Gland Pharma Limited

Gland Pharma Limited's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Gland Pharma Limited - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Gland Pharma Limited. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Keftaglan 2216569 2011-10-07
Biludin 2022402 2010-09-14
Glancaine 2125314 2011-04-05
Carboglan 2056374 2010-11-22
E2v Gel 3727796 2018-01-15
Sikure 2302177 2012-03-20
Neutrahep 1241749 2003-10-07
Vercet 1254744 2003-12-11
Butar 1368694 2005-07-04
Capzolid 2543275 2013-06-04
Colibug 2450766 2012-12-28
Fertiglan 3727797 2018-01-15
Pseudocol 3219895 2016-03-26
Glanmet-gv 2839821 2014-11-10
Glantor-f 2839823 2014-11-10
Bestomer 2813775 2014-09-18
Supertel 2839826 2014-11-10
Pizoglan 2799122 2014-08-27
Arthocare 3001109 2015-07-03
Vancoglan 3219896 2016-03-26
Glanvori 5218668 2021-11-23
Lavisc 1002819 2001-04-11
Monteglan-l 2884248 2015-01-17
Merocide 1498599 2006-10-25
Glantax-p 2053404 2010-11-15
Heplock 1498598 2006-10-25
Soyestro 922994 2000-05-08
Progestaglan 4011615 2018-11-29
Nidaglan 5103140 2021-08-25
Keftaglan-t 2235642 2011-11-17
Saaf-n-safe 4483938 2020-04-01
Ticobact 1498597 2006-10-25
Gemciglan 2053405 2010-11-15
Eposure 1498595 2006-10-25
Cutenox 1476927 2006-08-07
Pamiglan 2199436 2011-09-02
Calciglan 4880996 2021-02-26
Ro2 In 1042355 2001-09-05
Hepaglan 2462886 2013-01-18
Panglan 1895095 2009-12-11
Glanment 2280445 2012-02-09
Haath-saaf 4483939 2020-04-01
Tirofiglan 3979173 2018-10-22
Hugon 943707 2000-07-31
Somzo 2413021 2012-10-17
Glycacin 2093124 2011-02-01
Rocsur 1368697 2005-07-04
Sensaglan 4186484 2019-05-24
Vitaglan-d3 4186486 2019-05-24
Gexaparin 5632303 2022-10-01
Clopiloc 1035408 2001-08-09
Dologlan 2383805 2012-08-23
Teriglan Pth 3882039 2018-07-07
Folliglan-mg 3727793 2018-01-15
Folliglan-cg 3727794 2018-01-15
Gland Pharma 3769004 2018-03-04
Etoglan 2056371 2010-11-22
Supertel-am 2839817 2014-11-10
Feroglan 2090026 2011-01-27
Glan-d3 3979174 2018-10-22
Glanpan 2167500 2011-06-29
Glansunate 2125313 2011-04-05
Cisglan 2056373 2010-11-22
Glancef-az 2839811 2014-11-10
Glancef-o 2839810 2014-11-10
Levoglan 2672426 2014-02-04
Supertel-ht 2839818 2014-11-10
Cardichek 1498596 2006-10-25
Hep-25 (logo) 734163 1997-02-14
Dyklotab (logo) 734159 1997-02-14
Ofloglan 2231156 2011-11-09
Atronorm 1176029 2003-02-19
Maligna 2040166 2010-10-19
Brimagon 934007 2000-06-23
Rocaine 1368695 2005-07-04
Glanfol 4186483 2019-05-24
Kaspoglan 5025715 2021-06-30
Glanoxy 2053406 2010-11-15
Eptibloc 1659483 2008-02-29
Rabeglan Dsr 2839822 2014-11-10
Inoject 1152411 2002-11-21
Sulmer 2231157 2011-11-09
Teriglan 3727790 2018-01-15
Dimepenem 3811059 2018-04-19
Doxiglan 2053401 2010-11-15
G-vanc 1459047 2006-06-05
Furaparin 1265014 2004-02-04
Paraglan-a 2839816 2014-11-10
Furoclav 2839813 2014-11-10
Ofloglan-o 2839812 2014-11-10
Supertel-m 2839819 2014-11-10
Glanmet-g 2839820 2014-11-10
Glancef-l 2839815 2014-11-10
Hepaneph 2974875 2015-05-30
Supernem 2672424 2014-02-04
Pt 2.25 5356979 2022-03-04
Rabeglan 5342993 2022-02-24
Hypolock-g 5202060 2021-11-08
Glanazole 4990501 2021-06-01
Vecufast 3727800 2018-01-15
Cutefon 3727791 2018-01-15
Hypolock C 3727798 2018-01-15
Hypolock Ld 3727799 2018-01-15
Neoglan 4186485 2019-05-24
Synject 3850582 2018-06-02
Glimaxin 3825239 2018-05-05
Glanflox 4081816 2019-02-08
Glancef-of 2839814 2014-11-10
Glansting 3979175 2018-10-22
Bisfoglan 3979177 2018-10-22
Zoleglan 3979176 2018-10-22
Glan Pth 3882038 2018-07-07
Glanstill 3841483 2018-05-23
Glandiol-e2 3846748 2018-05-29
Glancef 3825241 2018-05-05
Survec 3825240 2018-05-05 3769006 2018-03-04
Daptoma 2590009 2013-09-03
Nidaglan Gel 3727795 2018-01-15
Folliglan-f 3727792 2018-01-15
Vitaglan-l 2878237 2015-01-08
Glancip-oz 2878239 2015-01-08
Rosuglan-f 2839825 2014-11-10
Rosuglan 2839824 2014-11-10
Sulvax 2672425 2014-02-04
Glanvec 2655267 2014-01-07
Gland Pt 4.5 6128824 2023-09-28

