Green Circuits
Green Circuits is a private company and Green Circuits is classified as a Non Government company. Green Circuits is a Electrical/electronic Manufacturing based company and has headquarters in San Jose, California, United States. Green Circuits has 15 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. It was founded in 2006. Green Circuits specialises in Quickturn, Prototype, Electronic Manufacturing, Defense Electronics, As9100, Iso 13485, Itar, Pcba, Rigid Flex, Pcb Layout, Direct Fulfillment, Large Format Pcb, Dfm, Supply Chain, Program Management, Box Build, Bga Rework, Ems, Pcb Assembly, Pcb Manufacturing, Pcb Engineering, Turnkey Manufacturing, Lead-free Get Green Circuits company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz.
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