
25 Cold email subject lines we used and got 70% open rates

email subject lines

“Cold email subject line examples that boost open rates”, “Examples of cold email subject lines you should steal right away” these are the possible titles I could have chosen for this post.

In the mind of the readers, headlines/ titles subtly shift the perception of the text that follows and Influences how much they recall about it afterward.

Subject lines play the same role when you want your prospects to read your cold emails and follow-ups because coming from a rather unknown source subject line decides 2 things simultaneously –

1. Whether the email gets opened or not.

2. Sets the expectation in the mind of the reader what is to follow.

Staying on course with the title of this post, here are 25 email subject lines we used and why we used them- 

One common theme that you will find in most of these subject lines is the personalization we have done using the first name or company name of the prospect.

email subject line

Well, who does not respond when you call them by their name! 

Across campaigns, these subject lines have gotten us an average open rate of 70% 

1. @firstName, Just curious to ask

This is the subject line we use in the first email of the sequence. Instead of including the question around their pain point/need/challenge itself we intend to come across as curious creatures.

2. @firstName, Quick question

Another subject line for the first email. No BS approach, short and crisp, quickly tells the reader there is a question that follows once they open. Leaves them a bit curious to know what do we want to ask them.  

3. @firstname, Just curious to share and ask

4. List of recently funded startups for sales targeting

We use this subject line when we want to start off by sharing helpful content with the prospect and in the process ask them a question. 

5. @firstName, Need more productivity in Sales?

6. Can we help @companyName with B2B leads?

Instead of asking the question in the message these subject lines increase personalization by including their need/challenge/pain point as a question.  

7. @firstName, We are connected on Linkedin

8. @firstName, Thanks for accepting my LinkedIn request

These subject lines leverage familiarity around being socially connected. In case your request is not accepted yet, they might search you on LinkedIn, get to know a bit more, accept your request and check the email. 

You can always mention that the request is hitch-hiking its way across the web.

9. Quick – Can we talk?

10. @firstName, Can we talk?

We use these subject lines in the second or third follow up. Since they have already received communication from our side. Subject lines go straight to the point that we want to talk with them, making the decision to open or not open the email easy.

11. @companyName <> EasyLeadz

The shortest and crispiest subject line catches the attention of the prospect by mentioning their company’s name. Mentioning your company’s name just makes them wonder what you have in store for them.

12. @firstName, You checked my website.

All of us visit different websites every day, this subject line takes advantage of the event and starts as a warm introduction.

13. Looking for a sales contact in @companyName

14. @firstName, Can you point me in the right direction?

We use them as follow up email subject lines, but can also be used as first email subject lines. Intended to nudge the prospect towards connecting with the right person in their team, useful in cases where you are not sure if the intended recipient is the right decision-maker.  

15. @firstName, @companyName is hiring for corporate sales.

Used when we target prospects at companies who are hiring for sales roles. Uses the event of new job hiring to pique the reader’s interest.

16. @firstName, most boring e-mail you are going to read today.

This is a whacky one we tried to stand out and get attention.

17. @firstName, your colleague asked me to contact you.

References work most of the time and when the reference comes from your colleague it gets even more attention.

18. @firstName, looks like you have sufficient B2B leads

Goes as the subject line in one of the follow-ups, instead of asking need more leads? tries to generate interest by making the reader whether they actually have sufficient leads. Everyone wants more!

19. Confirming next week’s meeting

When received, reads as if only meeting confirmation is pending. No one wants to confirm a meeting without knowing the agenda (in the mail).

20. Did I lose you?

21. @firstName, What went wrong?

22. Am I assuming correctly?

Used in follow up emails, these subject lines try to bring back prospects attention to your message.

23. @firstName, If I can be honest

Everyone like honesty and wants to read what an honest person has to say.

24. Before I say Goodbye

25. Goodbye from EasyLeadz

These are subject lines are used for the break up emails or the last ones. If your prospect has not taken notice yet, a good break up email is the perfect opportunity. No one likes breaking up! 

If you have come this far then I have to assume I chose the right title for this post.

Here is what to do next

1. Tell us what is the best subject line you have used or came across.

2. In case you are interested read How to write better follow up emails