Gland Pharma Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Gland Pharma Limited founded?

Gland Pharma Limited was founded in 1978.

Who is the Founder of Gland Pharma Limited?

Chaithanya Kirak is the founder of Gland Pharma Limited.

How much revenue does Gland Pharma Limited generate?

Gland Pharma Limited generates $2B in revenue.

How much funding does Gland Pharma Limited have?

Gland Pharma Limited has raised $200000000 in funding.

Where are Gland Pharma Limited headquarters?

Gland Pharma Limited headquarters are in Hyderabad,andhrapradesh,india.

How many employees does Gland Pharma Limited have?

Gland Pharma Limited has 1772 employees.

What sector does Gland Pharma Limited operate in?

Gland Pharma Limited is in pharmaceuticals sector.

Is Gland Pharma Limited a private company?

Yes, Gland Pharma Limited is a private company.

What does Gland Pharma Limited Do ?

Established in the year 1978 as an exclusive facility for small volume parenterals (svps), gland pharma has developed into a progressive and quality conscious organization serving the pharmaceutical needs of diverse markets across the globe. the company has world-class & world-scale facilities for injectables set up in collaboration with vetter group, germany. the collaboration with vetter provides gland pharma a technological edge in injectables and specifically in pre filled syringes. the company is constantly upgrading its operations and facilities to meet current good manufacturing practice (cgmp) standards. it has earned a position of leadership in the country in injectables manufacture. gland pharma is a research-focused organization continuously developing niche products for the indian and global pharmaceutical markets. it has pioneered heparin technology in india and has a position of leadership in the glycosaminoglycans (gags) range of molecules. the company manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients (apis) and injectable formulations for niche segments such as osteoarthritis, anti-coagulants, gynaecology, and ophthalmology.

What does Gland Pharma Limited specialize into ?

Gland Pharma Limited specialises into Pioneers In Heparin Technology In India And One Of The Leading Cmo Catering To Global Needs And Leadership In Injectables Manufacture

What is the Legal Name of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The legal name of Gland Pharma Limited is Gland Pharma Ltd

What is the CIN number of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The CIN number of Gland Pharma Limited is L24239TG1978PLC002276

What is GST number of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The GST number of Gland Pharma Limited is 03AAACG8036B1Z8  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Gland Pharma Limited owns any trademarks ?

