Magma Fincorp Ltd. - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Magma Fincorp Ltd. Frequently Asked Questions

When was Magma Fincorp Ltd. founded?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. was founded in 1988.

Who is the Founder of Magma Fincorp Ltd.?

Deepak Patkar is the founder of Magma Fincorp Ltd..

How much revenue does Magma Fincorp Ltd. generate?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. generates $338.2M in revenue.

Where are Magma Fincorp Ltd. headquarters?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Magma Fincorp Ltd. have?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. has 3648 employees.

What sector does Magma Fincorp Ltd. operate in?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. is in financial services sector.

Is Magma Fincorp Ltd. a public company?

Yes, Magma Fincorp Ltd. is a public company.

What does Magma Fincorp Ltd. Do ?

Magma fincorp limited is one of the leading retail asset finance companies in india. since our inception in 1988, magma has been investing in helping to transform the diverse aspirations of its customers into credible achievements. a one-stop shop for varied financing solutions, magma caters to a wide cross-section of customers. headquartered in kolkata (india) & registered with the reserve bank of india magma has, over the years successfully focused and penetrated into the rural & semi-urban markets, gaining a deep insight into this “rurban” customer segment & helping them grow their business across the hinterland of india. magma serves 21 states through over 230 offices, being present in 1,600 talukas & 2,900 locations where we have customers. qualified teams of over 9,500 magmaites represent us across the country. the company offers a diversified boutique of financial products & services: loans for cars & utility vehicles, commercial vehicles, construction equipment, tractors, used vehicles, sme businesses, mortgage finance and general insurance. between 2012-2013, magma launched housing following the acquisition of the mortgage business of ge money in india. general insurance business was operationalized through magma hdi general insurance company, a joint venture with hdi gerling. the hdi-gerling brand is a part of hannover based talanx group, the third-largest german insurance group operating in around 150 countries across the globe. besides being a one-stop-shop financing facility to our customers, magma fulfills dreams of first-time entrepreneurs and is best recognized for providing an equality of opportunity to the economically disenfranchised. our vision is “to become india’s largest retail asset finance company.” first-time users (ftus) & first time buyers (ftbs) experience the biggest problems in loan mobilization linked to paperwork required by these institutions & the inability to provide collateral security that most lenders demand.

What does Magma Fincorp Ltd. specialize into ?

Magma Fincorp Ltd. specialises into Credit, Finance, Car & Utility Vehicle Finance, Construction Equipment Finance, Commercial Vehicle Loans, Tractor Finance, Sme Loans, Suvidha (refinance), Insurance, Recovery, Turning Dreams Into Reality, Affordable Housing Loans

Who is the CEO of Magma Fincorp Ltd. ?

Deepak Patkar

Magma Fincorp Ltd.- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Janet Gasper Chowdhury

Chief People Officer at Magma Fincorp Ltd.

Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Arindam Mukherjee

Sr. Manager - (head - It Financials And Procurement) at Magma Fincorp Ltd.

Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Ashish Singhania

Head Talent Acquisition at Magma Fincorp Ltd.

Mumbai Area, India

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