Articles written by admin


How To Generate Qualified Sales Leads

Generating qualified sales leads is an essential part of running a successful business. In order to generate qualified leads, you need to understand who your target audience is, what their needs and pain points are, and how your product or service can help solve their problems.

Here are some tips to help you generate qualified sales leads:

Identify your target audience:

The first step in generating qualified sales leads is to identify who your target audience is. This should be based on factors such as demographics, interests, and pain points.

For example, if you sell home security systems, your target audience might be homeowners who are concerned about the safety of their families and property.

Create a compelling offer:

Once you have identified your target audience, you need to create an offer that will be compelling to them. This could be a discount on your product or service, a free trial, or a valuable piece of content that will help solve their problem.

Whatever your offer is, make sure it is relevant and valuable to your target audience.

Use social media:

Social media like LinkedIn is a powerful tool for generating qualified sales leads. By sharing valuable content, engaging with your followers, and running targeted ads, you can reach a large number of potential leads and start building relationships with them.

Network and attend events:

Networking and attending events is another effective way to generate qualified sales leads. By attending industry events and networking with other professionals, you can learn more about your target audience, identify potential leads, and start building relationships with them.

Optimize your website:

Your website is often the first point of contact that potential leads will have with your business. Make sure your website is optimized for lead generation by including clear calls to action, a strong value proposition, and contact forms that make it easy for potential leads to get in touch with you.

Use email marketing:

Email marketing is a powerful tool for generating qualified sales leads. By sending targeted, personalized emails to your audience, you can nurture leads, build relationships, and ultimately convert them into customers.

Track and analyze your results:

Finally, it’s important to track and analyze the results of your lead generation efforts. This will help you understand what’s working and what’s not, and improve your results over time.

Final Thoughts!!

By following these tips, you can generate qualified sales leads and start growing your business. Keep experimenting, testing, and refining your approach to find what works best for your business.

By understanding their target audience, creating compelling offers, using social media and other tools, and tracking and analyzing their results, businesses can generate qualified leads and convert them into customers.

Generate Sales Leads

High-quality B2B Leads

How To Generate Leads

Lead Generation

Qualified Leads

Sales Leads


5 Effective Ways to Generate Leads for Your SaaS Business

To Generate leads for a SaaS (Software as a Service) business can be a challenging task. But it is an essential part of growing and scaling the business. SaaS businesses typically rely on a subscription model, where customers pay a recurring fee to use the software.

In order to generate leads, SaaS businesses need to effectively showcase the benefits of their software and convince potential customers to sign up for a free demo.

How To Generate Leads For SaaS?

Here are some simple and effective ways to generate leads for your SaaS business:

Create a website: 

Having a professional and user-friendly website is crucial for generating leads for your SaaS business. Your website should clearly explain what your SaaS does, its features, and how it can benefit potential customers. It should also include a CTA that encourages visitors to sign up for a free demo.

Use social media: 

Social media platforms can be a powerful tool for generating leads for your SaaS business. Use LinkedIn to showcase the features of your SaaS and engage with potential customers. You can also use paid advertising on social media to target specific audiences and drive traffic to your website.

Network and attend events: 

Networking and attending industry events can help you connect with potential customers and generate leads for your SaaS business. Attend conferences, meetups, and other events relevant to your SaaS.

Offer free demos:

Offering free demos of your SaaS can be an effective way to generate leads. Free trials allow potential customers to try out your SaaS and see if it meets their needs. While demos give them a personalized walkthrough of the features and benefits of your SaaS.

Use content marketing: 

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, and relevant content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

For SaaS businesses, this could include creating blog posts, videos, infographics, and other content that showcases the features of your SaaS and addresses common questions of potential customers.

Optimize for search engines: 

In order for potential customers to find your SaaS, it is important to optimize your website for search engines. This includes using keywords relevant to your SaaS and its features in your website’s content and meta tags, as well as obtaining high-quality backlinks from other websites.

This can help improve your website’s visibility in search engine results and drive more traffic to your site.

Offer incentives: 

Offering incentives, such as discounts or free upgrades, can be an effective way to generate leads for your SaaS business. For example, you could offer a discount on the first month’s subscription for new customers.

