Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
K&h Logo 5062221 2021-07-27
Geneimmune 4523707 2020-06-08
Coenac 3075430 2015-10-09
Exanple 4074628 2019-02-01
Voglipack 3071135 2015-10-05
Feminist 3899014 2018-07-26
Spirovent 3345478 2016-08-24
Coelarg 3075427 2015-10-09
Budestar 3899010 2018-07-26
Livylaj 4451902 2020-02-24
Spiroheal 4964421 2021-05-04
Silvylaj 5065953 2021-07-29
Koye (label) 4328598 2019-10-23
Swayos 3050857 2015-09-08
Spirolast 2887086 2015-01-21
Swayos Kydz (label) 3365123 2016-09-16
Ayurpass 5413780 2022-04-18
Coedryl 5413778 2022-04-18
Swayos Ayurpass 5413786 2022-04-18
Celin 4136524 2019-04-03
Swayos Ayurgyan 5413787 2022-04-18
Montylaj 4970679 2021-05-11
Raboye 3794633 2018-04-02
Device Of A 5437074 2022-05-05
Levolve 2689099 2014-02-28
Indulact 3308653 2016-07-13
Nasokay 5102372 2021-08-24
Pregcert 2815252 2014-09-20
Bestfeed 3308657 2016-07-13
Colatage 3417929 2016-11-23
Coerip 2887094 2015-01-21
Koye 2954987 2015-04-29
Koye Health Happiness 2954995 2015-04-29
E-tag 2689095 2014-02-28
Mefbrom Spas 3008659 2015-07-13
Obepack 3441949 2016-12-26
Equisulin 3534684 2017-04-26
Rosuply 3071109 2015-10-05
Goemate 2808143 2014-09-12
Teniply 3071107 2015-10-05
Mendate 3322751 2016-07-28
Coetrie 3585501 2017-07-05
Eyeoas 5065946 2021-07-29
Densicoe 3598358 2017-07-24
Esurance 2845712 2014-11-18
Emffam (label) 3365128 2016-09-16
K&h Privy 3794635 2018-04-02
C-1 2690404 2014-03-03
Spiromont 2804643 2014-09-05
K&h Coldfree (label) 3794626 2018-04-02
Koye’s Diclomist 4263131 2019-08-12
Azilpack 3137497 2015-12-23
Molnue 4956807 2021-04-26
Dabipack 3690642 2017-11-29
Zofepack 3137502 2015-12-23
Fosfoe 3198517 2016-02-29
Goecyst 2808138 2014-09-12
K&h Nokout (label) 3794631 2018-04-02
Coehcg 3496002 2017-02-27
Coelone 2989590 2015-06-18
Coepreg 3017739 2015-07-24
Bilanair 3919086 2018-08-17
Glimiply 3071097 2015-10-05
Glimipack 3071131 2015-10-05
Adhcg 2808142 2014-09-12
Ormefen 3198514 2016-02-29
Tenipack 3071139 2015-10-05
Goeuti 2808144 2014-09-12
K&h 6xe (label) 5796101 2023-02-06
Vermipack 4971586 2021-05-12
Rosupack 3071113 2015-10-05
Telmipack 3071126 2015-10-05
Coedhea 2563014 2013-07-11
Vogliply 3071104 2015-10-05
Glicpack 3086159 2015-10-26
Fenticure 3899007 2018-07-26
E-ova 2821032 2014-09-30
Ulisa 2933210 2015-03-30
Coefsh 3496004 2017-02-27
Telmiply 3071093 2015-10-05
K & H Painfree (label) 3794676 2018-04-02
Prumotion 3765891 2018-02-27
K & H Nutrona 3794671 2018-04-02
Fegus 3899008 2018-07-26
K & H Sureon 3794672 2018-04-02
Omoye 3794632 2018-04-02
K&h Nutrona 3794669 2018-04-02
K&h Acnenok (label) 3794624 2018-04-02
Acnenok 3794623 2018-04-02
K&h Free Heal (label) 3794628 2018-04-02
Zithylaj 4451901 2020-02-24
