How To Find Someone’s Email Address By Phone Number

Email addresses are the key to a successful marketing campaign. While it’s easy to create an email list for your business, it can be more difficult to find the right people who would actually be interested in your product or service. This is where phone numbers come into play! As you can find someone’s email address just by phone number.

It’s true, if you have a prospect’s phone number, then you can search for their email address and start pitching them.

So, let’s get started.

Find Email Addresses By Phone Number

Here are some tips to find email addresses by phone number:

EasyLeadz – Email and Contact Finder

EasyLeadz, the B2B contact data provider, is a perfect way to find someone’s email address by phone number. It provides a great tool known as “Mr.E by EasyLeadz” to find the phone number and email address of anyone. It is the easiest method to find B2B contact numbers with just a single click.

Currently, the chrome extension, Mr. E by EasyLeadz which provides the direct contact numbers of decision-makers is used by over 40,000+ sales marketing and recruitment professionals worldwide.

You can easily find direct contact numbers of professionals along with their email ids while browsing their Social Media Profiles.

To use the tool Mr.E for finding email addresses by phone number, sign up here.

Check Out Contact and About Us Pages

When you’re trying to find an email address for someone, sometimes it’s not as easy as looking in your phone contacts. There are a few places you can check, though. The first one recommend is the contact page on the company website.

If someone has a business and obviously wants to be contacted. They’re probably going to put their email address there, or at least a general email address that can be forwarded to the person you want to reach (which is sometimes enough information by itself).

Next up is the About Us section of a website. Most people have one somewhere on their site. If they don’t, they may have a Facebook page or something similar that will have at least some basic contact information for them. You can also try searching for “Contact Us” on any social media platform. Most of those pages have a way to send an email directly to the business owner.

Reach out on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking site. It’s a great place to find people’s email addresses and reach out to them with your resume or business proposal. You can usually find it by clicking on their name and then the “View Profile” button.

You can also use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for an advanced search to find someone’s email address.

Use Twitter

Sometimes, people add their email addresses in their Twitter bio or tweets. But they try to hide them from bots by using “dot” and “at” instead of “.” and “@”.

You can use Twitter Advanced Search to find your prospect’s tweets for “at” and “dot”. Try to include words like “email”, “contact”, or “reach” to better filter the results.

Once you have a phone number, you can easily find out the person’s email address using the tips we’ve listed above.

Hope this helps you out!!

Contact Database Finder

Find Email Addresses By Phone Number

Find Email Id By Phone Number

How To Find Email Id By Phone Number

Find Director Contacts for Private Limited Companies in India with Easyleadz

There are over 20 lakh private limited companies in India. Most of them are mid-sized companies and SMEs. It’s super hard to find the director contacts for private limited companies in India.

But, we are here to solve this challenging task for you.

How many times have you had to find contact information for directors of a company, but only knew the company name?

Still counting!


As Easyleadz helps you to find the direct contacts for private limited companies in India with just their name.

Easyleadz is an online platform that enables access to the Director Contacts of Private Limited Companies in the country. It provides a comprehensive list that includes name, designation, email ID, and postal address.

Easyleadz recently launched an update in its tool, Mr. E, which allows everyone to find Directors’ contacts region-wise or by company category.

If you are into sales, marketing or even starting your own business and need some contact information to pitch something – this will help you more than anything else out there! As with such robust up-to-date information available at your fingertips, success is near 🙂

When sharing about this updated feature with people on social media platforms, one person commented “Finally something easy!”.

We have a large database of directors’ contacts for private limited companies in India, and we can help you find the information you need.

Our contact finder tool is used by over 100,000+ businesses globally including Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, OYO, UBER, Amazon and so many more. We’re confident that you’ll find it to be an invaluable resource in your business endeavors.

To Find The Director Contacts for Private Limited Companies in India:

1) Go to our website. Sign up for a free account and install our powerful contact finder tool Mr. E by EasyLeadz.