Collaborate with other businesses: 

Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your industry can be a great way to generate leads for your SaaS business. This can help introduce your SaaS to a new audience and generate leads.

Use email marketing: 

By collecting email addresses from potential customers and sending them regular newsletters or promotional emails, you can keep your SaaS top of mind and encourage them to sign up for a free demo.

Track and analyze your results: 

It is important to track and analyze your results. This can help you identify which lead generation strategies are working and which ones are not, and make adjustments as needed.

By tracking your results, you can continually improve your lead generation efforts and grow your customer base.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, generating leads for a SaaS business requires a strategic and multi-faceted approach. By creating a professional website, using social media, networking and attending events, offering free trials or demos, and using content marketing, you can effectively generate leads for your SaaS business and grow your customer base.

How To Generate Leads

How To Generate Leads For Saas

Lead Generation

Lead Generation Strategy


Maximizing Your Marketing Strategy: The Essential 7Ps

The 7Ps of marketing are a set of seven key elements that are essential for a successful marketing strategy. They are product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and process.

7Ps of Marketing:


The product is the first and most important element of the 7Ps of marketing. It is what your business is offering to customers and should be designed to meet their needs and wants.


The price of your product or service is an important element of the marketing mix. It should be set at a level that is competitive and attractive to customers, while also providing a good return on investment for your business.


Promotion is the way in which you communicate with customers and raise awareness of your product or service. This can include advertising, public relations, and personal selling.


Place refers to the location where your product or service is sold. This could be a physical store, an online platform, or a combination of both. It is important to ensure that your product is available in the right places to reach your target customers.


People are an important element of the marketing mix, as they are responsible for delivering your product or service to customers. This includes employees, as well as any third-party partners or suppliers who may be involved in the process.

Physical evidence:

Physical evidence is the tangible aspect of your product or service, such as packaging or branding. This can have a big impact on customer perception and should be carefully considered as part of your marketing strategy.


The process element of the 7Ps refers to the way in which your product or service is delivered to customers. This includes the steps involved in order fulfillment, as well as any additional services that may be offered, such as installation or after-sales support.

Overall, the 7Ps of marketing are a useful framework for thinking about the different elements that need to be considered in a successful marketing strategy. By focusing on each of these elements, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are well-planned and effective.

7Ps of Marketing – Example

For example, a clothing retailer might focus on the following:


Offer a wide range of high-quality clothing options for different occasions and demographics.


Set prices that are competitive within the market and offer regular sales and discounts.


Use social media (Instagram, LinkedIn) and email marketing to showcase new products and promote special offers.


Have a well-designed and user-friendly website for online shopping, as well as physical storefronts in strategic locations.


Train employees to provide excellent customer service and help customers find the right products.

Physical evidence:

Invest in attractive packaging and in-store displays to enhance the customer experience.


Streamline the online checkout process and offer fast and reliable shipping options.

How To Use The 7Ps Of Marketing?

To use the 7Ps of marketing effectively, businesses should follow these steps:

(1) Start by conducting market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target customers. This will help you identify the right product, price, and promotion strategies to use.

(2) Develop a detailed marketing plan that outlines your goals, target audience, and key messages. This will provide a roadmap for your marketing efforts and help you stay focused and on track.

(3) Use the 7Ps framework to evaluate your marketing strategy and identify any gaps or weaknesses. For example, if your product is not meeting customer needs, you may need to make changes to improve its design or features.

(4) Implement your marketing plan and monitor its effectiveness. Regularly review and analyze data on customer behavior, sales, and other metrics to see how well your strategy is working and make any necessary adjustments.

(5) Continuously adapt your marketing strategy to stay relevant and competitive. This may involve making changes to your product, price, promotion, or other elements of the marketing mix as market conditions and customer preferences evolve.

Key Takeaways:

(1) The 7Ps of marketing are product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, and process.

(2) These elements are essential for a successful marketing strategy and should be carefully considered and planned.

(3) To use the 7Ps effectively, businesses should conduct market research, develop a detailed marketing plan, and regularly monitor and adapt their strategy.

7Ps Of Marketing





How To Generate Leads For Consulting Business

There are several ways to generate leads for a consulting business:


Networking is a valuable way to generate leads for a consulting business because it allows you to meet potential clients in person and build relationships with them.