Coeors-pro 4081626 2019-02-08
Benipack 3086954 2015-10-27
Oaseyes 5065945 2021-07-29
Coe 3778325 2018-03-14
Colativ 3198518 2016-02-29
Dronifos 2933526 2015-03-31
Sevoprep 4760237 2020-11-27
Equisulin Dispopen 5510445 2022-06-29
Delsy 4440512 2020-02-13
K & H Virus Kr 4483682 2020-03-31
Koye’s Indulact 4212514 2019-06-20
Ofylaj 5065949 2021-07-29
Lulylaj 5065947 2021-07-29
Coeringa 2563015 2013-07-11
Lineca 2768471 2014-07-04
Coevitenz 2563009 2013-07-11
Myelopack 3436655 2016-12-19
Azylaj 4488433 2020-04-17
Coehb 2563007 2013-07-11
Slimopack 3436656 2016-12-19
Amucoe 3392145 2016-10-19
Coekastle 2574984 2013-08-02
Lokstok 3794620 2018-04-02
Coecortt 2574985 2013-08-02
Blador 3765892 2018-02-27
Coedtp 3198515 2016-02-29
Goedub 3198516 2016-02-29
Coehmg 3496003 2017-02-27
Doxylaj 5002224 2021-06-11
Moxylaj 5002223 2021-06-11
Curcuzar 4605354 2020-08-11
Immunyeus 4605355 2020-08-11
Mimucyp 4928518 2021-03-31
Toxpert 3971168 2018-10-11
Salmotein 3899013 2018-07-26
Cefylaj 4980047 2021-05-21
Cypwhyp 4928516 2021-03-31
Cypstimu 4928517 2021-03-31
Curcunexg 4605351 2020-08-11
Daglipack 4928519 2021-03-31
A Icon 5437072 2022-05-05
Coenab 5349451 2022-02-28
Fefylaj 5002222 2021-06-11
Coekril 2563010 2013-07-11
Koye’s Smoke Free 4008241 2018-11-26
Levolel 2689098 2014-02-28
K&h Scar Free (label) 3794679 2018-04-02
Swayos (label) 4598819 2020-08-06
Spiromuc 3375440 2016-09-28
K&h Hygi 3794638 2018-04-02
Spirodin 2807249 2014-09-11
Ivepack 4971585 2021-05-12
Siglipack 5501904 2022-06-23
Hertility 5464481 2022-05-27
Azylaz 4457919 2020-02-28
Jedrek 4440513 2020-02-13
Dentylaj 5065943 2021-07-29
Protylaj 5065952 2021-07-29
Nasoas 5065966 2021-07-29
Fusylaj 5065951 2021-07-29
Povilaj 5065950 2021-07-29
Cipylaj 5002221 2021-06-11
Kydz Genomics 4347636 2019-11-14
Koye’s Diclomist 4263131 2019-08-12
Koye’s Indulact 4212514 2019-06-20
Plectra 3772036 2018-03-07
Acosat 3765890 2018-02-27
Goestress 3441948 2016-12-26
Coecoral 2887096 2015-01-21
Koye’s Smoke Free 4008241 2018-11-26
Iodocad 3971169 2018-10-11
Quafolin 3988797 2018-10-31
Coed3 2935210 2015-04-02
Podxetil 3220610 2016-03-28
Budeste 3899009 2018-07-26
Goefibro 2933202 2015-03-30
Spirodin 650 2868148 2014-12-22
K & H Lifeon 3794675 2018-04-02
Mimuvit 3794619 2018-04-02
Levalergy 3794621 2018-04-02
Voxpert 3780509 2018-03-16
Siloduta 3780508 2018-03-16
Acoe 3765889 2018-02-27
Spiropirf 3205896 2016-03-09
Calnasal 3598352 2017-07-24
Spiroflut 3558155 2017-05-26
Gliclapack 3071132 2015-10-05
Dronefos 2935198 2015-04-01
Dinogest 2855228 2014-12-02
Spiroform 2887090 2015-01-21
Emffam 3365125 2016-09-16
Farotive 3313433 2016-07-19
Augxetil 3220607 2016-03-28
Coeamox 3220609 2016-03-28
Bactylaj 5065948 2021-07-29

