
How to automate follow up emails & increase b2b leads

Lead generation is hard for several reasons. One of them is not having a proper follow up email strategy. Most of the sales people send one email to their prospect and then expect them to reply.

It is said by several experts including Harward Business Review that a good follow up email sequence includes around 7-9 email touch to a prospect and that’s when salespeople get the most of the responses.

Why is having a sales follow up sequence so relevant?

When you send a cold email to a prospect then its said as per your timing and this do not include factors that are out of your control like:

  • your prospect is travelling
  • your prospect is working on something really important and they have not checked your email
  • your prospect is on vacations

Now lets say you send one email to your prospect and wait for them to respond you back. If they fall into any of the above criterions then chances are your email went into ignore zone.

Now let’s say you have sent one email and waited for 3-4 days and sent another follow up email. This time, your prospect was available and had some time to check your email.

Your chance of getting a response have increased a lot in this case.

How to create a follow up email sequence?

The reason why most people do not send follow up emails is because they have to keep a track of it manually and do not get time to track which of your prospect have replied you back and who have not.

By using a reply tracking and automated email sender tool, you can get rid of this problem completely.

There are several tools which can help you in automating your email follow ups:

EasyLeadz has an integrated sales follow up email sequence manager which can track which of your prospects have replied you on the first email. Once they reply, it will stop sending them further emails. If they do no reply on the first email then it will automatically send them a follow up email after 2-3 days of interval.

You can add as many as follow up emails as you want and set interval gap.

Follow up email campaign dashboard

In order to create a follow up email sequence you will have to create a good cold email template including follow up emails.

Having a good email copy improves your chances of getting responses.

Another critical factor that needs to be considered is email subject lines.

Email personalisation

Once you have your email templates ready including follow up sequences then you can setup all your emails in either Easyleadz or any other tool of your choice.

Using a proper follow up email sequence will improve your response rates by atleast 30-40% if not higher.

Once you have setup your email campaign then you can monitor its open rates, response rates and also work on improving your email deliverability.

B2b Sales

Cold Emails

Email Automation

Sales Automation