Attend industry events, conferences, and networking groups to meet people who might be interested in your services. Introduce yourself and your business, and be sure to follow up with any contacts you make to keep the conversation going.


Referrals are another effective way to generate leads for a consulting business. Ask your existing clients if they know anyone who might be interested in your services, and offer incentives for successful referrals, such as discounts or bonus services.

This can help you reach a wider audience and build trust with potential clients.

Online Presence:

Establishing an online presence is also important for generating leads for a consulting business. Create a professional website that showcases your services, expertise, and credentials.

Be sure to include contact information and a call to action, such as a form to request a consultation. In addition, establish a presence on social media to connect with potential clients and promote your services.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is another effective way to generate leads for a consulting business. Create valuable, informative content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics, that demonstrate your expertise in your field.

This can help attract potential clients who are interested in your services, and it can also help establish you as an authority in your industry.

Paid Advertising:

Paid advertising can also be a useful tool for generating leads for a consulting business. Invest in paid advertising, such as Google AdWords or social media ads, to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Be sure to target your ads carefully to reach potential clients who are interested in your services.


Partnerships with other businesses or organizations can also be a valuable way to generate leads for a consulting business. Look for businesses or organizations that offer complementary services and consider partnering with them to cross-promote your services.

This can help you reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Cold Outreach:

Cold outreach can also be an effective way to generate leads for a consulting business. Reach out to potential clients directly through email or phone to introduce yourself and your services. Be sure to tailor your outreach to each individual client and focus on the benefits of your services to them.

Consulting Business

Generate High-quality Leads

How To Generate Leads

Lead Generation

Lead Generation Strategy


B2B Sales Process | 5 Stages Of Every Sales Cycle

A B2B sales process is a process that a salesperson takes to successfully sell a product/service to another business.

It typically begins with identifying potential customers and establishing contact with them, followed by the presentation of a product or service and its benefits. The next step is to address any objections that the potential customer may have and to negotiate a final deal.

The B2B sales process can be a complex and challenging endeavor. But with the right approach, it can lead to long-term relationships and significant revenue for a business. Here are 5 stages of a successful B2B sales process:

Identify your target market:

In order to effectively sell to another business, you need to know who your potential customers are and what they need. This requires research and analysis of the market, as well as the development of a target customer profile.

Establish contact:

Once you have identified potential customers, the next step is to establish contact with them. This can be done through a variety of channels, such as email, phone, or social media.

You can also use Mr E by EasyLeadz, the B2B contact data provider to get the direct phone numbers of top management.

It’s important to be professional and respectful in your communication and to make a good impression on the potential customer.

Present your product or service:

The next step in the B2B sales process is to present your product or service to the potential customer. This is your opportunity to demonstrate how it can solve the customer’s problems or meet their needs.

It’s important to be prepared and to have a clear and compelling presentation.

Address concerns and objections:

During the presentation, the potential customer may have concerns or objections about your product or service. It’s important to listen carefully to these concerns and to address them in a professional and helpful manner.

This may require some additional research or clarification on your part. But it’s essential for building trust and moving the sales process forward.

Negotiate the deal:

Once you have addressed any concerns or objections, it’s time to negotiate the final deal. This is where you and the potential customer come to an agreement on the terms of the sale, including the price, payment terms, and any other conditions.

It’s important to be willing to compromise in order to reach an agreement that works for both parties.

B2B Sales Process – Example

For example, let’s say that a company sells marketing software to other businesses. In this case, the B2B sales process might look something like this:

Stage 1: Identify the target market

The company conducts research to identify businesses in the marketing industry that could benefit from their software. They develop a target customer profile that includes the size of the business, the type of marketing services they offer, and their budget for marketing software.

Stage 2: Establish contact

The company reaches out to potential customers through email, phone, or social media. They introduce themselves and their product and schedule a meeting to discuss the potential customer’s needs and how their software can help.

Stage 3: Present the product

During the meeting, the salesperson presents the marketing software to the potential customer. They demonstrate how the software can help customer manage their marketing campaigns, track the results, and generate more leads. They also answer any questions that the potential customer may have.

