Arun Pandit – LoadShare – Masters of Sales

This Masters of Sales podcast features Arun Pandit, head of sales at Loadshare Networks.

He is currently heading sales at Loadshare Networks, a logistics company. He has worked pan India across multiple sales and marketing roles with organizations like Trux App, RPG Group, CEAT, PayUMoney and BlackBuck. A youngest members of the FICCI National Committee on Logistics.

Arun Pandit was born in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.  A computer engineer and an MBA from the prestigious IIFT Delhi.

Arun is also the founder of Don’t give up world, which is  India’s biggest motivational website with more than 10,000 motivational posts. Because of his work, he has been featured on the cover of Career 360 Magazines Special Edition on Hope.

He has been a regular speaker at various events on sales and marketing, entrepreneurship and mental health across India. He has been a speaker at F.I.C.C.I. , I.I.F.T, N.I.T.I.E., IIT KGP, NIT Patna, V.I.T., U.B.S., I.E.M., I.P.A., Mind Wars etc.