Keftaglan, Biludin, Glancaine, Carboglan, E2v Gel, Sikure, Neutrahep, Vercet, Butar, Capzolid, Colibug, Fertiglan, Pseudocol, Glanmet-gv, Glantor-f, Bestomer, Supertel, Pizoglan, Arthocare, Vancoglan, Glanvori, Lavisc, Monteglan-l, Merocide, Glantax-p, Heplock, Soyestro, Progestaglan, Nidaglan, Keftaglan-t, Saaf-n-safe, Ticobact, Gemciglan, Eposure, Cutenox, Pamiglan, Calciglan, Ro2 In, Hepaglan, Panglan, Glanment, Haath-saaf, Tirofiglan, Hugon, Somzo, Glycacin, Rocsur, Sensaglan, Vitaglan-d3, Gexaparin, Clopiloc, Dologlan, Teriglan Pth, Folliglan-mg, Folliglan-cg, Gland Pharma, Etoglan, Supertel-am, Feroglan, Glan-d3, Glanpan, Glansunate, Cisglan, Glancef-az, Glancef-o, Levoglan, Supertel-ht, Cardichek, Hep-25 (logo), Dyklotab (logo), Ofloglan, Atronorm, Maligna, Brimagon, Rocaine, Glanfol, Kaspoglan, Glanoxy, Eptibloc, Rabeglan Dsr, Inoject, Sulmer, Teriglan, Dimepenem, Doxiglan, G-vanc, Furaparin, Paraglan-a, Furoclav, Ofloglan-o, Supertel-m, Glanmet-g, Glancef-l, Hepaneph, Supernem, Pt 2.25, Rabeglan, Hypolock-g, Glanazole, Vecufast, Cutefon, Hypolock C, Hypolock Ld, Neoglan, Synject, Glimaxin, Glanflox, Glancef-of, Glansting, Bisfoglan, Zoleglan, Glan Pth, Glanstill, Glandiol-e2, Glancef, Survec,, Daptoma, Nidaglan Gel, Folliglan-f, Vitaglan-l, Glancip-oz, Rosuglan-f, Rosuglan, Sulvax, Glanvec, Gland Pt 4.5

Does Gland Pharma Limited owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Gland Pharma Limited ?

Gland Pharma Limited does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Gland Pharma Limited an ecommerce company ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Gland Pharma Limited a SAAS company ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Gland Pharma Limited ?

Not available.

Is Gland Pharma Limited a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Gland Pharma Limited a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Gland Pharma Limited an exporter ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Gland Pharma Limited ?

Chaithanya Kirak

Who are the directors of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The directors of Gland Pharma Limited are Naina Lal Kidwai, Satyanarayana Murthy Chavali, Essaji Goolam Vahanvati, Udo Jahannes Vetter, Srinivas Sadu, Qiyu Chen, Xiaohui Guan, Yifang Wu, Li Dongming, Yiu Kwan Stanley Lau, Jia Ai Zhang

Which Products are sold by Gland Pharma Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Gland Pharma Limited provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Gland Pharma Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Gland Pharma Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Gland Pharma Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Gland Pharma Limited an Indian Company ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Gland Pharma Limited an MNC ?

No, Gland Pharma Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Gland Pharma Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Gland Pharma Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Gland Pharma Limited incorporated ?

Gland Pharma Limited was incorporate on 1978-03-20

What is the authorized capital of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The authorized capital of Gland Pharma Limited is INR 563000000

What is the paid up capital of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The paid up capital Gland Pharma Limited is INR 164301873

What is the registered address of Gland Pharma Limited ?

The registered address of Gland Pharma Limited is;150 &151;near gandi maisamma x roads; d.p.pally;dundigal; dundigal - gandimais amma(m); medchal malkajgiri district hyderabad; rangareddi; telangana; 500043; india

Gland Pharma Limited - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ravi Mitra

Chief Financial Officer at Gland Pharma Limited

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Srinivas Sadu

Chief Operating Officer at Gland Pharma Limited

Susheel Ogra

Head -sales & Marketing at Gland Pharma Limited

Ganesh Kumar Kanapala

Manager Hr & Admin at Gland Pharma Limited
Kvgk Raju

Cto at Gland Pharma Limited

Hyderabad Area, India
Shilpi Sahay Choudhury

Deputy General Manager at Gland Pharma Limited

Hyderabad Area, India
Balaram Vegesna

Hr Generalist at Gland Pharma Limited

Vishakhapatnam Area, India
Ganesh Kumar

Human Resources Manager at Gland Pharma Limited

Digras Area, India
Bnr Bnr

Director at Gland Pharma Limited

Hyderabad Area, India
Sridevi S

Vice President, R&d (formulations) at Gland Pharma Limited

Hyderabad Area, India