Stage 4: Address concerns and objections

The potential customer expresses concerns about the cost of the software and its compatibility with their existing marketing systems. The salesperson listens carefully and provides additional information and resources to address these concerns.

They also offer a discount on the initial purchase and a free trial period to help the customer make a decision.

Stage 5: Negotiate the deal

The salesperson and the potential customer discuss the terms of the sale that the company can provide. They come to an agreement and the salesperson closes the deal.

In this scenario, the B2B sales process helped the company identify a potential customer, establish contact, present their product, address concerns and objections, and negotiate a successful deal. This process can be applied to any business that sells products or services to other businesses.

In conclusion, a successful B2B sales process requires a combination of market research, effective communication, and negotiation skills. By following these steps, a salesperson can build relationships with potential customers and generate significant revenue for their business.

B2b Sales

B2b Sales Process

B2b Sales Stages

Sales Cycle


Maximizing Your LinkedIn Presence: A Guide to Generating Sales Leads

As a business owner or sales professional, it’s crucial to constantly be on the lookout for new ways to generate sales leads. One platform that can help you achieve this goal is LinkedIn.

With over 660 million users, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site. It offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses looking to connect with potential customers.

In this blog, you will explore how to use LinkedIn to generate sales leads, including tips and best practices for leveraging LinkedIn’s features and tools.

Whether you’re new to LinkedIn or have been using the platform for years, this guide will help you take your lead generation efforts to the next level.

Optimize Your Profile

One of the first steps to generating sales leads on LinkedIn is to make sure that your profile is fully optimized. It showcases your expertise and value proposition.

This includes ensuring that you have a professional-looking profile picture, a compelling headline that summarizes what you do and what sets you apart, and a detailed summary that highlights your experience, skills, and accomplishments.

You should also make sure to include relevant keywords in your profile. As this will make it easier for potential leads to find you when searching for someone with your expertise.

For example, let’s say you’re a marketing consultant who specializes in helping small businesses improve their online presence. Some keywords you might want to include in your profile are “marketing consultant,” “small business,” and “online presence.”

This will make it more likely that potential leads who are searching for a marketing consultant will come across your profile.

Locate Potential Prospects

Once you have optimized your profile, the next step is to start locating potential prospects and building connections with them. There are several ways to do this on LinkedIn, including using the platform’s search tools.

You can find people with titles, industries, and locations that align with your target market, joining relevant groups and participating in discussions. You can also use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters to find people who fit specific criteria.

For example, let’s say you’re a sales representative for a software company that sells project management tools to businesses. You could use LinkedIn’s search tools to find people with the titles of a project manager or CEO in companies that are in your target industries, such as marketing agencies or construction firms.

Alternatively, you could use LinkedIn’s advanced search filters to find people who have certain experiences that make them potential leads for your software.

Monitor Your Profile Views

It’s important to monitor your profile views to see who is looking at your profile and why. This information can provide valuable insights into who is interested in your business and can help you tailor your approach.

For example, let’s say you notice that several potential leads from a particular industry have been viewing your profile recently. You can use this information to tailor your messaging to better resonate with potential leads from that industry.

Make Use of LinkedIn’s Tools

LinkedIn offers a variety of tools and features that can help you generate sales leads on the platform. Some of these tools include LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Live, and LinkedIn Ads.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid subscription service that provides advanced search and filtering tools, lead recommendations, and the ability to save and organize leads. This can be a valuable tool for sales professionals who are looking to identify potential leads on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Live is a feature that allows users to host live video streams on the platform. This can be a great way to connect with potential leads.

LinkedIn Ads is a paid advertising platform that allows businesses to target specific audiences with sponsored content and ads. It allows you to reach potential leads who are most likely to be interested in your business.

Join Group Conversations

Another effective way to generate sales leads on LinkedIn is to join relevant groups and participate in discussions and conversations. This can help to attract potential leads who are interested in what you have to offer and are more likely to become customers.

To find groups to join, you can use LinkedIn’s search tools to search for groups related to your industry, interests, or location.

Once you find a group that you’d like to join, you can request to join and participate in discussions by posting comments, answering questions, or starting your own discussions.

Create Relevant Content for Your Group

You can also create your own content to share with the group and attract potential leads. This could include blog posts, articles, or videos, that provide valuable information to group members.

