Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd - Revenue, Funding, Acquisitions, Profit & Investment

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd

The authorised capital of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is INR2110000050. The paid up capital of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is INR2093207320. Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd revenue, funding sources, their investment & acquisition rounds information is available on EasyLeadz

View Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd's Top Management Contact Numbers

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd - Funding, Investments & Acquisitions

Below Table Gives all details of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd, including but not limited to its Revenue, Funding information, Investments done, Acquisitions done by Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd.


Last Funding Amount Not Available
Company Funding Status Non Funded
Last Funding Date Not Available
Last Funding Type Not Available
Investments Signup to view this information
Acquisitions Signup to view this information

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd - Financial Highlights, Profit & Loss & Expenses Statements

Below Tables shows the financial summary of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. It also provides the basic information of profit, loss, expenses incurred by Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd company to the government.


Paid Up Capital 2093207320
Reserves & Surplus Signup to view this information
Long Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Short Term Borrowings Signup to view this information
Trade Payables Signup to view this information
Current investments Signup to view this information
Inventories Signup to view this information
Trade Receivable Signup to view this information
Cash and Bank Balance Signup to view this information
Authorised Capital 2110000050
Total Revenue Signup to view this information
Total Expenses Signup to view this information
Employee Benefit Costs Signup to view this information
Finance Costs Signup to view this information
Depreciation Signup to view this information
Profit Before Tax Signup to view this information
Profit After Tax Signup to view this information

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd founded?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd was founded in 2009.

Who is the Founder of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd?

Arjun Ananth is the founder of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd.

How much revenue does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd generate?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd generates $12M in revenue.

Where are Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd headquarters?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd headquarters are in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

How many employees does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd have?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd has 186 employees.

What sector does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd operate in?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is in hospital & health care sector.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd a private company?

Yes, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is a private company.

What does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd Do ?

Medall is india's leading integrated healthcare diagnostics and the fourth largest diagnostics player in india. with 7000 plus customer touchpoints in 9 states and 70 districts, 24 nabl accredited labs and 108 iso certified labs, medall provides both radiology and pathology services under one roof. medall has served over 10 million customers and performed over 40 million tests in 2019. with a strong focus on digitisation and deployment of state of the art technology, medall is pioneering clinical and technological innovations in diagnostics.

What does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The legal name of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is Medall Healthcare Private Limited

What is the CIN number of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The CIN number of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is U85110TN1994PTC029023

What is GST number of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The GST number of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is 29AABCP9015E1ZH  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd owns any trademarks ?

Medall Dr. Iravatham's Laboratory, Pch Padma Chandra Super Speciality Hospital Kurnool, Medall Care Centre, Medall Blume Device, Medall Blume, Medall Clumax Care Centre, Samarth Clinical Laboratory, Medall Health, Preventive Health Checks, Logo, Medall Magic Of A Drop Of Blood, Kadappa Rainbow Dianostics And Medical Centre, Magic Of A Drop Of Blood, Kakatiya Diagnostics Device, Medall Blume, Reverse Lifestyle Disorders, Miscellaneous Device, Health Score, Stay Aware. Stay Healthy, Medall Diagnostics, Experts Who Care, Medall Diagnostics, Medall Health, Medall Mind, Proton Laboratory, Rainbow Diagnostic And Medical Centre, Sash, Clumax Care Center, Medall Spark Diagnostic Device Of M, Durai Diagnostics Centre, Medall, Medall Only The Bestest, Sneha Diagnostics, Sahyu Diagnostic Centre, Kakatiya Diagnostics, Medall Spark Diagnostics, Stay Aware, Stay Healthy

Does Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd an ecommerce company ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd a SAAS company ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not a SAAS Company.

Who owns the company Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

Not available.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not a business to business i.e B2B company.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd an exporter ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

Arjun Ananth

Who are the directors of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The directors of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd are Sri Venugopala Rao Chittoory, Sandeep Nadigadda Reddy, Raju Venkatraman, Kothari Kumar Suresh

Which Products are sold by Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd an Indian Company ?

Yes, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is an Indian Company.

Is Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd an MNC ?

No, Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd incorporated ?

Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd was incorporate on 1994-10-24

What is the authorized capital of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The authorized capital of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is INR 2110000050

What is the paid up capital of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The paid up capital Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is INR 2093207320

What is the registered address of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd ?

The registered address of Medall Healthcare Pvt Ltd is 191;poonamallee high road;kilpauk; kilpauk; chennai; tamil nadu; 600010; india