This will give you access to our tool Mr. E, a chrome extension that works on Linkedin and other websites mentioned below to find contact numbers.

2) Now visit any of these websites:




Let’s take the example of Zaubacorp further.

3) In the search bar, type any company name. This will bring up a list of results for you to choose from. Select the one that best suits your needs.

4) While on the company, open our contact finder extension and you will notice the list of directors appearing in the tool.

5) Just click on any of the directors to view their contact numbers and you will have the contact number of the director of the particular private limited company.

It’s that simple.

Now let me answer few of the basic questions you may have about Zaubacorp and the directors’ information of private limited companies.

Who is the owner of Zauba Corp?

Zauba Corp is a privately owned company and it’s founded by Mansoor Ahmed who is also the founder of This product is for Sales, Marketers, Founders, and Business Analysts to measure different sales & marketing efforts using data about people’s interactions with the business through their website or application.

How can I get the financials of a private company in India?

Many private companies do not release their data, and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs only allows some access via online filings.

Fortunately, firms like Zaubacorp provide exhaustive search options to quickly break down information by year and over time. Moreover, Tofler also provides thorough information on market climate with a robust set of analytics tools that can be used to track companies anonymously and uncover trends through customizable filters.

How do I find complete company information?

Some company information is easily available for any type of business. We at EasyLeadz have put together some guidelines to help you find the perfect one.

Let’s say, you are looking for your desired company data in New Delhi and it has a website or social media page, then use our services because we can offer their contact numbers, etc., other than that if its finding their financial information then check out LinkedIn with MCA (Ministry of corporate affairs) and Zaubacorp.

Do private companies have financial statements?

Yes, a private company is no exception. All potential buyers, investors, or other creditors are able to see a company’s whole financial picture by viewing its documents on the MCA website for a fee.

This product will help marketers understand if that client’s target market matches their own and offer solutions accordingly. For example, if you sell fitness equipment your target audience might not be people who like to play video games but rather those who enjoy outdoor activities like biking or running.

These insights could help future buzz marketing campaigns to run more smoothly because they would know where they should focus their resources in order to reach consumers with similar interests as themselves instead of trying certain techniques just “in hopes” it works out well.

How do I find the revenue of a private company?

Find the revenue of a private company nowadays can become quite difficult. In fact, it is almost impossible to find out the exact number if nothing has been shared by them. However, there are two main approaches that you can take in order to get some information related to their sales and such.

You can either look at news articles where the company has announced it or anyone who has published it and for those who are looking for more information on this topic thinks about getting their balance sheet documents through the Ministry website or websites like Zaubacorp.

That’s all from our side, if you need further help contact us on our email at

B2b Contact Data

B2b Contacts

Contact Database Finder

Director Contacts


Private Companies Data


Zauba Corp

6 Business Ideas For Young Entrepreneurs (In India)

A kid can run a business. Happens all the time. And here’s something that may be a shocker for you – your kid can probably run a business too. Now you may be saying, “Look, Mike. My kids are busy with school and sports. They’re well taken care of, buddy. I’m not gonna burden them with the task of running a business in addition to everything else. As long as my kid gets into Cal Tech. . .” Uh-huh.

 All things considered, think briefly about the sorts of propensities and abilities one would need to develop to maintain a business. Take critical thinking abilities, for instance. Great organizations are birthed from smart thoughts – imaginative approaches to tackle an issue on the lookout, regardless of whether that is giving invigorating beverages to parched voyagers along Route 56, cleaning yards for occupied two-pay families, or Smart Phone Demystification Services for void nesters. 

Entrepreneurs likewise need to design, oversee and adapt their time. They need to create methodologies and fabricate connections to assist them with getting the best hotspots for their items and give the most obvious opportunity with regards to producing positive informal exposure. Entrepreneurs should keep a feeling of responsibility. They need to create quality merchandise and enterprises reliably. 