To create content for your group, you can start by identifying topics that are relevant to your industry. You can then create content that addresses these topics in a way that is informative, and engaging to group members.

For example, let’s say you’re a real estate agent who wants to attract potential leads. You could create a blog post that provides tips for first-time home buyers, and share it in relevant groups.

Your post could cover topics such as how to find the right property, how to negotiate a good deal, etc. By sharing this content in the group, you can attract potential leads to your business.

Use LinkedIn Ads To Generate Leads

LinkedIn offers several advertising options that can help you reach your target audience and generate sales leads.

One way to use LinkedIn Ads to generate leads is to create sponsored content ads. These are ads that appear in the feeds of LinkedIn users who are part of your target audience.

It includes a CTA that encourages users to click through to a landing page on your website, where they can enter their contact information and become leads.

Another way to generate sales leads with LinkedIn Ads is to use lead generation forms. These are ads that include a form where LinkedIn users can enter their contact information directly within the ad. This can be an effective way to capture lead information without requiring users to click on your website.

Generate High-quality Leads

How To Generate Leads

Lead Generation


LinkedIn Sales Navigator


How To Generate Sales Leads Without Cold Calling

Are you tired of cold calling but still want to generate sales leads for your business? Here are some effective ways to do it.

If you want to grow your business without making cold calls, read on for some useful tips. In this blog, we will show you how to generate sales leads without resorting to cold calling.

You don’t need to make cold calls to generate sales leads. Here’s how to do it without them.

Cold calling isn’t the only way to generate sales leads. Here are some alternatives that work.

Save Time With Cold Emailing

One effective way to generate sales leads without cold calling is through cold emailing. Cold emailing is the process of sending emails to potential customers who have not previously expressed interest in your products or services.

This can be a time-saving and cost-effective way to reach out to potential customers and introduce them to your business.

You need to have a well-written and targeted email that clearly explains the benefits of your products or services. And how they can solve the recipient’s problems or meet their needs.

You should include a call to action that encourages the recipient to take the next step, like visiting your website.

In short, cold emailing can be a valuable addition to your sales lead generation strategy. It allows you to reach out to potential customers without spending a lot of time on the phone.

Use Content Marketing

Another way to generate sales leads without cold calling is through content marketing. Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable, and relevant, and content to attract a clearly defined audience.

This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and other types of content that provide value to your potential customers. It helps to establish your business as a thought leader in your industry.

You need to have a clear content marketing strategy that defines your target audience, the type of content you will create, and the channels you will use to share your content.

You should also have a plan for promoting your content and measuring its effectiveness. So you can continuously improve and refine your content marketing efforts.

Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is the process of promoting your products or services through recommendations and referrals from satisfied customers.

By encouraging your existing customers to refer their friends, family, and colleagues to your business, you can expand your customer base.

To encourage referrals, you should make it easy for your customers to refer others to your business. This can include providing them with referral cards, referral links, or referral codes that they can share with their contacts.

You can also ask your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and ratings on your website and social media pages. This can help to attract new customers and generate referrals.

Meet Qualified Prospects By Attending Events

By attending relevant events such as conferences, trade shows, workshops, and networking events, you can meet potential customers who are interested in your products or services and are already looking for solutions to their problems.

You need to do your research and select the events that are most relevant to your target audience and industry.

At the event, you should also have a clear plan for engaging with potential customers and collecting their contact information. This can include offering free samples or demos of your products, conducting surveys or polls, or holding raffles or contests.

You should also have a follow-up plan in place, to continue the conversation with potential customers after the event and nurture them towards a sale.

Build Your Brand With Social Selling

Social selling is the process of using social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with potential customers and build relationships with them.

By using social selling, you can reach out to potential customers who are interested in your products or services and are already engaging with your brand on social media.

To use social selling to generate sales leads, you should focus on building a strong and professional profile on LinkedIn. This can include completing your profile, connecting with potential customers and influencers in your industry, and sharing valuable content that showcases your expertise and attracts the attention of potential customers.

Have A Presence In Directories

Online directories are websites that list businesses in a specific category or industry. It allows users to search for businesses based on location, services offered, or other criteria. By having a presence in online directories, you can make it easier for potential customers to find your business and learn more about your products or services.

