Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil)

The authorised capital of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is INR530000000. The paid up capital of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is INR341112000. Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) revenue, funding sources, their investment & acquisition rounds information is available on EasyLeadz

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) - Funding, Investments & Acquisitions

Below Table Gives all details of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil), including but not limited to its Revenue, Funding information, Investments done, Acquisitions done by Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil).


Last Funding Amount Not Available
Company Funding Status Non Funded
Last Funding Date Not Available
Last Funding Type Not Available
Investments Signup to view this information
Acquisitions Signup to view this information

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) - Financial Highlights, Profit & Loss & Expenses Statements

Below Tables shows the financial summary of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). It also provides the basic information of profit, loss, expenses incurred by Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) company to the government.


Paid Up Capital 341112000
Reserves & Surplus Signup to view this information
Long Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Short Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Trade Payables Signup to view this information
Current investments Signup to view this information
Inventories Signup to view this information
Trade Receivable Signup to view this information
Cash and Bank Balance Signup to view this information
Authorised Capital 530000000
Total Revenue Signup to view this information
Total Expenses Signup to view this information
Employee Benefit Costs Signup to view this information
Finance Costs Signup to view this information
Depreciation Signup to view this information
Profit Before Tax Signup to view this information
Profit After Tax Signup to view this information

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) Frequently Asked Questions

When was Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) founded?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) was founded in 1999.

Who is the Founder of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil)?

B. L. Agrawal is the founder of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil).

How much revenue does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) generate?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) generates $50M in revenue.

Where are Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) headquarters?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) headquarters are in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

How many employees does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) have?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) has 730 employees.

What sector does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) operate in?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is in mining sector.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) a public company?

Yes, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is a public company.

What does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) Do ?

Godawari power & ispat ltd. (gpil) a public ltd. co., formally ispat godawari ltd (igl), a pioneer constituent belonging to hira group of industries, raipur, c.g. was incorporated in 1999 to set up an integrated steel plant with captive power generation under the guidance of visionary leadership of mr. b. l. agrawal, managing director, a techno commercial visionary having proven wide experience in commissioning & running of cement plant, sponge iron plant. gpil is listed with the national stock exchange and bombay stock exchange. gpil is a flagship company of raipur-based hira group of industries having dominant presence in the long product segment of the steel industry, mainly into mild steel wire. today, gpil is an end-to-end manufacturer of mild steel wires. in the process, the company manufactures sponge iron, billets, ferroalloys, captive power, wires rods (through subsidiary company), steel wires, oxygen gas, fly ash brick and last but not the least iron ore pellets. gpil has now become a fully integrated steel manufacturer. gpil has also become one of the pioneers in the field of iron ore pelletization, having installed a pellet plant of 1.80 mt pa capacity and successfully operating it at 100% rated capacity. our long-sighted vision enabled us to think ahead and create a flexible business model. despite a challenging year of 2012-13, we achieved higher operational efficiencies. solar power plant gpil has commissioned its 50 mw solar thermal power project in 2013 at village nokh of district jaisalmer, rajasthan under jawaharlal nehru national solar mission of government of india through its wholly owned subsidiary company m/s godawari green energy ltd (ggel). mining gpil has been granted mining lease for 2 iron ore mines at aridongri (which is already in operation since mid of 2008) and boria tibu in chhattisgarh. this would be on an area of 216 hectare & prospecting license for another iron ore mines with an area of 754 hectare in chhattisgarh.

What does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) specialize into ?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) specialises into Ims Policy, Iso:9001 Quality Management System, Iso:14001 Environmental Management System, Ohsas:18001 Occupational Health And Safety Management System, Iron Ore Pellets- Ecopel, Sponge Iron, Power- ( Solar And Thermal ), Billets, Silico Manganese, Hb Wire

What is the Legal Name of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The legal name of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is Godawari Power And Ispat Limited

What is the CIN number of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The CIN number of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is L27106CT1999PLC013756

What is GST number of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The GST number of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is 22AAACI7189K1ZB  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) owns any trademarks ?

Hira Godawari Power & Ispat, Hiragroup. In, Ecopel A Hira Product

Does Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) an ecommerce company ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) a SAAS company ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) an exporter ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

B. L. Agrawal

Who are the directors of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The directors of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) are Shashi Kumar, Biswajit Choudhuri, Harishankar Khandelwal, Bajrang Lal Agrawal, Dinesh Kumar Agrawal, Vinod Pillai, Dinesh Kumar Gandhi, Siddharth Agrawal, Bhrigu Nath Ojha, Abhishek Agrawal, Missbhavna Govindbhai Desai, Prakhar Agrawal

Which Products are sold by Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) an Indian Company ?

Yes, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is an Indian Company.

Is Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) an MNC ?

No, Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil). Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) incorporated ?

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) was incorporate on 1999-09-21

What is the authorized capital of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The authorized capital of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is INR 530000000

What is the paid up capital of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The paid up capital Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is INR 341112000

What is the registered address of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) ?

The registered address of Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) is plot no.428/2; phase- 1; industrial area; siltara; raipur; chattisgarh; 492001; india

Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil) - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Pinaki Mukherjee

Assocate Vice President Procurement at Godawari Power And Ispat Ltd (gpil)

New Delhi Area, India