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd founded?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd was founded in 2013.

Who is the Founder of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd?

Preetish Toraskar is the founder of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd.

How much revenue does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd generate?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd generates $12M in revenue.

Where are Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd headquarters?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd have?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd has 713 employees.

What sector does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd operate in?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is in pharma sector.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd a private company?

Yes, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is a private company.

What does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Do ?

Koye is a speciality pharma company which is focused on the indian pharmaceutical market with operations across the length and breadth of the country. it employs more than 400 qualified ambassadors who meet up more than 50000 doctors across the country every month. koye strives to go the extra mile – to anticipate the needs of the people and provide care that exceeds expectations. koye is set to grow widely, working towards a healthier and happier world. it is committed to heal, cure and provide general well being and happiness.

What does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The legal name of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is Koye Pharmaceuticals Private Limited

What is the CIN number of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The CIN number of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is U74120MH2013PTC243214

What is GST number of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The GST number of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is 03AAFCK2001H1ZA  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd owns any trademarks ?

K&h Logo, Geneimmune, Coenac, Exanple, Voglipack, Feminist, Spirovent, Coelarg, Budestar, Livylaj, Spiroheal, Silvylaj, Koye (label), Swayos, Spirolast, Swayos Kydz (label), Ayurpass, Coedryl, Swayos Ayurpass, Celin, Swayos Ayurgyan, Montylaj, Raboye, Device Of A, Levolve, Indulact, Nasokay, Pregcert, Bestfeed, Colatage, Coerip, Koye, Koye Health Happiness, E-tag, Mefbrom Spas, Obepack, Equisulin, Rosuply, Goemate, Teniply, Mendate, Coetrie, Eyeoas, Densicoe, Esurance, Emffam (label), K&h Privy, C-1, Spiromont, K&h Coldfree (label), Koye’s Diclomist, Azilpack, Molnue, Dabipack, Zofepack, Fosfoe, Goecyst, K&h Nokout (label), Coehcg, Coelone, Coepreg, Bilanair, Glimiply, Glimipack, Adhcg, Ormefen, Tenipack, Goeuti, K&h 6xe (label), Vermipack, Rosupack, Telmipack, Coedhea, Vogliply, Glicpack, Fenticure, E-ova, Ulisa, Coefsh, Telmiply, K & H Painfree (label), Prumotion, K & H Nutrona, Fegus, K & H Sureon, Omoye, K&h Nutrona, K&h Acnenok (label), Acnenok, K&h Free Heal (label), Zithylaj, Coeors-pro, Benipack, Oaseyes, Coe, Colativ, Dronifos, Sevoprep, Equisulin Dispopen, Delsy, K & H Virus Kr, Koye’s Indulact, Ofylaj, Lulylaj, Coeringa, Lineca, Coevitenz, Myelopack, Azylaj, Coehb, Slimopack, Amucoe, Coekastle, Lokstok, Coecortt, Blador, Coedtp, Goedub, Coehmg, Doxylaj, Moxylaj, Curcuzar, Immunyeus, Mimucyp, Toxpert, Salmotein, Cefylaj, Cypwhyp, Cypstimu, Curcunexg, Daglipack, A Icon, Coenab, Fefylaj, Coekril, Koye’s Smoke Free, Levolel, K&h Scar Free (label), Swayos (label), Spiromuc, K&h Hygi, Spirodin, Ivepack, Siglipack, Hertility, Azylaz, Jedrek, Dentylaj, Protylaj, Nasoas, Fusylaj, Povilaj, Cipylaj, Kydz Genomics, Koye’s Diclomist, Koye’s Indulact, Plectra, Acosat, Goestress, Coecoral, Koye’s Smoke Free, Iodocad, Quafolin, Coed3, Podxetil, Budeste, Goefibro, Spirodin 650, K & H Lifeon, Mimuvit, Levalergy, Voxpert, Siloduta, Acoe, Spiropirf, Calnasal, Spiroflut, Gliclapack, Dronefos, Dinogest, Spiroform, Emffam, Farotive, Augxetil, Coeamox, Bactylaj

Does Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd an ecommerce company ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd a SAAS company ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

Not available.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd an exporter ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

Preetish Toraskar

Who are the directors of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The directors of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd are Ravindra Yogesh Shenoy, Preetish Mohan Toraskar, Atul Gupta, Bharat Singh

Which Products are sold by Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd an Indian Company ?

Yes, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is an Indian Company.

Is Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd an MNC ?

No, Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd incorporated ?

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd was incorporate on 2013-05-12

What is the authorized capital of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The authorized capital of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is INR 320000000

What is the paid up capital of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The paid up capital Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is INR 269304630

What is the registered address of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd ?

The registered address of Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd is a-10; third floor; art guild house; phoenix market city annexe; lbs marg; ku rla (west); mumbai; mumbai city; maharashtra; 400070; india

Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ganesh Mani

Senior Manager - Sales Administration at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Mumbai Area, India
Rajesh Chavan

Agm - Human Resources at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Mumbai Area, India
Preetish Toraskar

Founder & Director at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Chirag Gandhi

Senior Manager - Human Resources at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Poonam Parwani

Avice President (business Development at Koye Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Mumbai Area, , India Area