To maximize the effectiveness of online directories, you should optimize your listings for search engines. You can include keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business and are commonly used by potential customers when searching for businesses like yours.

You can use paid advertising on online directories to increase the visibility of your listings and reach more potential customers.

Convert Your Audience Into Customers With Lead Nurturing

Once you have generated a list of potential sales leads, the next step is to convert those leads into paying customers. This is where lead nurturing comes into play.

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with potential customers and providing them with valuable information and resources that help them to make an informed purchasing decision.

By nurturing your leads, you can turn them into loyal and satisfied customers who are more likely to make a purchase and refer others to your business.

To nurture your leads, you should use email marketing to provide them with regular updates and valuable information.

You can also use automation tools to help you manage and personalize your communications with leads, so you can provide them with the right information at the right time.

Cold Calling

Generate Sales Leads

Lead Generation

Lead Generation Strategy


Tips for Generating High-Quality B2B Leads for Free

Generating high-quality B2B leads is essential for manufacturing companies. These leads can help these companies build relationships with potential customers and eventually increase their sales.

In this post, we will explore how manufacturing companies can generate high-quality B2B leads for free using inbound marketing techniques. We will also provide some examples and industry statistics to support our advice.

Read About | Top 200 Manufacturing Companies In India

Tips for Generating High-Quality B2B Leads for Free

(1) Create Educational Content

Manufacturing companies often have complex products, which can be difficult for potential customers to understand. By creating educational content, such as blog posts, ebooks, and videos, you can help potential customers learn more about your products and their benefits.

This will not only help you generate leads, but it will also position you as a thought leader in your industry.

(2) Optimize Your Website For Lead Generation

Your website is one of your most important marketing tools. So it’s important to make sure it’s optimized for lead generation. This means including clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on your website, such as buttons or forms that encourage visitors to take specific actions, such as subscribing to your email list or requesting a product demonstration.

You should also make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as these factors can affect how likely visitors are to convert into leads.

(3) Use Social Media To Promote Your Content

Social media can be a powerful tool for generating leads, but it’s important to use it strategically. Instead of just promoting your products or services, focus on sharing educational content that will be valuable to your target audience.

This will further help you build relationships with potential customers and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

(4) Offer Free Resources

Another effective way to generate leads is by offering free resources (such as templates or guides) that your target audience will find valuable. For example, you could create a guide that helps manufacturers choose the right materials for their products, or a template that helps them create a production schedule.

By offering these resources for free, you can attract potential customers. And collect their contact information, which you can use to nurture them into leads.

(5) Collaborate With Other Companies

Collaborate with other companies or industry experts. In fact, collaborating with other companies or industry experts can be a great way to generate leads and build your reputation.

For example, you could co-author a blog post or create a webinar with another company that complements your products or services. This will not only help you generate leads, but it will also help you reach a wider audience and establish yourself as an industry leader.

Examples of Successful Inbound Marketing for Manufacturing Companies

Here are a few examples of manufacturing companies that have successfully used inbound marketing to generate high-quality B2B leads:

XYZ Manufacturing:

XYZ Manufacturing is a company that produces custom-made industrial machinery. They used inbound marketing to create a series of blog posts that explain the different types of machinery they offer and the benefits of each one.

Moreover, these posts attracted a lot of traffic to their website. As a result, many of the visitors filled out a form to request more information or a product demonstration.

ABC Components:

ABC Components is a company that supplies specialized parts to other manufacturers. They used inbound marketing to create a guide that helps manufacturers choose the right materials for their products.

This guide was shared widely on social media, and many of the people who downloaded it became leads for ABC Components.

DEF Products:

DEF Products is a company that produces high-quality adhesives for the manufacturing industry. They used inbound marketing to create a series of videos that demonstrate the different uses of their adhesives and the benefits of using them.

These videos were shared on the company’s website and social media channels, and they generated a lot of leads for DEF Products.

Research Statistics & Industry Trends

Here are some research statistics and industry trends that support the use of inbound marketing for generating high-quality B2B leads:

(1) According to a survey by Hubspot, inbound marketing costs 62% less per lead than traditional outbound marketing methods.

