Jones Lang Lasalle (jll)
Jones Lang Lasalle (jll) has over 58306 employees working in various departments like Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance & Operations. The key employees are Feroz Khan, Ragupathy Alagarsamy, Brandon Burgess, Gerry Potter, Venita Miller, William Eric White, Winnie Buchanan, Sameer Hastak, Andrea Maksymiak, Brett Hendren, Melissa Finley Thompson, Melissa Lesher, Mo Wright, Nadir Khan, Kristie Wagar, Sudeepa Basu, Aveek Sinha, Hemanshu Khanna, Mayank Kumar, Mary Tamaki, Brian Mcgorman, Brett Hinson, Katie Mcnaughton, Matt Huneau, Ramesh Nair, Karuna Joon. The contact numbers of all Jones Lang Lasalle (jll)'s top directors, founders, CEO & top decision-makers is available on EasyLeadz.
View Jones Lang Lasalle (jll)'s Top Management Contact Numbers
Jones Lang Lasalle (jll) - Founders & Board of Directors
Below table shows all the board of directors & Founders of Jones Lang Lasalle (jll). This information is a brief summary, it changes from time to time and as per recent filings done by Jones Lang Lasalle (jll) to the government.
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Designation |
View Number |
We are unable to find directors of Jones Lang Lasalle (jll) as on November 2, 2024 |