
Dilip Pawar

Head Of Technology And Lean Six Sigma at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Nagar, Maharashtra, India
Yogesh Kumthekar

Head Of Operations at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Nagar, Maharashtra, India
Vijayta Tripathi Dale

Hr Business Partner at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Alok Khare

Head Hr - Power System at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Pune, Maharashtra, India
Kolhe Uday

Executive-r&d at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

Mayank Bhatia

Regional Sales Head-fhp Motors at Cg Power And Industrial Solutions Limited

New Delhi Area, India