(2) The same survey found that inbound marketing generates 54% more leads than traditional outbound marketing.

(3) A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that 73% of manufacturing companies use content marketing to generate leads.

(4) The manufacturing industry is expected to continue growing in the coming years, with global manufacturing output forecast to reach $15.5 trillion by 2030.

Top Tools for Generating High-Quality B2B Leads for Free

Here are some of the top tools that can help manufacturing companies generate high-quality B2B leads for free:


Hubspot is a comprehensive marketing platform. It includes tools for creating and promoting content, optimizing your website for lead generation, and managing your email list.


LinkedIn is a social media platform specifically for professionals, making it a great place to connect with potential customers and promote your content. It also offers paid advertising options for businesses that want to reach a wider audience.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track the performance of your website and see how visitors are interacting with it. This can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your website for lead generation.

Wrapping Up!!

In conclusion, manufacturing companies can generate high-quality B2B leads for free by using inbound marketing techniques. For example, creating educational content, optimizing their website for lead generation, and using social media to their content.

By implementing these strategies and using the right tools, manufacturing companies can build relationships with potential customers and increase their sales.

B2B Lead Generation

Generate High-quality Leads

Generating High-quality B2B Leads For Free

High-quality B2B Leads

Inbound Leads

Inbound Marketing

Lead Generation

Manufacturing Companies


5 Different Types Of Decision-Makers in Sales

Decision-Makers in Sales: A decision maker can be a person or a bunch of individuals who determines various aspects of sales knowing about the risks and outcome of their decision for their business.

A decision is a pivotal point when it comes to sales. Many people consider sales a hard nut to crack but only one good decision keeping all aspects of your business in mind can do wonders.

“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision” by Peter F.Drucer.

Decision Makers in Sales

In this article, we will discuss 5 key Decision Makers in Sales that you should be aware of:

The initiator
The influencer
The decider
The buyer
The user

The initiator

A person who determines to start the buying process is known as an Initiator.

This is typically a Director who is assigned by their CIO/CTO or CFO with putting together current business challenges and getting a feel for the undertaking architecture to create requirements for a software purchase.

The influencer

A person who tries to convince others that they require the product is known as an Influencer.

This is generally an end user in a company. It can be a member of the sales team, or an individual in the legal counsel, who understands the inefficiencies with their procedures since they interchange with it as part of their daily regime.

The decider

A person who makes the final decision to purchase is known as the decider.

This is probably the most crucial person in the sales process to have on your side. It can be the initiator, who spends time evaluating vendors and narrowing it down to one. It can also be the Owner of a department whose team will be using the software.

The buyer

The buyer is a person who is going to write you the check.

It is always a C-Level Executive. The buyer always trusts the decider to make the best decision for the overall business. Once they select their vendor of choice, who has done their due diligence, and can provide evidence to back up the suggestion, they will sign off on the purchase.

The user

The user is the person who ends up using your product.

When the software has been bought, you must ensure user adoption, so that the individuals appreciate the new solution. The user can convince friends in other companies of the success of their product, creating the engine that drives the need and starts this whole process all over again.

How To Reach The Right Decision-Maker

While collecting data for prospecting at the very first stage, you must identify the right decision-maker at the company who can make the best decisions. Because there are different decision-making styles and different types of decisions at the business level.

Which can be anything from organizational, operational, financial, purchasing, etc. So choose the best Decision Maker from your team.

Follow the steps to discover the decision-maker in a company for sales:

Step 1: Find the decision-maker whom you want to target

You should select the best person to make decisions that will allow you to adapt your approach to speak to their decision-making style. Providing the details they need to make a decision in your favor will verdict in a better close rate.

Step 2: Find the contact information

You can find the direct phone numbers of top decision-makers in the companies with the help of the Mr. E tool by EasyLeadz. EasyLeadz, the B2B contact data provider is your all-in-one prospecting solution to reach out to the top management of the companies.

These above-stated 5 Different Types Of Decision-Makers in Sales will definitely help you to pick the right decision-makers who can give a big shot at your sales goals. Once you find the right decision makers then don’t forget to use the Mr. E tool by EasyLeadz for reaching out to them and hit your sales target.

B2b Sales


Types Of Decision-makers