Unimark Remedies Ltd

Unimark Remedies Ltd's Trademark & Patents information is available on EasyLeadz along with contact numbers of its top decision-makers.

Unimark Remedies Ltd - Trademarks & Patents owned

Below Tables provides information of all the Trademarks & Patents owned by Unimark Remedies Ltd. This is a brief summary, the actual information may vary on the recent filings done by the Meesho company to the government.


Trademark Name/Patent Name Application No Date
Paltrozen 1620755 2007-11-14
Phosphozen 1617681 2007-11-02
Divercil 1788597 2009-02-24
Nab Paclizen 1788593 2009-02-24
Pseudomix 1964642 2010-05-13
Bortezen 1788595 2009-02-24
Lenazen 1788603 2009-02-24
Zenofil 1544329 2007-03-28
Zendomide 1542670 2007-03-22
Fitnib 1646097 2008-01-25
Zensetron 1620754 2007-11-14
Ic2 1788601 2009-02-24
Vencer 1788600 2009-02-24
Unimark Remedies 1860413 2009-09-09
Fulvezen 1788602 2009-02-24
Hemlady 2889710 2015-01-27
Zenompi 2680817 2014-02-18
Pemezen 1788598 2009-02-24
Unimark Remedies Ltd. (label) 1565384 2007-06-05
Fedomark 2680815 2014-02-18
Charmis 2405408 2012-10-03
Beecody 2456715 2013-01-08
Tumacarb 1638774 2008-01-07
Zenopenem 1617680 2007-11-02
Zenopoietin 1620756 2007-11-14
Evictor 2846282 2014-11-20
O Veiw 2815128 2014-09-23
Cornet 1841608 2009-07-20
Tegazen 1841609 2009-07-20
Platinozen 1620753 2007-11-14
Max View 1841610 2009-07-20
Taddyors 2458301 2013-01-10
Teslaview 1841611 2009-07-20
Unifigure 2470288 2013-02-01
Zen Life Sciences (label) 1544905 2007-03-29
Granulex 2363618 2012-07-13
Highalb 2384991 2012-08-24
Bandrocid 1544328 2007-03-28
Oxalizen 1538186 2007-03-08
Papisec 2458292 2013-01-10
Daptocin 1964637 2010-05-13
Ertazen 1964639 2010-05-13
Infupar 1964640 2010-05-13
Infupen 1964641 2010-05-13
Irtecan 2352248 2012-06-22
High Ig 2352247 2012-06-22
Unimark Remedies Ltd 1860417 2009-09-09
[email protected] 1964644 2010-05-13
Cobalazen 1615668 2007-10-26
Peaprot 2582438 2013-08-20
Sudomix 1964643 2010-05-13
Gliomide 1544324 2007-03-28

Unimark Remedies Ltd Frequently Asked Questions

When was Unimark Remedies Ltd founded?

Unimark Remedies Ltd was founded in 1982.

Who is the Founder of Unimark Remedies Ltd?

Mehul Parekh is the founder of Unimark Remedies Ltd.

How much revenue does Unimark Remedies Ltd generate?

Unimark Remedies Ltd generates ‎$25M in revenue.

Where are Unimark Remedies Ltd headquarters?

Unimark Remedies Ltd headquarters are in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How many employees does Unimark Remedies Ltd have?

Unimark Remedies Ltd has 631 employees.

What sector does Unimark Remedies Ltd operate in?

Unimark Remedies Ltd is in pharma sector.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd a public company?

Yes, Unimark Remedies Ltd is a public company.

What does Unimark Remedies Ltd Do ?

Manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients formulations business: zen life sciences which operates in the fields of oncology ("oncologia"), critical care ("care for life"), imaging chemicals & medical devices ("axelle"). zen life sciences also has forays in exports ("zenext")and institutional business ("zeniva").

What does Unimark Remedies Ltd specialize into ?

We are not able to find any specialities related to Unimark Remedies Ltd at the moment.

What is the Legal Name of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The legal name of Unimark Remedies Ltd is Unimark Remedies Limited

What is the CIN number of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The CIN number of Unimark Remedies Ltd is U23200MH1993PLC075373

What is GST number of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The GST number of Unimark Remedies Ltd is 19AAACU0589R1ZI  view entire details in EasyProspect

Does Unimark Remedies Ltd owns any trademarks ?

Paltrozen, Phosphozen, Divercil, Nab Paclizen, Pseudomix, Bortezen, Lenazen, Zenofil, Zendomide, Fitnib, Zensetron, Ic2, Vencer, Unimark Remedies, Fulvezen, Hemlady, Zenompi, Pemezen, Unimark Remedies Ltd. (label), Fedomark, Charmis, Beecody, Tumacarb, Zenopenem, Zenopoietin, Evictor, O Veiw, Cornet, Tegazen, Platinozen, Max View, Taddyors, Teslaview, Unifigure, Zen Life Sciences (label), Granulex, Highalb, Bandrocid, Oxalizen, Papisec, Daptocin, Ertazen, Infupar, Infupen, Irtecan, High Ig, Unimark Remedies Ltd, [email protected], Cobalazen, Peaprot, Sudomix, Gliomide

Does Unimark Remedies Ltd owns any patents ?

We are unable to find any patents related to Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who are the key investors in Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

Unimark Remedies Ltd does not have any investors associated with the company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd an ecommerce company ?

No, Unimark Remedies Ltd is not an online store or an ecommerce company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd a SAAS company ?

Yes, Unimark Remedies Ltd is a SAAS i.e Software as a service company.

Who owns the company Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

Unimark Remedies Ltd is owned by the public markets as its a public company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd a business to business i.e B2B company ?

Yes, Unimark Remedies Ltd is a Business to Business i.e B2B company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd a Business to consumer i.e b2c company ?

No, Unimark Remedies Ltd is not a business to consumer i.e B2C company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd an exporter ?

No, Unimark Remedies Ltd is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

Mehul Parekh

Who are the directors of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The directors of Unimark Remedies Ltd are Mehul Jayant Parekh, Sandip Jayant Parekh, Sonali Mehul Parekh

Which Products are sold by Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Products of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What services Unimark Remedies Ltd provides ?

We do not have the information about the Services of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

What is the stock symbol of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd an Indian Company ?

Yes, Unimark Remedies Ltd is an Indian Company.

Is Unimark Remedies Ltd an MNC ?

No, Unimark Remedies Ltd is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Unimark Remedies Ltd. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Unimark Remedies Ltd incorporated ?

Unimark Remedies Ltd was incorporate on 1993-12-01

What is the authorized capital of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The authorized capital of Unimark Remedies Ltd is INR 570000000

What is the paid up capital of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The paid up capital Unimark Remedies Ltd is INR 344684170

What is the registered address of Unimark Remedies Ltd ?

The registered address of Unimark Remedies Ltd is e/501; sky park c.h.s. ltd; oshiwara garden road;; next to hdfc house; off. s.v.road; goreg aon - west; mumbai; mumbai city; maharashtra; 400104; india

Unimark Remedies Ltd - Top Contacts of Directors, Heads, CEO & Top Employees

Ramkrishna Jamsandekar

Unimark at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Yogesh Parikh

Director-finance at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dharmesh Reshamwala

Vice President - Finance And Legal at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Mumbai Area, India
Aparna Kadge

Human Resources Executive at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Mumbai Area, India
Anjali Nayak

Manager Hr at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Mumbai Area, India
Rima Shivdasani

Director Supply Chain at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Krishnadas Govindan

Sr Vice President Operations at Unimark Remedies Ltd

Valsad, Gujarat, India