Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd - Employees, Business, Industry & CEO

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd founded?

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd was founded in 2016.

Where are Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd headquarters?

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd have?

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd has 55 employees.

What sector does Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd operate in?

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd is in broadcast media sector.

Is Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd a private company?

Yes, Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd is a private company.

What does Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd Do ?

Margo networks is building an on-demand entertainment platform called sugarbox which enables consumers to access relevant content at super-fast speeds. we setup sugarbox zones across transport, hospitality, retail, healthcare and even public places so that everyone can enjoy high quality, buffer-free, on-demand entertainment - without being dependent on access to 4g or broadband

What does Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd specialize into ?

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd specialises into Ott, Video Streaming, On-the-go, Android + Ios, Machine Learning + Automation, Consumer Service

Who is the CEO of Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the CEO of Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Sugarbox Networks Pvt Ltd- Phone & Email of Top Employees & Directors

Devang Yogesh Goradia

Lopa Devang Goradia


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