No reasons. To sell, you need to convey a specific degree of trust in yourself and your item. So we have the critical thinking, arranging and the board, vital reasoning, relationship with the executives, responsibility, relational abilities, self-assurance. A child with that range of abilities can think of her own ticket throughout everyday life. 

Succession planning means having a plan in place for when your key employees leave. While it may seem premature, the ideal time to start succession planning is when your key employees are still working for you. This process may seem intimidating, but with the right steps, the process can be accomplished with relative ease. Use the advice below to start creating your personal succession plan. Here are the List of Information Technology (IT) Companies in India in case you want to about the industry in deep and also want to connect.

I have listed few business ideas specially for our young generation entrepreneurs, who are passionate about their dreams and want to do unique things. 

1. Future in E-commerce 

E-commerce business is a consistently developing industry. On the off chance that you need to begin an online store business, it’s fundamental to know explicit rules on the best way to sell on the web. 

You could sell your own items, retail different items, or assemble online stores for different organizations. Youthful business visionaries will in general succeed with regards to E-trade.

  1. Handmade gifts 
  2. Baking
  3. Jewelry
  4. Fashion

These are few e-commerce sites that you can go for with less funding and without much hustle but the only thing which you have to keep in mind is knowledge and guidance. There is a list of E-commerce Companies in Mumbai you can watch and know a little more about them.

2. Interested in Coding

This is a field with dramatic development and popularity. Furthermore, it’s truly productive. 

A few organizations will most likely be unable to recruit you for all time, however just for explicit ventures. This permits you to work for various organizations consistently or join a group of designers with work over-burden that may require your administrations. 

Programming advancement offers energizing chances that will assist you with developing. Developing an app/website is that easy but can make a huge difference if done correctly, you can make apps that provide a company database or contact finder app/ website, anything like that, or the app/ website which you can handle. 

3. Passionate about cooking

On the off chance that a capable expert cook doesn’t extravagant trudging it out at a café or food truck business, there is another option – cookery classes. This is a remarkable pattern that is getting on among metropolitan families in India as something that couples do together and make something that is tasty yet solid. 

Also, it is even conceivable to do these classes both face to face and on the web, or one could make a video blog showing others the complexities of culinary abilities. The degree to grow and adapt from potential market sections that one probably won’t have the option to arrive at in any case expands complex by exploiting the online course. Have a look at the Top FMCG companies in India for more reference.

4. Go for Photography 

Sometimes, your interest can make you bring in cash, you simply need to invest some additional energy in your leisure activity to make it a calling and further into a business. Photography is one of those leisure activities turned calling. Better the camera will be, advanced the photos it will catch. Rest everything in your exactness and expertise of taking pictures that will make you a decent photographic artist. Initially, you have to become a pro then only you can start earning. 

5. Event Planner

Numerous Event Planners begin telecommuting. This can be an incredible model for setting up an occasion arranging business as it holds overheads down in those basic beginning phases of exchanging and can boost profitability. Numerous other Event Planners, Wedding Planning, and Freelance Event Managers report the equivalent and think that it’s a serviceable answer for them – either for the short or the long haul. 

Others simply don’t appear to be ready to envision the real factors of working from a headquarters and I have been tested and offended in equivalent measures by individuals attempting to comprehend the complexities of telecommuting!

6. Online Classes

Exchange of knowledge can make every person educated and that’s what teachers do, they teach you what they are best at. Learning can never end at any stage if you love to educate people which can help people in the future as well as on a daily basis, you must go on without even giving it a second thought. 

Nowadays learning from the comfort of your home becomes the most reliable option to go for. Online classes can be of any time like tuition classes for kids, cooking classes, dance classes, music classes, and many more like this.


The above mentioned are some of the selective ideas once you step out of the comfort zone then you will realize that you can do anything (only if you are interested). Every business idea I unique in its own way dig a little deeper into the option you are choosing so that you won’t regret it later. 

Contact Database Finder

E-commerce Companies In India

FMCG Companies In India

IT Company In India